Referrers for 2661M


ros. 3 "warps"] * [2661M|Castlevania: Symphony of the Night "all relics & bosses"] * [2592M|Chrono Tr
647M] (((1/3))) # [2661M] (((1/3))) # [2711M
is also available [2661M|here]. If you prefer the
ts every boss, see [2661M|this run]. We also have a run
/Forum/Topics/1182|[2661M] %%% [2541M] %%% [25
es/star.png|Stars] [2661M] %%% [=images/star.p
World 2 "100%"] * [2661M|Castlevania: Symphony of the Night "all relics & bosses"] * [4010M|Super Met
ros. 3 "warps"] * [2661M|Castlevania: Symphony of the Night "all relics & bosses"] * [2592M|Chrono Tr
e], and a run that [2661M|kills every boss and obtains all relics]. We also have a run