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Last Updated by ikuyo on 8/13/2023 7:55 PM
Hi! I'm __ikuyo__ - TASer, Cave Story mod developer and wife. Also known as iku, 194, "o god is she doing Iconoclasts again" and several others.

I started TASing back in 2021, when I decided that it would be cool to have a TAS of Iconoclasts, one of my favorite games ever, and I found out it was possible! I've put most of my work on PC TASing, and I'm apparently personally responsible for people trying it out or getting them to know stuff was not just memes. I've done my best to understand some arcane shit like Unity game TASing for instance, not because I'm particularly smart but mostly because I'm relentless and I go the distance to share the games I love. TASing, to me, is just another way to share games I care about.

As of February 2023, I've also made my way into the staff and become a Judge for this site. I want to do my best to get people into TASing and make the kind of work I'd love to see.

!!Stuff I've done

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%%TAB Published Movies (PC)%%
%%TAB Published Movies (PICO-8)%%
%%TAB Published Movies (Other)%%
%%TAB Submissions%%
* [7974S]
* [8030S]

!!Stuff in the works
|Iconoclasts 100%|__Planning__. Need a concrete route before attempting again. Previous WIP is abandoned.|
|Severed|__On Hold.__ Working with no input edition sucks. Using 3DS version.|
|The Swapper|__On Hold.__ Game doesn't play nice with libTAS.|

!!Stuff I want to do (in rough order from most likely to least likely)
* ---Iconoclasts No Major Skips--- [7628S|Serena beat me to it!]
* Cave Story 3D
* Cave Story's Secret Santa
* Get in the Car, Loser!
* Unsighted
* Sightline (ok this juxtaposition is funny)
* Omnibus
* Lenna's Inception

!!Non TAS stuff

__Cave Story: Tweaked__ is my fork of CSE2 that got me in legal trouble with Nicalis. It's still in production and you can download it! (Won't post link here, but check Doukutsu Club or the Cave Story forums for a link)

I also dabble in music from time to time, and wrote a bunch of tracks for Super Smash Flash 2 back in the day. My soundcloud exists.

Finally, did I mention I'm wife? because I am wife.