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Last Updated by Mizumaririn on 5/23/2023 3:21 AM

Please refer to [=HomePages/Mizumaririn/SM3DW/Joysticks]digital notches all in game stick data

Every time a new action is set, the front angle is set to be the motion angles. It includes nearly all actions. ---Most importantly, jump/freefall, roll(fast/slow/stationary/charged/air), roll long jump, long jump, wall jump, spin attack.---

Forward speed can be kept above the soft cap and sideways speed becomes an added vector and the resultant becomes the forward speed of the next action. Mathematically, the square of sideways speed is added to the original squared speed. Vectors of short length has a significantly smaller effect, but still has to be done for the maximum gain.

!Category 0
This category includes walk, cat dive, bonk. These actions do not have acceleration on the sideways direction.

!Category 1
In the jump/freefall action, the maximum sideways speed is {{NormalMaxSpeed}} (12.97, 12 or 9.5). However, __the maximum stick angle is 84.7 degrees away from the front angle.__ A stick angle between 84.703 and 95.297 away from the front angle of any magnitude will cause the player to lose a proportion of their forward speed (called "vectoring too hard"). The sideways acceleration formula for freefall is {{sidevel += NormalMaxSpeed / JumpAccelFrame * JumpSideVelRate * stickMag * sin(stickAngle - frontAngle)}}. So the maximum acceleration is {{(12.97 or 12 or 9.5) / 21 * 0.35 * 1 * 0.9957}}. Whatever the result is, it takes 28.12 frames to hit the cap.

The actions/moves that are / can transition into jump/freefall are jump, spin jump, run off, crouch, roll expire, cat dive release, tanooki flutter release, enemy bounce, spin attack, auto wall hop, wall jump, which sets the front direction but do not set speed when transition.

;roll expire (only optimal from odyssey dive), cat dive release:
The dive angle determines the front angle. Upon reaching maximum falling speed, the forward speed will decay, reaching the soft cap. However, the diagonal speed can achieve of sqrt2 of the cap.

fair amount of speed