Posts for zeromus

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I wish you had tried my other troubleshooting steps first. Or recorded which installers it thought it needed to run, since it seems to only show packages which are missing. Now we'll never know, and we'll have to wait for someone who is interested in helping solve the problem for others instead of just solving it for themselves. Did you have the same error as sonia? I've never seen that error before, so I assume you just weren't talking about it.
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uhhh. well, that's weird. i've never heard of dxwebsetup failing even a _manual_ install. There may be something devious wrong with your system. I wish you had tried my other troubleshooting steps first. But at least, can you tell me which "aio installer from sereby corporation" URL you used so if anyone else has this problem, we can try it?
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disable your security software and try installing it all again? I'll fix that dialog box to let you try running bizhawk anyway... since after I made that dialog, I've fixed it to gracefully fallback from direct3d failing to initialize. you should also get dependency walker and load C:\windows\syswow64\D3dx9_43.dll and/or C:\windows\system32\D3dx9_43.dll and see if there are any glaring issues
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Sonia: HOW did you reinstall direct3d9? That part of the check doesnt fail unless you do something completely nuts. You should be using our prerequisite installer. Nach: I have the old packages. What should I do with them?
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Cores that have been updated since the last release
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install the visual c++ 2015 redistributable (x86) instead of x64 only. It would have come with our redistributable installer and been installed automatically. I suppose now that I see this, I should have written x64 in the Prerequisites Missing! dialog. I'll do that soon. Mugg, the more windowsupdates you had to get when we added the msvcrt 2015 dep have since been added to the prereq installer
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ehw wrote:
BizHawk identifies Z80 data in Z80 RAM understandably, but the actual sound data isn't being identified in the MD CART segment.
Fixed. You should visit #fceu on freenode where cah4e3 lurks, perhaps you two can collaborate on cdl -< ida scripts
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There's no way this is an emulation bug. More likely bad or weirdly designed game programming logic which doesnt make you run into trees all the time. Maybe they decided it was an occasional surprise, or maybe there's a problem with the math.
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use the frame advance hotkey to study whether the game is actually just laggy
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laggy compared to what? bizhawk is not the least laggy emulator, but it's not introducing substantial lag compared to your OS, audio, and video.
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Regarding the bug, I just fixed it, but it will take some time to get released. Games which accessed z80 address 2xxx and 3xxx crashed it due to a typo on the C side. Regarding z80 sound drivers in CDL, I don't understand. I just ran castle of illusion and watched it log a bunch of Z80 data and code. You'll have to explain in more detail what's wrong. Oh, wait, do you mean that you can't see it accessing MD Cart through the main bus window?? I expected that to work but I didn't know how to test it. But I did write "special memory maps are hard to support here" and abort in case the game is using an unusual memory mapper, maybe that accidentally takes place all the time. There's a guy working on an .idc script for gameboy at least. I think he'd like to do it for other platforms. That's what motivated this work on the CDL in bizhawk. It's a long term project. I'm not real eager to do something in bizhawk that youve already dont yourself with a script, it's a more efficient use of time to do things you can't do yourself easily. From what I understand, using CDL data to get something setup in idapro is a bit of a creative process, but at any rate, I'll be glad to integrate any c# code you have to do it. The disassemble option is there and marked todo I think because originally it was implemented for the one platform we had CDL for, which was.. gameboy I think. Anyway it's obviously junk compared to the idapro solution. Finally regarding advanced code flow analysis... don't expect any of us to ever do that. It's too detailed. You can dive into the C code and work on it yourself.
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eh, sorry. sounds good, this seems like an actionable bug report. thanks for tracking it down.
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just to be clear, you can close mednafen and reopen it, or use the in-game reset option; both could result in it hanging? can you possibly get a savestate (in mednafen) after your last button press before it hangs? it shouldnt take many tries, right? The goal is to get a savestate that's doomed to hang, but before the screen stops fading out. Which mednafen version?
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write up the most concise and short mednafen-only repro steps you can and maybe ryphecha will take a look. You just die and reload repeatedly til it hangs?
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You should be thinking "this is a bug in mednafen, not bizhawk. I just need to prove it"
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I'm not sure I like the business of automatically switching cores. I concede the usefulness, but there's big differences between cores. Having the wrong core selected should be as big a senseless incompatibility as the wrong system.
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You used two memory cards, therefore the saveram is twice the size of the .mcr. You can cut it in half in a hex editor. I would really need you to test the same scenario in mednafen for me to be happy. I seriously doubt a random crashing as youve described is a difference between bizhawk and mednafen.
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Try it in mednafen. if youre only using one memory card then the .saveram file should be the same as a mednafen .mcr so you can port it over.
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No, we won't be providing a tutorial covering subjects literally nobody but you has ever asked about. DBMan isn't for beginners. MultiHawk isn't for beginners. Stop using them. So "it" doesnt read "it". Is the first "it" one of the programs that's not for beginners? Or is "it" emuhawk.exe which can't startup because you don't have visual c++ 2015 runtime installed? Since none of the programs you're able to run can load a PCE-CD bios, any information you have about what happens when opening the PCE-CD bios is fictional. However, I'll assume it isn't fictional, just so we have something to talk about. "It" that reads the PCE-CD bios "under PCE" Must be emuhawk. Since you know so much about how other emulators work, such that you know bizhawk is different, then you would know it's foolish to open a bios file. You must configure it through the firmwares menu. Once that's done a game CD should load OK, as long as its a .cue. Did you run our prerequisite installer? What makes you think you have "Microsoft Visual 2015" installed? It doesn't matter that MultiHawk crashes, you shouldn't be using it. You shouldn't be debugging, because you don't know how to transcribe text, let alone program, so you don't need to care about "jtdebugging" and I can't really fathom what "configurations" you went to. That error message was shown by windows, not us, so it isn't just us being different.
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bizhawk defaults to clock throttle. scrolling will be jumpy unless you pick vsync throttle
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That first stacktrace doesn't have anything to do with a screenshot. The only part of this which makes sense is theres a certain similarity between screenshots and avi-writing. I dont think the situation is changed at all, I think its a complete random freak chance the bug has changed from screenshot associated to avi associated. In fact, I doubt it has to do with either at all and it's just a coincidence that it seems to be associated with avis or screenshots. The second stacktrace only happens if the GB core is completely malfunctioning. I found one other place where I needed to use an invariant culture, which might _work around_ your first problem. But considering the involvement of avi/screenshot is still a mystery, and the second problem... there's something else weird going on, I'm withholding it for now. Debugging further will require new information or teamviewering to your PC
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MUGG wrote:
When I save avi to C:\Users\Name that contains ö and space\Desktop then reopen emu, and open gpu viewer, it gives the error. Then I close emu, delete the ini, reopen emu and save avi to D:\ Reopen emu, gpu viewer works.
Sorry, no bug here. Post the new gpu viewer crash stacktrace.
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because it's hard. sorry, youll have to be more specific. I can't make it happen. which directory has the äöü in it? saving the avi where? It's hard to believe the gpu viewer cares what your directories are called. Avi codecs on the other hand might choke on äöü. After we smoke this out, you should stop using directories with spaces or äöü unless you really like hitting one crashing bug after another.
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Post one of your watch files. You must be doing the magic thing which breaks it, over and over. I dont know what the magic thing is, but itll be in the watch file.