Posts for zeromus

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1. this isnt an option. there are other windows than just the two you listed, or there will be eventually. individual sprites and tiles.
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1. im not sure thats a good idea, but ill play with it and see if it behaves weirdly 2. that's a separate mode, additional work over the baseline. its planned.
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post the psd youre testing on and ill debug it
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Posts: 1156 output/psdcolormap.exe will accept .psd files and drop them in the same directory as .fixed.psd indexed images will be changed to rgba in the process. shouldnt be hard to batch convert them back. i attempted to get this right in the first try; we'd need to test some maps to see if it's working out as expected. this targets the new bizhawk snes palette, which natt changed a couple of days ago, and is different from bsnes, since we discovered bsnes's palette seems sort of illogical. colors that dont exist in the snes9x colorspace should turn to magenta. if youre trying to convert some other unknown colorspace to bizhawk's, then youre not making sense; a conversion cant be done when the source colorspace isnt known. im not necessarily recommending that you convert your maps. this is just so we know you can do it, if you decide to switch to bizhawk.
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it would take a couple of hours of photoshop scripting, which might then take a couple of days to run
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BG mode switches should never be needed to view a layer correctly. choose the correct scanline, and the game should be switching to the right BG mode. choosing the scanline is way more powerful and should obsolete the idea of choosing the bg mode. I've got to add the priority toggle to the todo list. and the ctrl+c copy.. our infrastructure for that is brand new, so i'll move it to the top of the list. the sprites are gonna go in the same window but on a different tab. sort of. there should be another option where you choose the BG you want.
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hi, I'm the guy who works on the snes graphics debugger. we want you to use bizhawk for this. 1. thats more of a snes emulator core issue than a gfx debugger issue. it can be arranged. i never fathomed it would be an issue, but it makes sense. 2. obj debugging is planned, coming soon. 3. I wouldnt have thought of that. I'll think of a way to do it 4. I am going to put layer toggles in the gfx debugger. I'll make sure an all/none option is there too. we'll see if that's enough. 5. that's an oversight. it can be fixed. as an aside, all of the graphics decoding is in c# right now. when it's done, i'll port it to c++ and the debugger wont be quite so painfully slow. please let me know if you find any games with jacked up BGs. There are still some modes I havent tested. feedback on how it feels to use this debugger compared to vsnes is welcome. vsnes seems to have represented things more concisely than I was able to figure out. I've never used vsnes before. It's transparency controls groupbox is good, I might rip it off directly. If you have opinions about it, better share them!
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are you talking about lag "my computer runs slow" and lag "no input this frame" simultaneously? expect a sphere of confusion around you if you do that.
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hegyak: i dont think anyone plans far enough in the future for something that distant to be in the plans antd: works fine for me. did you run the prereqs installer?
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see if it works better now, i changed the revision number tracking batchfile to be more robust
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should have been broken since 19-aug-2012. memory map was accidentally implementing $1xxx reads as PPU register reads instead of internal ram reads, which caused the scroll regs to get glitched. could have been affecting a number of games since that date but accessing variables in that range is not typical behaviour. fixed in r3655
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We'll be using desmume in bizhawk when we get to that point, anyway. when dasShiny is better than desmume, then we can find out why, and make desmume better too.
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you could work on a c64 emulator core ^_^
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I can see how someone not serving you roms on a silver platter might be deflating and discouraging, but take heart! Once you learn how to find what you need on your own, you'll be an emulator superhero! Don't give up!
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One frame may be within the margin of error for this kind of study. the difference seems to happen at about 6:56. Theres no reason to believe theres a glitch in the game timing there, since it has passed that point earlier without missing anything. Therefore I expect that is the point in which some judder in the capture process occurred. If it was off by ~4 frames at the end of the video and the demo had looped 4 times, that would be suspicious.
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starfox is considering itself lucky if it can run at 30fps. usually (always?) its running worse. you shouldnt be surprised if its got as many lag frames as missed frames.
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fixed as of r3530 but i can't make any promises that it will stay that way as this is purely polish and may decay at any time. the revision part of the version number was always correct and thats all that really matters.
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Sorry video drivers are probably to blame for that. You could turn off the shadow under your mouse cursor and it might help. We already know you have a shoddy video card or drivers, from the bug with the direct3d texture creation, since youre the only person ever to have run into it. Maybe a video driver upgrade/downgrade would solve a range of issues, from crashes to bad performance to weird mouse cursor performance degradations.
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the_randomizer wrote:
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Dude, when did I ever say I was being abrasive or disrespectful to you? What the f**k am I supposed to do now that I'm in deeper crap than when I started? The more I post here, the deeper I get.
Read harder. When did _I_ ever say you were being abrasive?
the_randomizer wrote:
Didn't test the audio thoroughly enough, it still pops/skips every ten seconds.
Right now to avoid periodic sound hiccups you need to use "config > sound > sound throttle" which probably necessitates disabling of vsync at this time. Theres some thorny issues in the codebase right now, this is the best you can do.
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Never dropping below 60 fps does not prove that your cpu is "more than powerful enough" for anything. Only the unthrottled performance of your CPU being in the 120fps range proves that it is unambiguously more than powerful enough. Using drivers to force vsync can't always be expected to work; and we won't support it. You should never ask an application developer for support with that. I'm not sure what the relation between the snes core and saving custom sizes. I don't see what snes has to do with it; the concept of 'saving custom sizes' in bizhawk is foreign to me. Vsync option: Config > Speed/Skip. I'll imagine that you looked hard in all the menus instead of mis-reasoning where it ought to be and just missed it every time. Vsync doesnt apply to gdi+ display method. GDI+ display method is an emergency backdrop. It is impossible to vsync with that method; and so vsync does not work. Theres no way to change the aspect ratio. You should not be surprised, as this is a member of a constellation of display presentation features which includes filtering, a department bizhawk is clearly lacking in right now. And finally, consider that, when you get the hell out of a place, because one twerp is being amateurishly abrasive towards you, you disrespect anyone who might already be in the middle of helping you by throwing away their time investment.
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Just take my advice, quit talking about synchronization, and try to explain your problems using the methodology I outlined in that same post. I cant promise we can solve your problems but at least we can get them written down in a way that makes sense.
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The reports arent crimes against humanity. The bugs are. According to the reports. Any statement describing an unfortunate situation that's bolded is interpreted as a crime against humanity. That's how the internet works. I was just spelling it out for you, since you seemed not to understand. In general, you do not seem to understand how you come across, although now that you have devised the skunk analogy, it seems you may have some idea after all. You may find that leaving is a simple solution. Or you could just quit stinking. If you would like instructions for the latter method, perhaps that could be arranged. I'm sure you can handle the former method quite well yourself.
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the_randomizer wrote:
My only complaint left is having to select the ROM file type whenever I load a ROM. Why it doesn't remember the type you used last is beyond me.
As of r3529 this has been fixed, so you may now feel free to bugger off if you so choose. For the sake of completeness, I will answer your question. Here's why: it's called a bug. Sometimes things don't work right. Luckily we can rely on you to discover it and write about it as if its some weird kooky mystery or bolded egregious crime against humanity.
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the_randomizer wrote:
Is D3D a better API to use, or would GDI be better instead?
1. Why would you ask a question like that? Use whichever one works better. If neither of them work better, then it doesnt matter. 2. This is beside the point. Pasky is expressing deep skepticism that you have any clue what youre talking about at all, since you seem to have invented the concept of openGL being involved in this emulator from no evidence whatsoever. Troubleshooting people who are making things up.. can you see why this might be a problem?
the_randomizer wrote:
Video can't be synced without noticeable decrease in performance (down to 53-55 frames per second)
the_randomizer wrote:
neither are there options to sync the video that I can see
Which is it?
the_randomizer wrote:
there's still no option to force bilinear filtering in the filters options in 1.2.0
One thing at a time. If everyone filled up their threads requesting support with an exhaustive list of every old unrelated thing they nagged about which hadnt been fixed yet, then the threads would get very noisy.
the_randomizer wrote:
I must be doing something wrong. Bilinear filtering was added back in 1.1.0, but all I see is 2xSA1, which isn't bilinear, but it's close and not very intensive on the CPU
config > gui > use bilinear filtering I believe you should stop talking about synchronization. You're not making much sense. Here are some statements which do make sense, which you might agree with. You can try crafting your own, but you run the risk of them not making any sense. 1. The emulator never ever runs > 60 fps unthrottled. 2. Since it never runs > 60 fps, the sound is pretty bad. But obviously, I'm not going to complain about that, since one can't expect the sound to be good if the emulator isn't running full speed. 3. Even when I enable vsync, I get tearing 4. When I enable vsync, my unthrottled framerate decreases from X to Y
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with "runs like s**t" being all we have to go on, you cant expect anyone to be accurately understanding your issue. at least, it would be helpful to know what fps you get unthrottled.