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Post subject: Re: Square Enix, why have you forsaken us?
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Warp wrote:
Well, that's literally true
Warp wrote:
there is literally more cutscenes
literally emphasis The thing with RPGs is they are the old fashioned way to tell a story. It was fine for older generations of consoles, when white-on-blue text was the only way to tell a story; but as games progressed, there became more ways to relay things to the player. While some RPGs try to stay in that modernity and manage it well (see: No Man's Sky), some don't use the vast infinity of ways to tell a story to the player, to relay - what is most important - the magic of a game to a player, and that is my opinion.
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nfq is second sun
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nfq wrote:
And like I mentioned earlier, there are military forces in Antarctica which kill you if you try to go find the edge of the flat earth. The military people don't have to know anything about the round earth conspiracy, they're just hired to do a job.
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nfq wrote:
flat earther
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<Masterjun> see, a comment starting with "Dear MasterJun [...]" already lost
<Masterjun> I mean
<Masterjun> who told them to capitalize the j, I don't get it
<SamsaraTF> hey MasterJun, it's me your buddy SamSara
<Mothrayas> at least your name gets spelt right on occasion
<Masterjun> I wonder if MothRayas is around
<Mothrayas> sup
<ais523> I can't remember the last time I saw someone try to capitalise the 5 in ais523
<SamsaraTF> ais%23
<FluffyTheMoth> AIS%@# pls
<Zanoab> aisS23
<dgikmo> ^^ nailed it
<Mothrayas> ai5s23
<Masterjun> but nevermind that, I really don't understand the actual comment
<Zanoab> 415SZE
<Mothrayas> "I saw you last year on AGDQ"
<Masterjun> I'm sure he didn't
<Mothrayas> I like how it starts off reasonable (name caps aside) then just gets worse every sentence
<xy2_> dear MasterJun, how do ace pls to help
<Masterjun> he doesn't even ask how to ACE
<Mothrayas> and by the end of it, not a single thing of it makes sense anymore
<Masterjun> he asks how to ACI
<dgikmo> Dear masterJUN
<Mothrayas> "I was wondering if you could make Yoshi's Island via Arbitrary Code Injection. That would be awesome because I've tried, and I did ok, the only problem was that I couldnt implement the Flutter A.I and when yoshi is it, baby mario cries and floats in his bubble"
<Mothrayas> that actually isn't even the worst part
<dgikmo> Do you think you could help me make New Super Mario Bros Wii with abriatay code exetuiaon in SMW?
<Mothrayas> the worst part is the next line
<Mothrayas> but I do wonder what flutter ai entails
<SamsaraTF> "arbitrary injections" just sounds like what i used to call all my sexual encounters
<Masterjun> ohh
* SamsaraTF picks up a basketball and misses the slam dunk
<Masterjun> A.I = arbitrary injection
<Masterjun> :D
<Mothrayas> clearly how it works is Masterjun just arbitrarily has sex with a SNES
<Mothrayas> and that's how arbitrary injection happens
<dgikmo> ... I think I'd pay to watch that
<Mothrayas> and then pong and snake are born
<Mothrayas> and smb1
<Masterjun> that's clearly how it works
<Masterjun> so, this guy doesn't "know what to start with", but apparently has already implemented a complete SNES game
<Masterjun> but of course the Flutter A.I (whatever that is) is missing
<discorico> Masterjun, I think what he means is that he's just making the mechanics similar to YI
<discorico> as in, you control Yoshi and not Mario
<discorico> all the necessary sprites already exist in SMW anyway
<Masterjun> "I was wondering if you could make Yoshi's Island via Arbitrary Code Injection."
<Masterjun> "That would be awesome because I've tried, and I did ok"
<Mothrayas> ask him how he injected the mode7 chip
<SamsaraTF> arbitrarily
<Mothrayas> touché
<discorico> superfx*
<Mothrayas> super fx 2*
<Masterjun> LOL
<Masterjun> THIS VIDEO
<Masterjun> (the comment is by this guy btw)
<Tompa> Lol
<SamsaraTF> oh my goooood
<SamsaraTF> 100% LEGIT
<xy2_> 10/10
<xy2_> minecraft avatar, everything makes sense
<Mothrayas> such video editing effort
<SamsaraTF> he's so good he started in the middle of Kaizo 3!!!!!
<Mothrayas> bonus points for the change in aspect ratio mid-video
<discorico> he ace'd so hard he changed the aspect ratio
<Masterjun> the internet is a scary place
<fsvgm777> Gotta love how there's no sound too.
<xy2_> discovered the flutter ai trick maybe?
* ais523 (~ais523@unaffiliated/ais523) Quit
<discorico> so scary ais%@# quit
<Zanoab> he just left the room, not disconnect
<SamsaraTF> his next video involves him "building a working Super Mario World in Minecraft" and he places down a block of red wool and abruptly cuts to the 96 exit TAS
<discorico> I need a link to that
<SamsaraTF> that was a joke
<discorico> doesn't matter
<discorico> I'm committed now
<SamsaraTF> i could make it
<discorico> :D
<discorico> submit it as a tas to minecraft ACE
<discorico> for*
<Masterjun> I would upload it on his channel, his password is probably arbitraryinjection or something
<discorico> way too long
<discorico> it's probably just ACIACI
<SamsaraTF> it's actually MasterJun
<Masterjun> such a password would offend me quite a bit
<xy2_> we now know why he is interested in SMW
<SamsaraTF> oh god no
<SamsaraTF> i just realized that he might come here if he follows sethbling
<SamsaraTF> "hey guys i made mari/o beat the game faster than the TAS but i can't figure out where to put the flutter A.I."
<discorico> HA
<xy2_> lol
<xy2_> we are terrible human beings
<discorico> at least hell will have a contigent of tasers
<SamsaraTF> i have no remorse for people who steal from not one, but two videos and claim it as their own
<ais523> SamsaraTF: doesn't that make them a splicer at the same time?
<ais523> or were they at least claimed to be different runs?
<SamsaraTF> spliced yeah
<SamsaraTF> badly
<SamsaraTF> incredibly badly.
<xy2_> spliced so hard the aspect ratio changed
<discorico> the best thing is that he's obviously doing it for recognition when in reality the few of us who are here have doubled his viewcount
<ais523> (that said, I have nothing against splicing if you're honest about what you're doing; however, most people do it as a method of cheating rather than as a method of creating art)
<SamsaraTF> did you see the video, ais?
<ais523> no, also I'm at work so I can't look right now
<SamsaraTF> oh
<ais523> I'm curious about just how bad the splicing is, though
<discorico> would a gif work?
<SamsaraTF> he took part of the Kaizo Mario 3 TAS then abruptly cut to the end of one of the first SMW game end glitch runs
<ais523> I remember there was a controversial spliced video a while back where someone spliced out one frame of a short cutscene from a TAS
<ais523> and claimed a one-frame improvement
<ais523> SamsaraTF: haha
<ais523> splicing a game with a /different game/?
<SamsaraTF> and claiming it was a game end glitch run of the first game
<xy2_> nobody will notice
<fsvgm777> And the best part? There's no sound in the video!
<SamsaraTF> the video also started in the middle of Kaizo 3
<SamsaraTF> not even at the beginning
<TASVideoAgent> Post edited by Masterjun (PubMov: #4523: Masterjun's SNES Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island "game end glitch"  in 01:17.54): [a:10]
<SamsaraTF> ^ oh my god yes
<xy2_> this just went full meta
<fsvgm777> Full meta and back.
<Masterjun> flutter A.I should be honorably mentioned!
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I also thought so at first, but it is supposedly a completely playable prototype: I've found screenshots from reviewing sites and some obscure sites which all 'play' it. There are even earlier screenshots of the game but these do not mention any sign of being playable (same bg color on touch screen, same flat look on the ball, and same non-descriptive level names), hovewer the game is at an even earlier state with level order, different levels. The main reason I didn't dismiss it is because this version shown in the video actually looks more polished than the final version.. There is a direction indicator, the models are more polished and the gameplay is smoother. There would be 0 reason to cut most of these features from the game. I'll keep wondering.
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Just found this Link to video Seems like an obscure earlier version of the game. What you see here is all the graphics are different, some levels are different and the physics are probably different (I've seen things happen that wouldn't happen in the rom I currently have.) 0 idea what this is or where to get it. Any ideas? This also changes most of the level orders from the scarce screenshots I've seen, but I don't know how to get it.. It's 100% a Japanese rom (just from looking at the stage names) which makes it even harder to find as I speak 0 japanese and have no idea where to go to find it.
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Link to video How does this game still manage to give me a constant load of s** every single day? It's been two months and it still manages to impress me. I'm fine with every single other instance of bad collision, okay, cool, but this takes the cake.
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Okay, so I think Aiai got really happy from having a perfect balance on a 1px wide rail and went into euphoria Link to video What's happening here is that in this euphoric state, as long as inputs are not more to the left than 216,0 on touchscreen (which makes him fall), any inputs will NOT influence Aiai's speed nor angle for about 40 frames. I did a small example in this video, but all speed values and angles are the same no matter what I try. Aiai is locked into a life of pure joy and happiness forever for about half a second before going back to his life of being tortured in a plastic fiber ball.
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So this rail I just bounced off we'ill call 'the stupid bounce' which is at the spot where the first banana is going down. The Fladdermus bounce happens right after that, at the second banana going down. It is not possible to use the stupid bounce to go straight to the goal, unless we slow down to gather more speed (which will make us just lose more time) but rather using the stupid bounce as a way to get to the Fladdermus bounce, then going possibly straight through the goal since the stupid bounce will have redirected our angle: we won't have to bounce off the right rail to get to the goal again. This can give up some extra speed BEFORE doing the Fladdermus bounce and save a bit of time.
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Link to video 0 idea why this happens, but it saves time.
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Just found a 'new' glitch: border quickgrinding. Link to video This is a variant of 'coiling' (see page 1) except it requires you to be falling downwards and does not need two solid platforms on top of each other to work. It has the same effects: get near a solid platform without colliding with it, but in the border quickgrinding case, it actually puts you into a 'grinding' state which can be used to switch to the grinding state temporarly and get more horizontal speed by abusing the frame in which you quickgrind. A lot of talk for one thing: it's almonst totally useless, unless there is a level in which we find a new strat which requires a lot of quickgrinding (and even then, won't need to be used much).
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Nothing of note is being accomplished. This is the list of every single name that appears on-screen in the J credits. Each space means it appears on a different screen. The reason I wrote this down is because at the end of each world, you get the credits (they are the same each time) but they can be skipped with a soft reset within the game (L + R + Start + Select) thankfully. However, the last credits will not be skipped, and this is where this can be used: the credits are a little minigame in which you can break blocks with the names of the staff. Link to video The credits can be used to write stuff with the names, for example: YUTAKA KAWASAKI becomes TA S I don't know if this is doable since you can end inputs before credits - so it probably isn't; but I'll do a credits TAS (on J, which is different from the video above) and show it on my channel if they cannot be done. I've also started filling the game resources page for this game.
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Link to video Note that this is NOT a failed attempt, I can continue after this but it requires insane grinding of the rails which I will do later (as grinding on rails is a bitch to optimise). This is the best start I can do, unless a better bounce is found. Note that I can't bounce ACROSS the level because you can't bounce off 1 pixel wide rails if your vertical speed is too high and your horizontal speed too low; you will just awkwardly boop and go back on the rails. If it would be possible to gather more speed, bouncing across the ENTIRE level would be possible. I call this the best I can do is because all movement is diagonal except for one frame of 52,0. Something better can be made if I bounced to the right again, got enough speed to fly up to the side of the right rail and grind the rail from there, and it's probably doable now that I think about it.
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it's happening Link to video I have really really high hopes for this level now. This is the road to the strat man knew only as a dream, the full bounce Progenitor strat.
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Rest in peace Lufia 2 1995-2015
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Holy s**t. Link to video If the bounce showcased in this video is possible to exploit, we're looking at a 12-14 frame time save here ALONG with the initial improvements. This gets the bounce MUCH MUCH earlier.
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The keyword here is 'looks'. Because of boosting, this sub-optimised strat is 2 frames faster. Fladdermus is long long dead, this video is 6 years old.. Currently experimentating with another strat that boosts left and does a much harder bounce. Also Touch&Roll has really good 3D:
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Quick update: stopped trying on Curvature (we'ill just be stuck with a strat 3 frames slower than WR, because I don't intend on ever going back on this level. If anyone is machostic, feel free to 'try' to improve it, but the strat is so precise that it's almonst impossible to replicate consistently, even in a TAS. Next level up is Progenitor (aka WINDO4 in the J rom, thanks for levels not being named in Japan, and I have no idea why) If you haven't watched it alderaly: Link to video The Progenitor strat is the first in that video. Our strat will be inspired off that mainly (mostly for the end bounce) but with a lot of improvements: looking to save 30 to (if we get a really good strat) 75 frames here. It's a really cool strat, so I won't show much of it (want to keep it secret). Here is a pretty sub-optimised WIP: Link to video (I've saved since then 2 frames on this start). The main thing that worries Silver is getting a bounce at the beginning of the level and bouncing all the way through the level. In my eyes, it isn't possible because of air time limitations, but it we do make it the strat is gonna be absolutely sick (we're looking at an over 3 second time save here). Will be experimenting with it for the next 2-3 days.
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Warepire wrote:
magus wrote:
okay i've read some of this post and i dont see something about volgarr the viking. there is no may post concerning hourglass, and tips, faq for running games :( i want to tas this game, i'ts a steam game but there is many others vertions downloable. we dont need mouse and it's not flash. for now i cant run it.. sry for the english i'm still french :/
Some Windows games have the funny quirk that they depend on mouse, even if they never use it. No idea if the game is one of those. If it's not, it could be failing for another 100 to 10000 or so reasons, knowing why the game fails just by someone saying "for now i cant run it..." is impossible at best. The best "guide" for Hourglass right now is: 1. Install XP on a computer / in a VM. 2. Cross your fingers it's gonna work after trying all setting combinations in Hourglass that you can think of.
'Certains jeux Windows ont le problème qu'ils dépendent de la souris, même si ils ne l'utilisent jamais. Aucune idée si ce jeu a ce problème. Si ce n'est pas ca, le jeu ne marcherait pas pour une centaine de raisons, essayer de comprendre pourquoi le jeu ne marche pas en voyant quelqu'un dire "je ne peux pas le lancer pour l'instant.." est, au mieux, impossible. Le meilleur "guide" pour Hourglass maintenant est: 1. Installer Windows XP sur un ordinateur / sur une Virtual Machine. 2. Prie pour que ça marche en essayant toutes les combinaisons de paramètres dans Hourglass auquelles tu peux penser.' Traducted Warepire's post Tu peux répondre en francais et je traduireai :)
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Okay, time to switch over to J ROM! Yay! Woo! *crickets* So, why is J ROM faster? Two reasons: - First, loading times are faster by about 10%. I went to get the J ROM for another reason, and one that will change the banana grinding route dramatically.. - For the banana grinding route, you need 2006 bananas to pass, which is the number of bananas equal to the year the game was released in EUROPE. Now, since the game was released in 2005 in JAPAN, you only need 2005 bananas to pass the banana grinding. You save one WHOOPING, one AMAZING, one MARVELOUS f***g banana. Guess what, it destroys the entire banana grinding route! Touch&Roll: destroying well planned strats, hope, humanity.. anything your previously dark, grim life had left in a little spot for you to feel, reach out to, and live. All of that is long, long gone now (as is the .83 strat on Curvature).
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An helpful find? Am I dreaming?!? Link to video So there are alderaly a lot of ways to clip into a goal post: the one that is used the most often is 'ripping the goal post, AKA going in the sides of the goal post and not clipping BUT going close enough into it so that the goal post hitbox triggers. If you have enough speed, you can straight up just pass through the sides.. Another method (that I will use in three levels, Descending Rings, Spiral Staircase and Oblivion) is going straight through the TOP of the goal post (the part where the two pillars converge). However, passing through the goal post like this is completely new, and even if the attempt in the video failed, and it is not usable on Curvature, I will remember it for later use: will definitely save some time.
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