Posts for zeromus

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this seems correct. theres some snags, this will take some time to work out. be patient
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An expert user advocate tests that filter in retroarch compatible emulators and vouches for its effectiveness and quality, and compares it to other available options; then tests it in svn versions of bizhawk and gives thumbs-up to the feature.
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An expert user advocate and a retroarch filter would work.
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Sure, I could search for it. So can you. But theres other things I can do that you can't, and I prefer to spend time doing those things. Fortranm, what if there were an option that disabled the auto-sizing of the window? Newer SVN versions of bizhawk have some more fine-tuned control over how the resizing happens, so you could make sure that games werent distorted if they mismatched your freely-selected window size. I don't think having a default scale factor per core is something that's going to happen any time soon. This is just one of approximately six million things which someone might want set individually per core, and it's too slippery a slope right now.
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Doesn't look like a retroarch shader for me. Let me clarify my last post. I asked someone who was interested in shader X to go find a good retroarch shader X, since bizhawk can handle them, so I could copy it without having to evaluate them myself. Sometimes I don't like adding features without having an expert user advocate. I intend to bake several retroarch filters into bizhawk as optional stages in the video processing, without having to support a GUI for making intricate shader chains. This seems like a good candidate.
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We already use retroarch shaders. I'm well aware of them. I asked someone who was interested in shader X to go find a good shader X, so I could copy it without having to evaluate them myself.
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find a retroarch filter which does this to your satisfaction and i'll bake it into bizhawk
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No, thank you. We won't be doing this, or anything like this. Instead we'll be using mednafen which probably doesn't have that bug, and fixing the bug if it exists.
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sounds like your cpu fan is dusty and you dont do anything else serious with your cpu power. when you return the next day your stuff is cooled off. a seriously overheated cpu wont be cooled off after sleeping and then immediately waking it back up. when studying performance of an emulator, pick a stable scene. some emulators may shoot up to double fps for half a second while scenes change. results obtained while the game is going from menu in and out of demo modes are not useful. run any other emulator which is heavily cpu-bound, unthrottled, and watch whether its performance follows the same patterns. almost certainly it will.
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Dynarec causes the games to be buggy and run faster. Nobody should be using it for TASing.
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Are those particular TASing projects you have?
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OK, here's the scoop. Looks like you imported the disc image correctly, and manually specified a bios file. Looks like the bios file wasn't what we expect (so you should try harder to find the correct one). The first message is saying it isn't what we expected. This is just a warning, and I think we intended it as a warning. However, the code was then bombing after displaying the warning, (mistakenly?) thinking proceeding was impossible. The second message is actually an error, saying that the PCE-CD core bombed. But it was not very clear about that, appearing as a somewhat mysterious warning. So, I cleaned up the errors in r6529.
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some things to try: try screenshotting error messages you can't copy textwise onto the clipboard. don't overwrite one bizhawk (or any program, for that matter) with another version. dearchive them to independent directories and copy across config files as needed. Reply to my PM
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To be clear: you might have expected newer operating systems to have more features, if anything, so that where you might not have had to install the prereqs on windows 7, you certainly shouldn't have to on windows 8. However, that isn't how it works. Microsoft routinely subtracts features where those features are at odds with their support budget or intentions on manipulating what users and developers do with their systems.
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oblivionwalker, I'm sorry for your loss. It's like taking away your bike and giving you rusty ice skates as substitute. I suggest you mow some lawns or something, basically your life is ruined without a PC.
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i would believe it if it's broken with n64 and nothing else. presently, some n64 plugins are setting the window size to weird values and could possibly be flaking stuff out
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bizhawk cannot open PSP rom files with help of PPSSPP.
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It's called a bug. You're getting the error message because it's breaking. Post your movie that youre trying to "load", say specifically how youre trying to "load" it, and state which version of bizhawk you're using. Giving all characters is probably not the easiest cheat to make.
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1. always run through discohawk before even spending half a second thinking about it 2. what does "can't seem to open it" mean?
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bug 1 sounds like the sticky hotkeys button that some people report. we dont know why that happens yet. bugs 2,3,4 all sound like the same bug due to a problem with some of your old movies. Maybe you should upload them somewhere for debugging I don't know what a "paste" is or how it contains files I dont think there are any notable bugs in the bsnes sound emulation, so if SNES "roms" (you used the plural despite only testing one rom) have terrible music, it's the game's fault, or your system has the speed of a turtle. weird objects bug sounds like a good bug report. the a2600 core is under active development. some games work fine, there are problems with others.
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This could only be a bug in the bsnes profile used, although its really hard to believe how this game engine could be dependent on something so sneaky that it would glitch one of the profiles. Which profile have you selected, and have you tried the other, and which profile does lsnes use?
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I just pushed the start button in a NES and SNES game simultaneously in bizhawk 1.6.1 the default keybindings in snes seem not to have been fixed along with NES (swapping Z and X), so A/B might be mixed up between them unless youve reconfigured it.
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The programmer whose job it was to refresh this thread every 15 seconds to guarantee that all posts are read and transfer the bugs posted here to the bug tracker actually gnawed through his chains and escaped. Please be patient while we lure another one to the basement.
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the SNES > Options menu contains 3 SNES options, one of which is the one you want. N64 relations can only be solved by a relationship counselor.
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there's some movie it's finding during the scan process that upsets it. move some of them out of your movies dir and youll eventually find the culprit.