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Warp wrote:
So the original problem could be made slightly "harder" by phrasing it as: "Prove that every natural number can be written as the sum of unique, non-consecutive fibonacci numbers."
Not really, not for my method of proof at least. Just replace this line: K = F(n) + k, where k < F(n) with this line: K = F(n) + k, where k < F(n-1) (which still follows from F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2)), and the rest of the proof is the same. What might be harder is proving that such a summation is, in fact, unique, ie there is exactly one way of expressing any integer as the sum of non-consecutive Fibonacci numbers. I have a feeling this would be the case for some reason but I can't prove it.
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^"No glitched warps" means you are not allowed to warp by means of a glitch (that is, by any means other than Fly, Dig, Teleport, Escape Rope, blacking out or running down the Safari Zone timer). It was renamed from "no memory corruption" when someone pointed out that trainer-fly and other techniques used in the branch were, in fact, a light form of memory corruption themselves, and hence the branch wasn't sticking to its own rules.
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Man I just stumbled across this thread in Chamale's signature. Hyper Princess Pitch will never be beaten I feel. Anyone know the kills per minute in that movie?
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To try and clarify rhebus's reasoning: Assume that all numbers less than F(n), the nth Fibonacci number, are the sum of distinct Fibonacci numbers. Now, this is also true for all numbers less than F(n+1), because all numbers K in the range F(n) < K < F(n+1) can be written as K = F(n) + k, where k < F(n) (which follows from the fact that each Fibonacci number is the sum of the last two), and hence since k is the sum of distinct Fibonacci numbers, so is K. Hence if all numbers < F(n) are the sum of distinct Fibonacci numbers then the same is true for numbers < F(n+1). Hence all we need to do is verify this for the case n=1 (which is trivial) and the proof is complete.
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FractalFusion wrote:
TPP is victorious. Finally after 16 days and 7 hours.
Woot. Crack open the internet champagne.
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When activating Trainer-Fly in Viridian Forest, wouldn't it be more efficient to black out against a wild Pokemon that already has the appropriate Special stat? It would save you an encounter. Also, what do you mean "after you finish River City Ransom"? Was there an improvement to the TAS that just got published?
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Some time over the past couple of days this stream exceeded the total playtime I invested into my Red cartridge.
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Nice! Knowing this game, there's almost certainly a way of getting arbitrary code execution out of this.
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Cheers for the info... Right so t-fly removes the last unskippable object encountered before a trainer battle is fought. If you are teleporting back to Cerulean to get the Bicycle quickly, that means you have to have picked up the hidden Rare Candy in Cerulean and whichever item in the underground path is considered the "one removable object" beforehand, so they don't become the last skippable object you encounter. Which is a little annoying to say the least. But still, if you do that you can then complete the trainer-fly by fighting a trainer on Route 6, and that will remove Snorlax. Actually, the "one removable object" in Cerulean is probably the Rocket guard which disappears anyway, so that's not an issue. EDIT: scratch that. From the game resources, "if this item has already been removed, there is no effect". So you can't remove Snorlax if you warp back to Cerulean because you will pass other removable objects on the way, and you can't ignore these even if you've already picked them up. I'm sure other people worked this out years ago...
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It's Sod's Law that you can get all the Poison-type third-stage Pokemon early game, when those are precisely the ones that prevent WtW abuse. So to clarify, Snorlax doesn't disappear if you cancel a Trainer-Fly by saving and resetting? Just when I thought I'd actually had a good idea for once... Also someone should update the Pokemon Game Resources page with this info.
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Actually, there is one other place I have thought of where Trainer-PC may be worth it, it depends on the effect saving/resetting after a Trainer-Fly has been set up has on Snorlax... My idea is to first acquire the Bike Voucher, then to Trainer-Fly (by Abra's Teleport) off the first Trainer in Route 11 (having set the warp point to Cerulean, where it would naturally be anyway at that point in the route), and save/reset. That way you can pick up the Bicycle and cycle back to Vermilion to progress, whereas otherwise you'd have to walk (because you couldn't access the menu). You also skip the Trainer-Fly "wild" encounter you'd normally get to unlock the menu again, and the otherwise mandatory fight versus the Gambler just before the gate to Route 12. Of course none of this works if save/resetting to deactivate a Trainer-Fly doesn't remove Snorlax. EDIT: Oh derp, much more obviously than all that, it may well save time on Route 25.
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It sounds to me that your proposed route is just MrWint's transform glitch route up to Cerulean City and the current low-glitch route thereafter. I don't think that there are any other areas where the save-at-the-PC exploit would be useful, as the other areas which have large numbers of mandatory trainers are sequence-broken past anyway. I think it would take too long to trainer-PC (that's what I'm calling it anyway) the two Route 6 trainers: since you will have a level-100 Mew by that point the battles won't take long at all.
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Masterjun, how do you feel that your TPP video has got more Youtube views in less than a week than most of your TASes have in years?
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WST wrote:
I have nothing against it, but many other forums disallow it as it leads to tons of useless discussion threads. Will you remember those some years later? Usually there is one single thread for newcomers :)
You could make a suggestion on the sites forum :p
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Basically, hundreds of years ago, before electrons were discovered, somebody guessed randomly that the charge carriers in a metal were positive. He guessed wrong. Physics has never changed the convention.
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For me, this kind of TAS should be seen as 90% proof of concept and 10% payload. That is, it doesn't matter what stuff Ryuto drew, what matters is that it wasn't numbers, but it still worked. What would a pony run prove?
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Oh man I'd totally forgotten how awesome Trackmania is, haven't heard that word in years. I don't see why there would be a problem with the PC version - the main obstacle with PC games at the moment is the lack of mouse support, but iirc you can play Trackmania with just your keyboard. The only times when mouse input is required is in menu navigation (you can skirt this by navigating menus with the keyboard and aiming for in-game time to ignore the handful of frames you would lose doing so).
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Oh, this one got starred now? Good news indeed! Anyone else considering this for Newcomer Corner too? I feel that, even if it can be a little repetitive, it makes a very good first TAS to watch, since it is that rare movie that is totally mindblowing (especially if you're not used to seeing games being played with perfect reflexes) without being at all difficult to understand from a technical standpoint.
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Masterjun, you are a god walking amongst mere mortals. That video made me laugh so hard I could barely breathe. The number of memes coming out of this thing is insane by the way. At this rate "to consult the Helix Fossil" will become a standard English idiom meaning "to seek help where none exists".
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Democracy mode = like a let's play but without commentary and slowed down by a factor of a hundred - boring. Anarchy mode = unlike anything you've ever seen - strangely fascinating.
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No need for intervention. The game's progress should (in principle) be held in check by this negative feedback loop: slower progress, decreased interest, reduced participation, increased co-ordination, faster progress. And if it doesn't? Well, a failed experiment is still a worthwhile one, and in any case this experiment has already been far more successful than people imagined it would be.
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Hi, welcome! Curious to see what games you are thinking of TASing. My advice is to TAS what you want to TAS, and not to worry if other posters say "that's too hard for a beginner". My other advice is to stop TASing for a few days or move onto a different TAS if you aren't enjoying the process.
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The sum of the first n cubes is more interesting, because it has the following property: 1^3+2^3+...+n^3 = (1+2+...+n)^2
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On a similar theme (and quite possibly an intentional paraphrasing of the above quote): "People think of time as a strict one-way progression from cause to effect, but from a non-linear, objective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff." (Doctor Who)
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Bobo the King wrote:
Calling it now: they're going to get knocked out before they reach the next PokeCenter.
Yup, it seems that way as Red is having to fight off a Geodude with only a Pidgeotto on 2HP. In a desperate situation, he is repeatedly consulting his SS Ticket for wisdom. Just blacked out as I'm typing...
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