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I will just expand on this a bit:
lu9 wrote:
I don't because as I said before the forums are very inactive and messages from that thread are like, many years old.
What I meant by "the forums are inactive" is that there are not many people on the game forums, not that they're a dead mess. Unlike many forums, this one strongly encourages necrobumping, because any information, even decades old (as has happened) will still be relevant because the game stays the same. Ultimately, it's up to you to make the threads, and ask for feedback (I laid some ideas for this in my previous post). Of course, making encodes of your run, and explaining what's going on, as well as doing this frequently takes more effort than just blindly submitting entire runs, but it's also what will make your TAS better. If you react so badly to criticism, then it's probably a good idea to avoid TASing altogether. We are quite brutal here, because you do not understand this: effort is a two-way street. If you feel more the need to defend your run, than to try to improve it, of course nobody will bother to help you further if you retract at the first reply of "here's why what you are doing is bad."
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To salvage my border-flame post here, what you pointed out here is in my opinion the biggest weakness of this site; often the forums are inactive. This is especially damaging for newcomers, because TASing takes a lot of effort, and often you won't have people jumping at your TAS and ponting out the problems that it has, especially if it's a more obscure game. (I'm not counting comments in game threads saying "Great work!!" as helping here, they help for encouragement but not so much for the quality of your TAS..). There are some places that can help you with this, such as going on the IRC (see the top of this forum, "We also have an IRC channel") which is way more active than this forum and has a bunch of experienced TASers lurking, or looking by the Wiki (which has a solid grasp on methodolgy and emulator features), see To criticise the method you use a bit, rewinds are very bad for making a TAS, because instead of having a much more broad plan of what you want to do, you only can optimise the immediate victinity, and making changes to a level (or even going back much earlier) is near impossible. I'd suggest using TAStudio instead, which has a different and more convenient workflow. As well, learn how to use tools like RAM search, and some basic lua scripting if you have the profiency to, which gets you a long way. Finally, don't take this all too seriously (in a job-like way). As TASers, we spend months, sometimes years competiting against ourselves for shaving frames off some video games; it's a wierd hobby, that we take strangely seriously, but it doens't mean we're not having fun doing it. We're certainly the least qualified people to pretend what we're doing is important, nor should we dress ourselves in grandeur or intolerance.
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So, since then I've been working on Shaman King 1, for no particular reason. A WIP is coming soon, but in the meantime I'm putting up my script here. Here's what it looks like:
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p4wn3r, if you need some extra testing, I run Gentoo as well; hit me up via PM or irc.
Post subject: Working with newer DeSmuME versions
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By the way, this post should not mean that you need to avoid 0.9.10/0.9.11 at all costs; if you know what you are doing, you may want to use 0.9.11 to be, for example, able to sync with the Japanese upscaling builds for high-resolution encodes of 3D games. In these cases, make sure to apply the workaround in the first post when you first make your TAS; you do not need to do this for subsequent playbacks of your TAS, as far as I am aware.
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So I was working in "secret" on this for the last few months, then accidently deleted my Windows VM. My last backup has 10 minutes of the TAS lost. At least I learned to not use rm like an idiot..
Post subject: Nach answers questions
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Nach	FluffyTheMoth: I was always the good kid, but I had one teacher who found me highly annoying and decided to take his frustration out on me
Nach	FluffyTheMoth: I had this one class, where the teacher would give a test each week where he would just copy the practice questions that appear every couple of pages and hand them out as a test, and always the day before the teacher would go over it as review
Nach	FluffyTheMoth: Now at the time, my memory was so amazing that I could memorize those couple of pages and the question pages perfectly
Nach	FluffyTheMoth: So one time he says okay, let's pick one randomly, Nach, what's the answer to 16... and I just blurted out "D". And he says wait you didn't even read the question yet!
Nach	FluffyTheMoth: so he says okay Nach, but you won't get this one, 27... and I blurt out A
Nach	FluffyTheMoth: so he gets all annoyed that I memorized the correct multiple choice answer to each question, thinking I didn't know the material. And he knew that I got a perfect score on every test. He felt this was a kind of cheating.
Nach	FluffyTheMoth: So I find him in the office after class photocopying the page, cutting the questions out of the copy, cutting off the numbers and rearranging them.
link_7777	in fairness him pulling the questions directly from the book was also cheating
Nach	link_7777: but it gets better
Nach	he noted I still got a 100 on that test
Nach	link_7777: so the next review day, he says Nach, okay I'm not going to tell you what the number is, but let me ask you, which of the following is not a form of currency... and I said on the spot C
Nach	he completely lost it
link_7777	lol
FluffyTheMoth	Nach: ha
Nach	besides throwing an eraser at me, I found him after class not only cutting off the question numbers and reordering them, but also cutting off the answer letters and reordering them too, and then glueing them to a new sheet to copy
Nach	FluffyTheMoth: yep
Nach	anyways I kept on getting 100
Nach	I don't think he ever appreciated I knew the material, and happened to memorize every bit of it, including the numbers, letters, answers, all of it
Nach	for the end of the year final, he was promising he was going to get me and that I wouldn't get a perfect score again
Nach	...well he was wrong
Nach	since that particular teacher kept throwing erasers at me, I decided to rattle his chain for a bit
Nach	I know he used to bike to and from school
Nach	so one day, a few minutes before he knew I was leaving, I rolled out in front of his bike a tool kit with screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, and stuff, and held stuff in my hand, to make it look like I was up to something
Nach	er, before I knew he was leaving*
Nach	he notices me and comes running up "WHAT ARE YOU DOING???"
Nach	so I roll the stuff up, put on the guiltest look I could muster, and said "Nothing sir! I want you to have a *safe* trip home!"
Nach	he commented "you must think I'm stupid, I'm walking home!"
FluffyTheMoth	so then he walked home for no reason
Nach	yep
Nach	it gets better
Nach	he came the next day with a car, and picked up his bike, assuming I imagine to take it somewhere for inspection or something
Nach	he came the day after that, pulled me out of class, and said "Tell me already, what did you do to my bike? Just tell me already!"
Nach	and of course I told him, Nothing sir! I just want you to be safe!
Nach	he was going ballistic
Nach	after like a week, he pulls me aside, and says "You didn't do anything did you?", to which I responded "I've been telling you that the whole time"
Warepire	Nach: He never test-rode his bike during that entire time? Did he think you put nitroglycerin in the saddle or something?
Nach	Warepire: I think during that interim of a week he propably test rode it, and finally realized there's nothing wrong
FluffyTheMoth	it's probably easy to placebo yourself into thinking something's wrong in such a case too
Nach	yep
Nach	that was part of the point of my intentionally guilty look, do nothing, make it seem like I'm hiding something
Nach	surely Nach is lying? right? right?
Nach	since teachers always think students are out to get them, every time a teacher annoyed me, I decided to help coax their worst fears, without ever actually doing anything
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I'm kind of "taking the bait" here, but 2GB of RAM is quite a lot for general purpose computing. It won't be able to handle things like gaming or running heavy web sites, but it can do pretty much anything else. Generally the bottleneck lies in the software and operating system side (a badly setup computer can get to absurdly slow speeds). If you have some experience, you can try putting Linux on it (Xubuntu is a pretty good option for older computers while being usable) and that alone will mostly make your computer much faster, with using Wine or a virtual machine for Windows-specific applications.
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Please remove me.
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I said I would finish this, but didn't really have the time until now. Up until now, my life in college had been nothing less than a farce, and it gave me some serious psychological problems which I still have trouble dealing with to this day. I want to kind of link this with how I found out about TASing in the first place. Perhaps my biggest problem is that I set out perfect expectations for myself. I got into a lot of high skill hobbies like this (like playing shmups). This comes from, I think, my desire to be recognized, to have some attention drawn to myself: displaying high or near-perfect skill was my way to try and get that recognition. But it also comes from my family. My family consists of me, my mom, my grandmother, and my uncle. My mom still lives with her grandmother because we don't have the means to move out. My mom used to sleep in the center room, where she was close to my uncle's room. But my uncle didn't really care about my mom at the time: he would play on his whatever-console at the time up until 2 to 3 am (and later on yell audibly, as he was playing online. This has been happening for as long as I can remember and was the start of my mother's destruction. She tried a few methods to supress it, including asking nicely, using ear plugs, and finally listening to audio books to fall asleep. But no matter what, my uncle was still hearable. They fought verbally. Gradually, over time, my mom and my uncle started to get on more and more verbose fights, lasting for longer. My grandmother was also kind of an enabler for my uncle, as she didn't really give a shit as long as it didn't affect her. And then the fights weren't about my uncle staying late, it was now about other things in addition, like telling her that she was a leech and a piece of shit, and so on. It escalated to its summum when I was at the end of college: they fought for two hours, and it ended with my mom pinning my uncle to the ground and trying to strangle him, which followed by my grandmother calling the police and my uncle leaving the house for a few days. While my uncle was walking out, my mom tried to kill him by throwing a rock at him (it missed). Since then my uncle doens't have internet access (which gets him to sleep earlier, depending on his degree of benevolence in the current day) and I've taken my mother's room because I was worried she was actually going to kill him one day. After all this, my mom didn't go much better. It was very gradual (over a couple of years, and still going on today) and she became much more angrier in general, and lost the ability to care. She still keeps the habit of listening to audio books before sleeping (which makes her very angry, as in yelling at me really hard, when I'm not able to get her music ordered right on her physical MP3 player - yet she keeps all her audio books unsorted in a single folder..) It's a little hard to explain, but she kind of shifted a lot of her anger on me instead. Basically I'm the only hope for her now (as she hopes I get a good job and miraculously save our entire situation) so I'm told to study hard and mindlessly to get good grades for now and a good job for later. I used to have a motherly figure that I could mostly always rely on when things went south, where I was not sure how to proceed, or simply needed some affection (which I relied on a lot since I had very little good friends in college). That figure faded away gradually and since I'm out of college, that figure doens't really exist anymore.So basically I don't really have much to rely on anymore. Going back, this is why I aimed for perfection. I wasn't able to see this and thought that to get back the love I had been denied, I simply had to be perfect, or something really close to that. Because when I wasn't, then I would get blamed by my mom, so it was my fault as I could simply improve and not be blamed anymore, right? On a tangential point, although I am trying to supress this logic today, it still comes back a lot when I don't expect it: a derived idea, the idea of being a perfect individual so that I don't have to withstand blame. As I mentioned in my earlier post, I'm hypersensitive, so for me it hurts a lot when I'm blamed. I don't mean blame as I can withstand criticism (which is pretty constructive for me) and can withstand all negative comments, but blame really gets through and eats straight at my heart. It goes somewhere along the lines of I could have avoided to have done [something bad], but now I've done [something bad] and it's your fault. I'll go more into detail into this as we go in lycée (the equivalent of high school). Along with this demon, was something else: the urge to fit in. I knew that keeping up a facade was useless, yet I kept hanging out with people who did not care about me, and I ignored their mockery about me, motsly because I didn't get it at the time. In fact I was physically there with people a lot in college, but got to talk so little at some points the extent of the words I said to my 'friends' were hello, and getting anything else in (usually related to videogames) was a blessing in itself. So I craved for affection because I was starting to be denied it, and I tried to be perfect because in my mind it was how it would get people to care about me. (It 'worked', and I got some people who were interested in my skills, then I then hanged on to those relationships as long as possible, in fear of being alone again.) When I entered lycée, it was a very scary environnement, because I knew nothing. I stuck to some faces who I knew from college, and they recognized me, so they slowed down, and I slowed down to stick with them. Then they told me to fuck off and sped up. I stuck to other familiar faces from college who wouldn't reject me, then got thrown into a class where I knew mostly nobody. At this point the same thing repeats: I get some friends, then hang to them for as long as possible. And I got in some toxic relationships again, where I would accept being trashed over and over in order to satisfy myself. In fact there was a guy who took advantage of this, mostly toying with me for the entire school year because he knew I would come back for more. And in my relationships, I made mistakes. And with the mindset I was in, mistakes were the worst kind of things to do, because they were things you could actually avoid. The people I were with in particular basically were in a completely different level from me (and I managed to butt in because I had good grades and was useful when they needed to do some homework) and so would know to blame me really hard. For example, I followed them when they were going to the forest to smoke some joints, and I found that the scenery was quite beautiful, so I took out my 3DS (with camera) to take some photos around. And then I had a kind of sudden realisation. These people I hung out with and really hated, couldn't I take a photo of them in the woods smoking and then do something with it eventually? So I suddently turned around and took a picture, then they mostly understood, went away from me, and faked going back to school but taking a different path (knowing I was going to follow them under mine). I followed back, went back to school and they went happily without me. This is the kind of "mistakes" I made: ones fueled by anger about my situation. I would say something out of pure hate, and they would blame me. And it would be all the blame of me, because it was my fault for even hanging out with them in the first place out of the fear of being disliked; I was a piece of shit and they had given me the honor of letting me accompany them, and speaking up was disallowed. Eventually, in the middle of the year, one guy from the group told me how and why I was a piece of shit, giving me examples from all my mistakes I made. And I tried to argue, but I couldn't argue against my mistakes because they were half mistakes and half anger. He told me, I cried in the back of the classroom, they called me a piece of shit for crying, and I couldn't hang out with them anymore. I spend the last half of the year geniunely alone, without anyone to talk to; the only things I said were to the teachers, and I didn't speak a single word out of the classroom. I still desesperately craved for affection, but now I was a piece of shit (and the guy's rebuttal made sense to me since I couldn't refute him, so I unfortunately believed him) so I didn't have the merit to have any friendships or affection. When I was back home I thought I had a source of love, something that could keep me going - but it wasn't there anymore now. In my opinions these were the darkest days of my life, and also the most useless. I can't remember anything that had actually happened within the last half-year of my first year of college. I hated myself, and the world seemed to agree that I was a piece of shit, so I was destined to be one. I would have probably killed myself here if it weren't for the fact that my mom told me to never killed myself (as I would totes have a better life later) which I believed fervently, and TASing! Unlike in the real world, in TASing you could actually be perfect. So all criticism was justified, and suddently the negative environnement of blame turned into something that could be geniunely refined into something beautiful and perfect. A full TAS is something you can really cherish in my opinion, because it's something you can really appreciate as a body of work. In my opinion, there is no greater feeling than destroying and mastering a game from inside out, and transforming and appropriating it to yourself (you can see this in good TASes, where the TASer masters and kind of expresses himself through the game). So TASing had made me goals to work for, something I could put constructive work in, and something where I could both enjoy something and express myself. It has mostly saved me from really killing myself, because if I could still create things like this, in spite of all my flaws, and that I though of myself as a piece of shit and so on, then my existence is worth it. I've probably rediscovered passion and joy through TASing, so that's why it still is pretty important for me. The means, in general, to work without pressure, as long as you want, on a single body of work, until it becomes perfect, while still giving the opportunity to really express yourself (I can't find a way to word this better..), is something that I can't find anywhere else.
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Tasinator wrote:
3 <3
Actually, 3 = 3 For an actual answer to your question, the reason nobody has TASed these games is simply because no TASer has picked up the game. No matter how much interest is in a game, until someone picks up the game not a lot can happen, and it's often that games can pass years unnoticed (hence why someone can get the impression that the forum is unactive; in reality, most are just either busy working on TASes or hanging out on IRC.) This happens because there are a lot of good games to TAS and not a lot of TASers, unfortunately.
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Lately I have been lying to myself a lot. This is something that is hard to avoid, as I'd rather tell myself everything is alright rather than face the uncertainity of where we live in.. This is hard to get rid of, but something I want to deal with. In terms of more concrete goals, my main goal is currently to get away from my family. The divide in my family has gotten very strong up to the point where's it's me and my mom versus my uncle and my grandmother, who is enabling him. A lot of problems spew from that, the most notable one being that I cannot sleep until very late (2AM sometimes) if my uncle decides to watch TV because I have no bedroom, and there's nothing I can do about it. My conditions are also not great for studying. My mom tells me to sink it all into studying while she's trying to find an apartement for us both. But housing prices are fucked up.. Finally, the last thing I want to do is get back to something that really passionates me: playing piano. If I dealt with less bullshit in this life and really got to something that I love (I wonder why it seems impossible..) I would just play piano. I have done four years, but stopped when I went to college and never had the opportunity to get a teacher again for five years now.
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Odongdong, is this project dead? I might pick this up in the future when I get more time.
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This post is pretty hard to follow because there's a lot to think about so my thoughts are not organised and laid out all over the table: sorry in advance. I also write this post very much like I would in French, so some ideas I want to convey may be lost in translation. So I am hypersensitive and a premature child. I live in a somewhat defavorized area (not sure how to word this in english). My earlier life, in college (which, in the french school system, is from 11 to 14) has mostly revolved around an odd sentiment, probably bred from the abuse and bullying I was being the target of at school: the idea that, to survive, it is okay to live only for yourself and to take advantage of others when you want. (After all, most of the other kids lived by this idea, so why wouldn't I?) Because of this, naturally there were two classes of people: the abusers, which had free reign over most and were effectively separate from the rest, and the abused. But even within the abused (which I was part of because I wasn't physically strong at the time), there's the same sentiment: each seeked to separate themselves from those who were 'worse' than them, even if they themselves were the victim of abuse. This led to a school environnement where nobody really tried to seek friendship, other than either for being praised, or for manipulation. Because I was new to this kind of environnement at the time, I got in a lot of manipulative 'friendships' which doens't help self esteem. There were very little people who understood the futility of this (and were very mature): I met three people like that, who I still am friends with to this day. Unfortunately, although those two friends helped me a lot, my toxic relationships also damaged me a lot (although I've recovered from them now). One of those was a group of LoL players which I joined: there your worth was decided by which rank you reached. (LoL is an online game with a ranking system.) In a way it seemed 'fair', just be good and you will be appreciated. I lost a year of my life this way playing LoL and quit shortly after I finished college. It was very dumb, because LoL is a game which, instead of respecting the player, treats the player like a piece of shit. Each game of LoL is a random team of five versus another team, and lasts 20 to 40 minutes: each match is ranked and whether you win or lose determines if you climb in your ranking or sink down. But because of the team nature, often some people felt the only reason they lost was because of their teammates, etc, and you would have a lot of people telling you you're a piece of shit, and insulting you, going back to the school environnement. Yet because I was seeking appreciation in school, I continued to play.. Sometimes the games went longer than expected, and I delayed eating by several minutes. If I gave up the game to eat, I often felt very bad; the game punished you severly for quitting (you couldn't play again for a while and lost extra points if I recall correctly.) And of course, because of playing a lot, I didn't work a lot (although I still got good grades because I'm premature and don't have to work 'as much'). So this game undermines your self-worth a lot, up to the point where you think your existence is linked to it. In a way it was a little ironic: once I got out of the six-to-eight long farce that was school, I went to the computer and subjected myself to more torture in order to be able to feel better about myself, and maybe be less alone tommorow. Ironically, when I was in college, in this state, I didn't fall into depression and want to kill myself: even worse, I felt it was all fair. There was this idea, that it was just the natural way of life, and that if you worked hard you would then deserve to be well treated, to be not abused anymore. Unfortunately I didn't have anyone to pull me out of this mindset.. I didn't have to worry about my abuse because I was just a "temporarily embarassed millionaire", and I would show them all when all my slavery and unending loyalty to the system well deserved hard work would pay off and I would have the right to treat people like shit and take advantage of them because I survived through former abuse, and then probably indoctrinate my children with that ideology. In the college where I was we all mostly knew most that we learned was really useless for later, so there was even more of an incentive to just do what you want. But to go back to toxic relationships, another one I had was with a girl who sat next to me in a certain class. Here women were mostly treated as objects of social status. Naturally, I wanted to get a girlfriend, and there was no better targets than the one next to me, who was pretty cute. When I look back, there was quite a lot of implied discussion about porn (although I didn't really "get the hint" in most cases, I still understood some). So to survive in college, a vague interest in porn and sexuality was required, because then we could tell ourselves that life is actually super exciting and everything is great, when in reality it's mostly bleak and we wouldn't even get close to doing what was in the exciting displays of porn. I think my 'love" of the girl that sat next to me also came from that. (I didn't watch porn at the time, and still don't; but the descriptions alone and the vague idea of having sexual relations with someone made it, even for an 'abused' like me who was denied of most things, exciting.) I didn't have any idea how to approach her, so my best idea, as someone forced into being shy, was to exchange papers starting discussions while we were in class (because I couldn't approach her otherwhise). Yet I didn't know who I was dealing with: this girl was by far the most manipulative and unstable person I know (and still know as of today.) In fact, my plan to approach her, was actually the opposite! This is important because I thought the decisions I made were purely because of my own accord, but I realised much later it was her that baited me into it. In a way, there was a giant red flag at the start: why would a well off person in college talk to an abused, a loser like me? The answer was that she was playing with several other, easily influencable men at the same time; me, one of the three good friends I mentionned earlier, and a guy I started to know which was her 'boyfriend". I was really into it at first, thinking I'd struck real love: we even got out and went to the same bus stations, and lived not too far away, saving myself from the painful thing known as "having to put effort in" - I could just manipulate her to love me! My actions were very rash, because for the very first time I thought I was above someone. I'd been abused all this time, yet I had someone who loved me (or so I thought) and I could just use her as I wanted, dropping a hint of affection every so often - that was my perception of love, from catching others boasting and mistreating their girlfriends. The girl in question, along with playing with three boys at the same time, had us mostly hooked the entire ride - except for my friend who got the whole picture halfway through. After that she tried to go out with him, and they were lovers for a whole four hours - before she spent an hour in class writing a letter of apology about how it's 'not gonna work out", presumably in the intent to hurt him a lot. When I asked what she was writing during class, she concealed it and lied about it - making me think this was maybe a strategy she was going to use against me later. She was also surprisingly good at keeping a straight face for fooling us. I was the one most affected by this of course - I went through all her hoops and jumps, and slowly lost the manipulative aspect; because I thought she really loved me. After a few months, I was completely struck, yet we had never even talked about liking each other, and nobody knew I even talked to her.. After this, it was time to hurt me: and I jumped through more bullshit, learned to dance her tango and put up with her ignorance about me one day, and sudden affection the other - because I think I loved her. This culminated, through some dumb turn of events I can only describe as expert engineering, to me stealing her phone on a school trip - I had a pretty good plan, but made a fatal mistake. This was the culmination of manipluation: I took an action I thought I took of my own accord, to only realise she was expecting this all along. When I had stolen the phone and went back to the dorms, two hours later, she went to where I was and looked in my eyes. Without any more communication, like being led by strings, I took the phone out of where I had hidden it, and gave it to her. On talking with the teachers, I later asked how they found out: they said the girl rung the phone and found where it was - which was bullshit, because it never rang since I had it with me the entire time! So I had been set up. By far the most frustating thing was the straight face she kept - always playing with you, making me ready to do the dance for her next trick, making me feel like I had a chance at ever escaping the abyss of losers - a glimmering light that led the peasants to dance, and me to feel hope to be better than the others. I was blamed by her after for stealing her phone: she did a single remark, knowing where my weakness lies, in a little irony in the train when nobody could hear, and it stung me for weeks. For me it was my fault, if I did this mistake I simply deserved it. And so this was the wierdest love I had for someone: a mix of raw hate, pure anger, combined with the tiring facade of love. We were in a hate relationship, coordinated by love on the surface, love that I sincerly believed in, yet I hated at the same time, and that she used to manipulate me. Never had I seen anything else than the straight face she kept to toy with me. I learned with some side invesigation that she used drugs often. And at the end of college, I felt like a victory - but looking back, it was a big waste of four years. I learned nothing but how badly people can treat each other, and how there is no bottom to the trapdoor of misery: you can always go lower, so does it ever end? More than anything, the whole construct I had going on with myself, the lies I told myself to keep going, were not applicable. I wasted four years playing nothing more than a card game where I hold no cards, and play the gester to get some crumbs; led on and able to do anything for anyone because I knew I just would be superior to them one day. By far the worst thing was that I was nice and hard working. In this dumb waste, I still believed hard in this meritocracy - isn't that the scariest thing? I worked really hard for no reason - I had nothing to keep me going, yet I kept going. Because my mom told me "you will get somewhere if you work hard". Because I believed in a better future if I spent my living hours dumbing myself down to repetitive learning. Nothing was of value, nothing mattered; work was dumb and repetitive - yet I kept going. Why? I never admitted to myself that life was unfair, despite all that I was living through. It was all the nature of man, and I was ever so insane as to think of an alternative: although I didn't ever think as to another because I was fine with what was going on. After all, you just have to work harder if you want to be rewarded, right? [Unfortunately my small story does not end here, but it's 1:30 and I'll type up the rest later..]
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Location: France So I need to redo this run, because I made a significant routing mistake: not picking up all items that give equip slots. This makes the game uncompletable, as you need to equip certain soul combinaisons (which require all five equip slots) to get certain souls and finish the game. It does mean routing gets a bit easier, since I don't have to worry about this anymore. Another reason for restarting was three tricks I found out while making the run: * Attacking trick. This is a really wierd trick: by simply attacking, Yoh's hitbox gets shifted downwards very slightly, for the entirety of the animation. While this doens't seem very significant, having Yoh's hitbox shift down means you can hit the ground a frame earlier for every time you are in the air (and backdash a frame earlier, jump a frame earlier, dash a frame earlier, etc.), leading to a significant improvement. Since the hitbox shift lasts for the duration of the slash, I have quite a few opportunities to make movement more interesting to watch. * Neutral speed conservation. When Yoh is in the air, he keeps all his speed as long as he holds the same direction he is going in, carrying over all your speed. But when landing, Yoh would go back to his normal 416 speed. The solution is simply to not hold any input when Yoh lands on the ground. This way, we can keep a portion of Yoh speed if it was greater than his usual speed when he lands (the greater the speed, the more it decreases each frame). Especially useful in the early game where the fastest way of movement is backdashing off ledges (1024 speed). * Attack cancelling. Yoh's first slash has two phases: the first which lasts 14 frames, and the second which lasts 12 frames. During the first phase Yoh cannot move in any way (though he can still use souls), but during the second phase he can move. So by moving after attacking (in the second phase of the slash) it's possible to cut off a lot of frames, and as such attack a lot faster. Other than the attacking trick, not a lot has changed movement wise. On short distances, I use jumping because of the significant speed difference (448 vs 416). Damage boosting (512 speed) is done much higher in the air as well because I can keep the 512 speed for as long as Yoh is airbone.
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Out of all TASes, Dottori-Kun?! Color me surprised.
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partyboy1a wrote:
But I disliked the end. I would like to see the credits as fast as possible after the three bosses are defeated. I would find it better if the initials are entered at the high score screen, instead of letting the run end there.
Here's a run with "proper" ending (to name entry): I don't know if this follows the rules, hence why I didn't add one to the original run.
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Thanks for the correction about frame advance. Regarding read-only, I'm talking about the ability to toggle modes mid-movie (for example, if you want to replay earlier input without overwriting it by loading an earlier savestate.) The problem with savestate slots are while they are easy to reach and switch to, in a TASing environnement (where you have 4-5 active savestates you often switch back and forth to), swapping slots adds an very slow and unnecessary step.
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Yeah, they accept patches at their forum They have a repo but private (for known contributors.) Alternatively, pm dink on there. ___________ Some information about the current state of rerecording in FBA (and what would be needed to add to make it a viable TASing emulator in order): * Deterministic replays. This is the biggest issue: currently replays will only start recording from a savestate. After asking, recording from power on (without savestates) was disabled because it caused crashes. There is an incredibly hacky workaround for this (but it works!): load the game, then click outside the FBA window (anywhere on the desktop, from example.) After this, the game will be paused: from there, select Game > Record input and record your movie as normal. * Frame advance Implemented, press F1 - bindable to other keys. * Read only & Read+Write functions - not implemented. * Ability to bind savestates to multiple slots - currently you can only bind them to one slot, and have a separate hotkey to switch slots. The file format used is the same one as in blip's rerecording builds (fr). I've made a page about it. For the rest, the implementation is solid in general (it doens't shit itself on Neo Geo, for example, and syncs properly on CPS1/2/3) and FBA has support for more games, such as, for example, Neo Geo CDs.
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Source: if anyone wants to hack around.
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For the Thunder Bokan refight (the robot), the reason I don't use Piercer is because of the egg route. Every 4th Funkey Egg (the powerup-dropping enemies) you kill, instead of dropping a normal powerup, will drop a special powerup: Excess Shot, then Power Shot, then repeat. The problem with this is that even if you have collected these special powerups, they will still keep appearing. Since Piercer doens't last very long in the boss rush, and there are more than 3 eggs in that stage, I will be forced to get a special powerup somewhere (and thus unable to use Piercer.) As such, I had to devise an 'egg route' for two conditions: * get Power Shot and Excess Shot before the first Thunder Bokan fight (which is trivial) * get a special powerup on the Thunder Bokan refight. The reason I chose Thunder Bokan was because it was the boss I could take out the quickest without Piercer. In fact the fight would have been a bit longer if I didn't have the screw weapon when fighting Thunder Bokan: this is why I carry the screw through the entierety of stage 4, even though it's an incredibly bad choice for that stage. Finally, the reason I use Screw instead of Piercer in the first Thunder Bokan fight is because, with Power Shot, each additional powerup adds an extra assist (and such an extra shot.) Because there are a lot of Funkey Eggs in Stage 3, Screw's damage output becomes completely ridiculous (enough to deal more than Piercer.)
Post subject: J.J Squawkers
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Link to video Full run of the first loop. I will do the second loop in a not-so-distant future.
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You can toggle your movie to Read-only to avoid losing your input after loading your save state.