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Altaïr = Jesus confirmed?
Oh boy, this level gave me an headache. There's a big out of bounds accesible right at the start of the level leading to tangible void and untangible void (!!!) but there's no entry point back in bounds, so I have to do this level legitimately. Half of this level is 'autoscrollers' (this is the only level in the game which has these), so I can't do much apart from showing off some glitched jumps. A very important thing to note is that there is one tutorial in this level. As we showcased previously, tutorials are the bane of my existence, and this one is no exception. It's a grappling tutorial that triggers on two conditions: 1. you are standing on ground 2. you are close to an enemy. It wastes over a second and an half and also completely kills your speed, so I purposely avoid all enemies here. If I do wierd movement.. this is the reason. Notes: - You might notice there's a chest right at the start of the level. This chest is actually eligible for a chest glitch, though there's not much use for a chest glitch here since it basically crashes the game. - You might also notice we lost our fire bombs and have only 5 daggers. You are probably supposed to lose your weapons when the trapdoor opens: however, because this was poorly programmed, it it applied at the start of the level instead. - While waiting for the retracting platforms, I do a wallgrab to land back at the earliest possible frame. - Some enemy manipulation to avoid triggering the tutorial with the three knights. - I have to wait a bit on the second rope for the spikes to retract. - Sadly, the raft is barely grabbable, and we have to wait an entire cycle for it. - The vines don't hurt you from the top, and I show off with them. - More enemy manipulation on the triangle of knights. - You might notice I go past the guy with an assasination minigame. He has a wide cutscene trigger, and while what I do, jumping over the trigger, looks trivial, it is actually extremely complex. The first skip is the easiest one: I just go diagonally. - I do a backwards jump followed by a slow double jump to dodge the two knights. Much, much tighter than it looks. - Note the knight dying in the background while I push the button. Shoutouts to enemy manipulation :) - Standing below the pillar while it is crumbling warps you up. - Second skip of the guy and his minigame, this one is a little harder. - In the first trip to the second button, I have to wait for the raft.. - .. but in the second trip, I just realise I can trigger Altaïr's magical waterwalking powers and use it to skip a cycyle. - I slide a little on the slope, giving me a little extra speed. - Third minigame skip, jumping fully over the trigger this time. This is much harder. - Finally, I position myself very precisely and clip through the walls (which don't exist, for some reason, after you push the two buttons), skipping the minigame a fourth time, saving over 45 seconds, and gaining the triple jump. I want to dedicace some time talking about the triple jump. If you've been following the WIPs closely, you may notice I go out of bounds a lot, sometimes passing over walls so smoothly you wondered if they even existed. The triple jump radicalises everything. We go from being able to 'skip some boundiaries' to 'are walls even a concept in this game?' This is because the invisible walls are not placed very high.. If this pace was fast and broke the game completely for you, I'll just tell you we're not even halfway through in completely destroying this game :)
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Load the .cue
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Assasin's Creed or Bomberman? Hard to tell..
I feel sick.. This level was the other big roadblock of the TAS, but I had a sudden burst of inspiration and finished it entirely. In retrospect, it was actually much easier than I thought.. You're going to see a lot of sword usage here, and I can't do anything against it: the ennemies are boss enemies, which means I can only kill them using the sword. Hooray for sword interactions! I haven't talked about sword techniques and combat much: it's actually surprisingly complex, yet easily broken. Altaïr learns new combos as he progresses through the game. We've got the only one we really need: the Battery. There are four moves doable in combat: the light blow, the heavy blow, the jump kick, and the finisher. The light and heavy blow deal 1x and 2x damage respectively, while stunning for the same amount of time, but are counterable, the jump kick deals 4x damage, stuns for quite a bit longer and is uncounterable, and the finisher deals an instant KO to whatever it targets, but can only be done on enemies that are pinned down to the ground or haven't detected you yet. While the first two are doable freely with Y and X, the jump kick and finisher are only doable in combos. Now, the Battery is done by doing (Y) => (Y) => (X) , doing two light blows (1x > 1x) and a jump kick at the end (4x). The problem is that this move is stupidly broken: while you can counter three light blows, you can't counter two, since there is no window to counter (the window to counter only is there for three light blows) and the jump kick, on top of doing ridiculous uncounterable damage, sets up a stun window just large enough to chain up your next Battery. Essentially, once you do one battery, you are unkillable. Notes: - I manipulate the two swordmen and knight very quickly and kill them with a cleverly placed bomb. - There's a little delay before you can trigger the elevator. - We get to phase 1 of the boss fight. Here's a summary: Y Y X. This guy is not very courageous, and runs away after you bruise him a bit. - Again, I manipulate enemy behavior and kill the four knights with one bomb. - Once outside, I do a very precise jump and land out of bounds. Afterward, I jump up on the spikes, which don't kill me since I go on them from the top, and go inside the inner wall. This saves around 7 seconds. - An exciting wall climbing section follows: the first one. Prepare your pillows. - Thankfully, to avoid adding two more minutes to the run, the second wall climbing section is skippable with a LEAP OF FAITH triggering the loading point for the second half of this level. - I get to the fight with the Templar Chief's assistant. Y Y X - Phase 2 of the Templar Chief: Y Y X before he runs away again. - For some reason, the first swordsman is coded as a boss, and I have to kill him manually with a good old Y Y X. - Jumping over to the top lever saves a tiny bit of time. - Final and hardest phase (which means, the one with the most health): Y Y X. You probably understand why I avoid the sword now..
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Paying due respects to a fallen friend
This is the 17th level, and there's 16 to go! (Don't worry, I didn't actually play through the game to figure that out - shoutouts to gamefaqs.) We're a little more than halfway through now, and levels are gonna be much more interesting from here on. This level, which originally lasted more than 8 minutes, is broken into little pieces. We also get to see some sweet fire bomb action, and just how ridiculously powerful this weapon is. Notes: - I have to carry the first wooden box a little bit to be able to double jump up on it. - From the high rooftop, I casually walk up to the invisible walls and enjoy my out of bounds vacation for a bit. This is the biggest timesaver, and saves over 5 minutes! - Before jumping back in bounds, I equip the fire bomb - this is necessary, and can't be done later. - Because the maximum damage Altair can take is 5.2 health, I can do this very large fall and still get out alive, thanks to my upgraded health. - Because of this large fall, the camera is glitched out - it will come back to normal after we trigger the cutscene. For that, I need to kill the two paladins, and do so with an expertly timed fire bomb. Remeber that the fire bomb one shots every single non-boss enemy in the game :) - I need to wait a bit before pressing the second button for the map puzzle, otherwhise the puzzle visually updates but doens't trigger the cutscene. - I get in the arena, and trigger the cutscene. Note that the floor is supposed to drop down during the cutscene: however, because we skip the cutscene, the floor hasn't fully dropped down! This is a bug with cutscenes, in that the updated objects start updating as soon as your trigger the cutscene, but don't go to their end state when you skip it. - Because of that, I can make it to the central pillar right away. This will make all the waves try to go to Altaïr and brutally kill themselves. - In the meantime, I play around and wait for the waves to suicide. - The bomb on the pillar isn't actually triggered by my kick: I just do it for the extra style points. - The last paladin has to be killed manually, and I kill him using an elaborate trickshot, then pay him my due respects.
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Two Altaïrs?
Jerusalem 2 is a rather interesting level, in that an alderaly short level gets broken to pieces. There's a lot of subtle tricks here and less subtle tricks.. Notes: - The first cutscene is triggered when you hit the ground. Even though jumpîng would make Altaïr go slightly faster, he would fall to the ground less quicker and be overall slower. - I do a long double jump to land on the chariot. Unfortunately, you can't land right away on the wall up above, and have to climb it. - The same thing unfortunately applies to the next wall - my double jump timer is one frame short of making a double jump and going over the wall. - I do a diagonal double jump to land on the bridge: this skips an entire section of the level. - As I do a double jump to land onto the broken bridge, I get shot on purpose by the archer. This cancels my animation, making me fall instantanely, and making me land on the edge of the bridge - allowing me to effectively bridge boost without slowing down. - There is a very precise spot on the corner of the railing where you can still grapple. This lets yoy save a big amount of time as it also triggers the cutscene while Altaïr is grappling, effectively wasting no time. - After grappling, jumping onto the nearby rooftop with the archer saves over ten seconds. - I bridge boost onto the last platform - this skips the last rooftop fully and allows me to land on the platforms on the wall, saving around 10 seconds again.
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Instances of collision
The most impressive thing for me may be that I have fully TASed this level in around an hour. There are a lot of notable instances of questionable collision, the obivious one being the clip THROUGH the staircase, which is why the entire strategy works. Bonus: bypassing the first death barrier ( ) gives you a good view of how incredibly polished this game backgrounds are for an early DS game.
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Only now I realise trying to do these levels in order is a terrible idea, considering World 1 is arguably the hardest world in the entire game. The order in which I do levels will be much more liberal from now on, starting from trying to apply certain strategies I test in my free time. But before, the greatest collision of all time: For the record, this is one of the lowest bounces you can get in the entire game, executed by a very precise clip. It gathers a whooping 243 speed! but is unfornately completely useless.
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feos wrote:
The only actual "problem" then is calling those tiers. Well, what other names would fit the concept?
The SM64 community uses the term 'freeruns', as in runs that don't have the objective of going fast, but rather show off impressive feats. This might be a fitting name.
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Ultimately, around I'd say more than 80 frames can be shaved off this run. I don't feel confortable with cancelling, however, and would prefer this run to be judged, if possible.
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Derakon wrote:
Zeupar wrote:
Derakon wrote:
Isn't it well-understood that people base their judgements of something at least in part on how other people have judged that thing? That's why you aren't allowed to see the poll results until after you've voted, after all.
So the link below the "Submit vote" button has eluded you for the past 8 years? :P
Doesn't clicking that link bar you from voting? I thought it did (and it should).
It doens't, and even if it was enforced, there are other ways to bypass the system (log out so you can see poll results, for example.)
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Moving on in backwards order to step two: Progenitor. This level is fun to TAS, but it's optimisation hell. My main objective here is to abuse one main thing: what we refer to as the Fladdermus bounce. You can see it in action here: The Fladdermus spot exists in this railing in a very specific spot, and I still don't know specifically why it happens here out of all the places, but it seems to be a misaligned spot (?). This spot, when landed on, will bounce you much, much higher than landing anywhere else on the railing. Fladdermus uses it in his video to shoot straight for the end of the level, and the current TAS doens't use that, because of a less wide angle, resulting in less speed, resulting in not enough velocity to cross the gap. But if this can be succesfully implemented, the time savings would be huge, probably more than an second in time saved. This is much faster than the strat I use, and I'm currently trying to accomodate my angle and speed to try to get it. It also looks extremely impressive.. so I'm not gonna give up on this one.[/userfile]
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MUGG wrote:
Did you confirm that the new lag emulation is more accurate to the real console? How come there are now graphical glitches during screen transitions? I don't think they are on the real console. Just asking because if the new emulation is indeed less accurate, that means you have switched to a worse emulator. Good job on the run itself.
I own this game - can confirm the graphical glitches do NOT happen on real hardware.
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Link to video
A solid summary of this strat
Rerecord count: 4229 User movie #26486672734294737 What was thought an unbreakable strat, an cycle-dependant level that would never be improved, just got improved by one frame, and does it feel much more than just one. The entire strat has been iterated, redone and redone over the course of a little more than one month, and my efforts have finally come to fruction. This strat features two perfects clips so crazy I'd never thought to see them. The first is showcased just above, the second is right here. Due to redoing the entire level, it now also looks much cleaner, and I can finally sleep in peace.
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Noting here that I will be starting a TAS of this game 100% (this means all 400 drawings, all 400 magipics, and all 400 maze paints.) This game is rather fast-paced and gives an entertaining result. Would this game be acceptable by site standards? EDIT: Here is an encode of the first 10 levels. This is just the start.. these get very, very long. Link to video
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Alright, this is four years late, but are you even trying? First off, your stylus movement is slow. Because you grab the starting dot late, you can't keep the stylus ahead, and for some reason, you don't move once every frame. If done optimally, you can keep the stylus input 2 frames ahead of the dot. Second, you fully know crossing the screen is slow. So why do it? There's zoom and dezoom options at the bottom of the screen. Using that would have saved a ton of time. Even admitting that, your screen scroll is really slow. You can keep your dot at the grey border and advance every 6 frames, but you choose the hard way, to scroll with the yellow arrow instead, which is even slower! Even then, you still waste time scrolling, as you don't need to fully scroll to the top! This infiurated me so much I made an optimised TAS. Just on this, this achieves :01 on the timer, about two seconds faster than your test movie. Link to video Good luck on your future endeavors.
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My favorite screenshot in the entire run
Unfortunately, about 23 minutes in, this is the second sword use in the run. :( This part is pretty self-explainatory. You might wonder why the !! NOT LOADED !! message appears: that's actually a failsafe. Since we didn't use the sword at all leading up to this point, we didn't trigger the sword 'tutorial' in the second and third level, which pops up when you use the sword for the first time. It's a small message box which says 'Press X or Y to use sword' or something around these words. Now, when I use the sword for the first time, at the end of the current executed animation, the game is supposed to bring up the sword tutorial. So it tries to call up the sword tutorial, but to save space (?), this tutorial only exists in the second and third level of the game! As such, it simply brings up an error message, !! NOT LOADED !!. Thankfully, this can be skipped by pressing R (which is the button used to.. walk? Seems a lot like a debug mode remnant. ) For some reason, the boss actually is animated and slides to the left while !! NOT LOADED !! is active. This can go on for a long time if you let it open. You might wonder why this level lags so much: remember the fact that this is two levels stored into one.
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Samsara wrote:
xy2_ wrote:
You'd have to see if this game works exactly the same as ETC, where running is flat out faster than jumping, in which case, I'm alright with delaying/cancelling this submission and redoing some levels :)
Assuming there are no super noticeable changes to the improved run, it'd be preferable for the run to be set to delayed. If you two are actually planning on improving this, let me know so I can do just that.
We discussed this over on IRC, tested it myself, and the two games are pretty different. Redoing some of the sloppy parts of the run would mean redoing the entire levels (due to your subpixel position being different after the change, warranting the level to be redone), which means having to redo 4-2 and everything after due to RNG changes. dekutony has not sparked any interest in doing this run unless I'm mistaken, and any changes to the current run would change so drastically the run I'm more confortable in doing a different submission with all improvements.
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Location: France This level is pretty bad. This level has two parts, which are stored as two separate levels. The second one is coming after I finish it. Notes (read after watching): - I have to wait in the spike to execute the spike skip. - Once I am into position, I execute a double jump, wallclimb for as much as I can (three frames), then walljump and land right on the spike wall. - This allows me to climb up to the pillar, then to the fence, succesfully being out of bounds. - From here, I do a side double jump off the fence to land on the out of bounds wall. Doing a side double jump here saves over two seconds. - Finally, I jump from the destroyed tower, up to the very side of the big house. - Staying at the side here avoids triggering the cutscene, which means the bridge never rises up and I can conveniently walk on it. - I turn up left for two frames after landing on a corner just before the bridge: this is to recover running speed. - The climb up the small bridge looks slow, but it's the best you can pull off. - After climbing up, I do a max height jump and clip up into the next bridge, skipping one third of the level in the process. - I have to trigger the cutscene for the ladder to exist. - The following section with four boxes is one of the most tedious manipulation segment in the entire run. I start off with the down-left box, staying to the wall to not have to go back up. - I have to fully stop in front of the boxes before being able to grab them. This makes things very tedious. - As such, perfect manipulation is needed, and every single action done here is for manipulation. Jumping or not, your current path, whether you are pushing a box or not, etc, affects enemy behavior. - I go to the box behind the curtain and pull it up. I will use it again later.. - .. but for now, I climb up to the topmost box and push it. - I have to pass by the bridge to manipulate the four enemies at once and to avoid instantanely dying from the fall. - I pick up again the second box I pushed away earlier, stopping for a bit while pushing to manipulate enemy behavior again. - Once that's done, I make my way to the strategically placed third box, and push against the pillar. This allows me to effectively turn while pushing the box. - I stop, then grab it from the top and push the second button. The box is very strategically placed to block the pathfinding of the four enemies at once. - This allows me to push the down right box without any issues, as the four enemies are now stuck in trying to get to me, and push the third button. - I then make my way to the last box and put it in positon. - Unfortunately, because of putting the box in position, the enemies caught up to me, and I have to precisely manipulate them by jumping around. - To do this, I first jump down, to attract the four enemeis down. I do a slow high jump so that they can make it, then make my way up to the pillar. - This makes it so that I am effectively 'behind' the four enemies line of sight. Once that's done, I simply walk (not jump, because that would make them detect me) down left to the last box. - The enemies come to me, but it's too late, and I have barely enough time to push the last button.
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Progress! It's been a very long while, and for good reason: I've been extensively routing the next half of the game. The next WIP should be coming hopefully in a day's time maximum, after I'm done with all this metal box pushing. Why did I have to route extensively? From this level (Castle) onwards, the run is only gonna get extensively harder and crazier, but with easier swordless options. For that, let's talk about subweapons. There are three subweapons that exist: the daggers (in ammo of 15), the fire bomb (5 ammo) and the smoke bomb (5 ammo). I want to talk about the relevant ones, which are the first two of this list. The daggers are a mighty powerful alternative to the sword: they deal as much damage as an heavy lv1 sword blow, they fire really fast (about 16 frames between each throw), they stun ennemies for a huge amount of time and they can be thrown while moving! Their only downside is that you can't jump while throwing them, but it's gonna be the sword's superior alternative for the rest of the run while the bomb isn't usable. Sadly cannot be used against boss enemies. The fire bombs are even more powerful subweapons. They can be used in two ways: placed on the ground, where they explode after a relative 8 seconds, or thrown (very fast) where they will explode upon contact with an enemy in a large area of effect. The kicker: they instakill every single non-boss enemy! These are the most powerful weapons in our arsenal by far, and will be used without notice to clear huge groups of enemies. These subweapons, hovewer, have some disadvantages. The first, and most important for our TAS, is that they cannot kill boss enemies. This basically changes our category to 'swordless except for forced tutorial' in 'swordless except for forced sword tutorial and boss ennemies', which sounds even less pleasant than the other alternative. The nice fact is that going 'swordless' is still the fastest way to complete the game, so our arbitrary subgoal still stands. The estimate time for the run is shaping to be under an hour. The current TAS is a little over half of the game as it stands, but the two coming levels after Castle add a solid ten minutes to estimate.
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Link to video Encode of the first 20! stars by Sharkey91.
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xy2_ wrote:
Kurabupengin wrote:
I'm a bit concerned about this. It's pretty obvious that this game uses the same engine as Enter the Cleft, but I'm not sure about the strats working here...
Can you elaborate on this, dekutony?
Expanding on this, I went and watched through your ETC submission, and was surprised that the two engines are almonst identical, for the most part. You may be wondering about bunny hopping most of the time: I want to do it to preserve my speed, as usual. From what I could observe, your X speed while in the air and while running are identical. However, bunny hopping does have a large incovenient: if your subpixel position isn't right, you'ill sometimes stop for 1 frame before hopping again. This can be manipulated to an extent.. but most of the time, it ends up that nothing's able to be done about it. There are some places where bunny hopping could be optimised and would save some frames, but it remains consistent. You'd have to see if this game works exactly the same as ETC, where running is flat out faster than jumping, in which case, I'm alright with delaying/cancelling this submission and redoing some levels :) Maybe even in collaboration with you, since you have experience with this engine.
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Link to video Old 80 stars TAS (unoptimised, doens't use the touchscreen) made by Sharkey back in July 2015. Fall Onto the Caged Island in 13"40.
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Kurabupengin wrote:
I'm a bit concerned about this. It's pretty obvious that this game uses the same engine as Enter the Cleft, but I'm not sure about the strats working here...
Can you elaborate on this, dekutony?
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