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Last Updated by Flygon on 4/2/2010 8:45 AM
I am a timeattacker, TASer if you prefer, since almost the start of this site. I've made several movies such as Castlevania and some other games. 

!! Current __Time-Attack Superplay (TAS)__ workaround:
I'm making these runs in order.

*__Akumajou Dracula__ (aka Super Castlevania 4). I've decided to restart the project using the J version due to better graphics which was censored in the U version. But the main reason of restarting it, is because a small timesaver trick was discovered by Cardboard/Bablo. Even if it's a very small improvement, I hate continuing a movie that has known improvements in what I've done. So better to fix it while I'm not pretty far. For those that wonders why it's taking so long, is because as you have noticed, I took a break of tasing. But there is also that this game is so complex, it takes around one month for each stage to be completed. There are so many things to plan, test, retest, restarting the whole stage, restarting again after a new discovery, then again... Well, a lot of effort is needed to make something as close to perfection.%%% And it's even longer as I try to gain as much points as possible like in CV1. It's long because gaining points tends to lag the game and dealing with lag is stealing lot of free time.%%% It is my top priority project. However, I might do small runs for changing my ideas.%%% Also, all help is welcome. A game like that can't be easily done alone.%%% Stage 1 completed. As for stage 2, I need to test some possible better enemy boost which was done in Cardboard's movie. However, I already did a quick test in my WIP #2 before seeing Cardboard and Bablo's movie and there was too much lag due to emulation difference between 1.43 and 1.51. But I still need to be 100% sure.

!! Future projects or projects that I did start a while ago but still didn't work on for a while now.

*__Super Double Dragon__ or __Return of Double Dragon__ with Vatchern. Well, it's been so long time that I wanted to TAS it and I know Vatchern to be a great fan with lot of ideas. I think Vatchern is no more TASing games, so I am not sure. I have some ideas to make the run really fun to watch and not do the same and repetitive garbage in Combatribes.

*__FF4__ on GBA. Might work on it or not. I'm not so sure. I think I will improve some of my runs before.

*Improving __Double Dragon__. Trying to deal with those damn stalactites randomness. I am not satisfied with the current one. I am not 100% sure how the randomness works in that game. The main problem is that when I got a decent randomness, the moving platform randomness was really bad. :( I'll study the ram addresses and more about the game mechanics. I already knew some improvements + those that has been posted on the forums. Next project after SCV4. It will be a break of more complex to tas games such as Zelda, yes, before SCV4, I was working on Zelda with Baxter and there is also Bionic Commando which is not so easy too. Though, I have the feeling that this time, studying the game will be longer that I can imagine.