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Last Updated by feos on 8/21/2023 1:21 PM
[=images/vault.png] The Vault is a new category of movies we have added. Previously we only published movies that people found entertaining; now we also publish movies in this category for record-keeping purposes.

The Vault is the lowest publication [LegacyPages/tier] at TASVideos. Its focus is exclusively on collecting tool-assisted speedrun records.

*[Movies-Vault|Current Vault publications]
*[Movies-Vault-Obsonly|Obsoleted Vault publications]

!! Overview
* This category represents the fastest completion times for a minimum set of goals.
* Its purpose is to fulfill the site's goal of being a TAS records site, and a central repository of TAS-related literature and information.

!! Entertainment requirements
* Entertainment value has little to no significance.
** However, if a movie has entertainment significance which is deemed negatively, such as sickening camera angles, seizure inducing activity, and other rectifiable presentation decisions within it, the movie is ineligible for this category, or any other category for that matter.
* Opportunities to entertain the audience where it does not affect time is not a requirement. However, it is encouraged and can be used as a tie-breaker for two equally fast movies.
* It is possible for a faster movie to be published in this category while a slower but "more entertaining" movie is published in another tier.
* The Vault tier aims to fulfill the site's goal of being a tool-assisted speedrun records site, as well as to be an information-based central repository for the body of TAS literature.