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Game Results:

Wiki Results:

5063S Mega Man V. The gameplay is a mix between classic Mega Man and Mega Man
3812S Mega Man X and Mega Man X2, Mega Man Xtreme 2 takes its stage designs
4029S Mega Man V plays just like the rest of the GB Mega Man games. Mega
6192S Mega Man's terminal velocity. Without pressing Up, Mega Man's speed goes from −7, to −11, and then
5740S Mega Man games. Waking up in Dr. Light's laboratory, Mega Man is presented with
4759S Mega-Buster received an upgrade after Mega Man III, and Mega Man now gets knocked
3157S Mega Man. Up to three of them can stick to Mega Man, but the effects
3147S Mega Man X tricks page]. !!!About the game __Mega Man X3__ is the third game
HomePages/AngerFist Mega Man, Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, Mega Man 4, Mega Man 5 and Mega
6534S Mega Man 1; in Mega Man 2, those timers are persistent! However, by repeatedly dropping

Post Results:

Special stars Mega Man X & Mega Man X2 & Mega Man X3 (USA) "300%" in 43:51.02 by agwawaf
Anyone care to help me out with some NES GameGenie codes? Mega Man 1 (U) - PAXOIOGP Mega Man 2 (U) - PEKAIEGP Mega Man 3 (U) [!] - PEUGKOKP
Metroid Prime mega man 1, mega man 3, mega man 4 several times, mega man 6, mega
Metroid Prime mega man 1, mega man 3, mega man 4 several times, mega man 6, mega
Metroid Prime mega man 1, mega man 3, mega man 4 several times, mega man 6, mega
Speedruns on DVD Mega Man X1 and Mega Man X2 joint run by DeHackEd. It takes advantage of DVD's multi
Mega Man 1 - Mega Man 6 Sextuple TAS Man with Flash Man. Mega man 3: Needle Man. I would have picked Top Man
"Rockman-Banned!" Mega Man and Forte" as "Mega Man 9" -Confusing "Mega Man X" as "Mega Man
Zook Man ZX4 / Rockman & Crystal Mega Man games (including Mega Man 7, Mega Man & Bass, and Mega Man Zero). It also
Bigame Movies Mega Man 4.fcm and Mega Man 5.fcm, the movies that I record for each game