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Revision (current)
Last Updated by Dada on 3/17/2012 6:19 PM
!!! About me
Hello. [|Visit me on Youtube.]

!! Currently encoding
* All sorts of stuff.

!! Encoding junk

! x264:

 x264 "X:\input.avs" --crf 24 --keyint 500 --ref 16 --mbtree --bframes 16 --b-adapt 2
 --weightb --direct auto --subme 9 --trellis 2 --aq-mode 1 --partitions all --me umh
 --merange 64 --tcfile-in "X:\input.times.txt" --8x8dct --no-dct-decimate
 --rc-lookahead 250 --fullrange on --muxer auto --output "X:\output.avi"

! mkvmerge:

 mkvmerge --compression -1:none --aspect-ratio 0:4/3 --timecodes 0:input.times.txt
 input.avi input.ogg subs.ssa -o output.mkv

and so on and so forth.

! Putting segment numbers at the back of the filename:

Some emulators make segments that start with a number. VirtualDub requires segment serial numbers to be at the end of the file, otherwise it won't automatically detect all segments. To fix that (code is untested...):

 import os, re
 path = './'
 listing = os.listdir(path)
 for file in listing:
     matches = re.match(r'([[0-9]]{3}_)(.+?)\.(.*)', file)
     if matches is not None:
         number ='_')
         name =
         ext =
         new_name = '%s_%s.%s' % (name, number, ext)
         print('Renaming %s to %s...' % (file, new_name)'''')
         #os.rename(path+file, path+new_name)
 print('All done.')

Note: formatted so that it displays correctly in rendered text, not in source.

! Converting Colloquy transcripts to SRT files: 

This was used to create the author's commentary for FFIX. The code can be found here: