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Last Updated by adelikat on 4/14/2024 3:13 AM
!! Before writing
* Make sure you know what you're talking about.
* If you have to include something off-topic, keep it to a minimum.
* Don't shitpost for the sake of shitposting.
* Actually read the existing replies first, no need to repeat things.

!! While writing
* Don't just hit the quote button and start typing. Try to edit the quote so that only important information are contained within.
* When quoting, remove the BBCode (like [[img]][[/img]]) around embedded images/videos.
* If you don't care for slightly messy raw text, then do not (put multiple newlines after the [[/quote]])
>[[quote]]quoted text[[/quote]]%%% %%%your text
* Instead do (put only a single newline after the [[/quote]])
>[[quote]]quoted text[[/quote]]%%%your text
* Make sure you provide proper citations for every non-trivial claim you make.
* Don't overuse formatting but don't be afraid to use it either.
* Never use [[center]][[/center]]. It might look good on your screen, but once the window gets bigger it will become really ugly.
* Don't embed huge images (in either resolution or filesize). If the resolution can't be reduced, rescale it with something like [[img=300x400]][[/img]. For extra convenience put [[url=''url to image'']][[/url]] around everything. ([Forum/Posts/392583|Example])
* {{[[Ad]]}} Don't get caught using one of [/HomePages/Nach/Arguing|these arguing techniques].
!! After writing
* If you notice a mistake, edit your reply and use the ---overstrike effect--- to indicate the change.
* Do not edit your reply to include an answer to a later reply. It will screw up the chronology.
* If you want to add content to your ''reply'' immediately after writing it, __edit it__ instead of making a double post. However, if you want to add content to the ''topic'' itself and your last post was a while ago, then do double post (since edits don't notify people watching the topic).