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Last Updated by OgreSlayeR on 12/22/2007 2:22 AM
!!((About Myself))

I'm OgreSlayeR, I'm 21 years old from the good ol' USA. I love Punk Music, Horror Movies, Women, Video Games (I'm here ain't I?), Drinking and partying. I also enjoy TASing in my free time when I'm not working or doing other RL stuff. I figured I'd make this page so people know what I'm working on.

!!((My Published Runs))

*[1045S|Castlevania: Circle of The Moon] Normal route (Now obsoleted by Cardboard)
*[645S|Castlevania: Circle of The Moon] Glitched route (Also obsoleted by Cardboard)

!! ((Runs in Workbench ))
*[1809S|Wonderboy III: The Dragon's Trap] Go vote!

!!((What I'm Working On))

Nothing right now. I'm considering another SMS game though.

!!((Next in line))
Nothing right now.

!!((Runs I'd Like To See))

*__Rocket: Robot with Wheels__ - This game is great. The physics are really good, and the game has cool vehicles. It's very similar to Banjo Kazooie in gameplay. I'd do it myself, but It's alittle too overwhelming for me, and I'm busy with other stuff.
*__Mega Man 64__ - Could make a entertaining TAS even though it isn't really a Mega Man game. (I don't give a shit what Capcom says, it isn't!)
*__Killer Instinct Gold__
*__Blast Corps__ - An all platinums TAS would rock, unfortunately the game doesn't emulate well on Mupen. :(
*__Command and Conquer 64__ - I started a test run. It's a nice candidate, but it desyncs.. :(
*__Starcraft 64__ - Kekekeke Zerg Rush!
*__Mortal Kombat Trilogy__
*__Gauntlet Legends__ - 4 Player would be ideal, but I'd watch a 1 player one. This game doesn't emulate well on Mupen unfortunately though.
*__Mario Kart 64__ 

*__Castlevania: Circle of the Moon__ - I'd like to see a Fighter mode run, but it requires beating the game three times I believe. Maybe I'll do it in the future if there is a sort of 'official" SRAM and nobody does it.
*__Castlevania: Bloodlines __ - This should of been done a long time ago. I blame it on the fact it's a Genesis game.

!!((Runs That Should Be Improved))

*__Actraiser__ - Yes, my own run. There are numerious flaws in it. (It was my first run, give me a break!) I did start an improvement, but I got really bored and didn't finish. zidanax is working on this right now and it's coming along slowly, but surely.
*__Castlevania: Dracula X__ - The begining is good, but the later parts are very lacking in quality.
*__Super Castlevania 4__ - Yes, compaired to the rest I've listed it isn't as badly in a need of a improvement, but there is still improvement to be found. It's mainly because of tools such as frame advance which weren't used with this run as there was no FA then. I estimate maybe 10-20 seconds of improvement.
*__Any Famtasia run left__