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Last Updated by Unknown on 1/1/2022 6:13 PM
!!! [user:DeHackEd]

!! My TODO list

(includes personal projects)

* ---VisualBoyAdvance with movie playback for Linux, at a minimum. Rerecording might come later.--- Done, can make AVIs for GB and GBA
* ---Gens modding--- Done, though not quite how I'd have liked it.
* Automation to the AVI encoding process
* Some seed assistance for BitTorrent ( doesn't do what I'm going to want)
* ---Dig into FCEU's key bindings, rebind stuff and modify the joystick code for my own recording purposes.--- Okay, but no joystick yet.
* ---GMV support in microstorage?---

!! Useful Web Scripts

* [|Savestate-ify] - You can edit when a movie ends by using load-state and then terminating recording. Now you can edit when a movie starts by submitting an SMV (or VBM) and a save-state to this script. Snes9x and VBA in GameboyAdvance mode only.
* [|Microstorage] - Hosts FCM/FM2, SMV, VBM, M64, MMV, GMV, PXM and DSM files online.

!! Movies I've made

* ---[300M|Mega Man X] in 30:44--- ([725M|Obsoleted])
* ---[380M|Mega Man X & X2 (dual run)] in 41:41.---
* ---[442M|Mega Man 4] in 35:11 with [user:AngerFist]---
* ---[545M|Mega Man 4] in 34:34 with [user:AngerFist]---

!! Microstorage stats

(As of January 1st, 2013)
* __Lifetime hits:__ 569,601 to info pages; 187,240 files download; 81,137 view of homepage (upload page)
* __Space (compressed):__ 663 megabytes
* __Space (uncompressed):__ 6948 megabytes
* __Files uploaded:__ 30,487

!!! Older stats
(As of January 31st, 2011; this section isn't necessarily a good idea)

* __Space (compressed):__ 522 megabytes
* __Space (uncompressed):__ 4515 megabytes
* __Files uploaded:__ 22,513
* By file type:
** smv: 9309
** vbm: 3731
** fcm: 3555
** m64: 2223
** gmv: 1466
** fm2: 1301
** dsm: 164
** mmv: 155
** pxm: 24
** unrecognized filetype: didn't bother counting