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Last Updated by Spikestuff on 9/8/2022 4:17 AM
This is the page where a script called "thing.avs" exists on my computer.%%%
It's similar to how the EncodingPackage was set up back in the day but they're both different to one another and the goal was for quick standard HD encoding.%%%
It reads a subfolder called "programs" for a custom functions page that pulls [|yadifmod2] for deinterlacing (we use this and not QTGMC cause this was made for quick temp encodes).%%%
The script actually never has an option to prevent the 480i/576i check mainly cause it was half abandoned in adding stuff to it.

__This doesn't support for avoiding de-interlacing with N64 footage, make your own script.__%%%
__This doesn't compensate for VBjin as that's not written in.__%%%
__This also doesn't do stuff for quick PSXjin Encoding.__%%%
__This doesn't support 3DS, at least not yet.__%%%
__This contains early support for WonderSwan rotation.__

%%TAB Minimize Tab
%%TAB thing.avs

#	If this is a PlayStation game featuring the bios set the AVISource to <filename>_3.avi and enable multisegment.
#	The file expected is <filename>_3.avi if it is not that on your dump, select whatever features the bios in the avi.


hd       = true		#	Encoded in 1080p or 480p
handheld = false	#	Set if your game is on a handheld system, else leave false.

CHECKRENAME = false		# enable multisegment import (letterbox), for use with WonderSwan ONLY.
ms = false           	# enable multisegment import
ms_base = "filename_"	# common string for all segment names
ms_start = 0        	# number of the first segment
ms_end = 10         	# number of the last segment

ds       = false	#	If you've created your TAS on DS.
mainscrn = false	#	Asking to have a single screen larger than the other.
maintop  = false	#	Applies to the previous. If true then the top screen is the main, if false the bottom is.
sideside = false	#	The screens displayed next to each other.
turn	 = false	#	Rotating/Turning the DS Screen for game such as Brain Age.
# If multiple modes are set to "true", the order in which takes precedence is as follows: large main screen > side to side > rotated > normal

virtboy	 = false	#	If you've created a VirtualBoy TAS on BizHawk. Please dump with the SideBySide setting.

ms_format = "%1.0f" # string format:

#	Catered towards for the DeSmuME emulator.							#
#	If you want more advanced DS for changing screens.					#
#	This is not the script for you. This is for the basic of basics.	#

#	Checking for human error.
ds = (Last.Width == 256) && (Last.Height == 384) ? true : false

ds ? Eval("""
	handheld = true
	top = last.crop(0, 0, -0, 192)
	bot = last.crop(0, 192, -0, -0)

	mainscrn ? \
		maintop ? \
			StackHorizontal(top.PointResize(512,384), bot.AddBorders(0, 192, 0, 0)) : \
			StackHorizontal(bot.PointResize(512,384), top.AddBorders(0, 0, 0, 192)) \
	: sideside ? \
		StackHorizontal(top, bot) : \
		turn ? \
			StackVertical(top.AddBorders(0, 0, 0, 78), bot).TurnLeft : \
			StackVertical(top.AddBorders(0, 0, 0, 48), bot)
""") : 0

#	BizHawk's VirtualBoy Emulator										#
#	Have Hawk set to "SideBySide" under "ThreeDeeMode" before dumping.	#

#	Checking for human error.
virtboy = (Last.Width == 768) && (Last.Height == 224) ? true : false

virtboy ? Eval("""
	handheld = true
	Crop(0, 0, 384, 224).Levels(0, 1, 255, 0, 157)
""") : 0

#	Literally everything else.											#

#    Checking for WonderSwan
WSRENAME = Eval("""
	target_width = 224
	target_height = 224""") 

    ms = false
    ((Last.width == 224) && (Last.height == 144)) || \
    ((Last.width == 144) && (Last.height == 224)) ? \
    WSRENAME : false
    """) : false

#	If ms enabled, we use parameters of "last" to apply to all segments

resizer = hd ? "Point" : "Lanczos"
CHECKRENAME ? AppendSegmentLetterbox(ms_base, target_width, target_height, ms_start, ms_end, ms_format, pixelType).ConvertToRGB32() : \
ms ? AppendSegment(ms_base, ms_start, ms_end, ms_format, resizer).ConvertToRGB32() : last

handheld ? true : Eval("""
	handheld = ((Last.Width == 240) && (Last.Height == 160)) || \
	((Last.Width == 224) && (Last.Height == 224)) || \
	((Last.Width == 224) && (Last.Height == 144)) || \
	((Last.Width == 144) && (Last.Height == 224)) || \
	((Last.Width == 160) && ((Last.Height == 152) || \
	(Last.Height == 144) || \
	(Last.Height == 102))) \
	? true : false

mainscrn ? Eval("""sideside = false""") : 0
sideside ? Eval("""
	width = hd	? 1920 : 854
	height	= width * last.height / last.width""")\
: Eval("""
	height = hd	? 1080 : 480
	width	= handheld \
			? height * last.width / last.height \
			: height * 4 / 3
	width	= width  % 4 == 1 ? width  + 3 : \
			width  % 4 == 2 ? width  + 2 : \
			width  % 4 == 3 ? width  + 1 : width

#	Checking the framerate and height and cutting						#
#	the framerate in half for necessary YouTube reasons.				#

hd ? Eval("""
	last.FrameRate > 65.0 ? ChangeFPS(last.FrameRate/2) : 0
	last.FrameRate > 60 ? ChangeFPS(60) : 0
""") : ChangeFPS(last.FrameRate/2)

hd ? \
PointResize(width, height) \
: LanczosResize(width, height, taps=2)

CM_Colors = hd ? "709" : "601"
ConvertToYV24(ChromaResample="Point", Matrix="Rec"+CM_Colors)
ConvertToYV12(ChromaResample="Lanczos", Matrix="Rec"+CM_Colors)

#	Script Created by:
# 	feos, Spikestuff, TheCoreyBurton, Aktan & Zinfidel
#	(Mostly Spikestuff so blame them on any of the issues.)

%%TAB functions.avsi
# Multisegment AVI import
function AppendSegment(
\   clip sample,
\ string base,
\    int first_val,
\    int last_val,
\ string format,
\ string resizer
    filename = base + string(first_val, format) + ".avi"
    result = AviSource(filename)
    result.height == 480 ? eval("""
        result = result.ConvertToYV24().yadifmod2(order=1, field=-1, mode=1, opt=2).SelectEvery(4, 0, 3).ConvertToRGB32()
        """) : \
    result.height == 576 ? eval("""
        result = result.ConvertToYV24().yadifmod2(order=1, field=-1, mode=1, opt=2).SelectEvery(4, 1, 2).ConvertToRGB32()
        """) : 0    
    result = result.Eval(resizer + """Resize(sample.width, sample.height)""")
    return (first_val < last_val) \
        ? result + sample.AppendSegment(base, first_val+1, last_val, format, resizer) \
        : result

# Multisegment AVI import (Letterbox)
function AppendSegmentLetterbox(
\   clip sample,
\ string base,
\    int target_width,
\    int target_height,
\    int first_val,
\    int last_val,
\ string format,
\ string pix_type
    filename = base + string(first_val, format) + ".avi"
    result = AviSource(filename, pixel_type=pix_type)
    xside = int(target_width - result.width) / 2
    yside = int(target_height - result.height) / 2
    result = result.AddBorders(xside,yside,xside,yside)
    return (first_val < last_val) \
        ? result + sample.AppendSegmentLetterbox(base, target_width, target_height, first_val+1, last_val, format, pix_type) \
        : result