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Last Updated by Randomno on 7/12/2023 3:16 PM
!!! Rejection Reasons Descriptions

This page provides some guidelines and descriptions of reasons used for submission rejection.

*Game choice: Bad game choice
*Unapproved hack: Submitting a TAS of a hack without prior approval (before September 2009 only)
** Run should be done on another console
** Run should use another version of the game
** Bad optimization (sloppy)
** Fails to beat all known records
* Entertainment: Fails to entertain, even with opportunities to do so
* Incomplete: The movie fails to beat the game
* Goal:
** Bad goal choice
** Does not respect restrictions imposed by its own goal
** Bad difficulty (should be hardest without good reason to do otherwise)
** Other kind of bad game settings
* Emulation:
** Too severe graphical/audio glitches
** Exploits emulation bugs
** Uses a suboptimal emulator (usually an old version of an emulator)
** Doesn't seem to sync for others
* Mode:
** Not choosing optimal GBx hardware for a GBx game
** Forcing a PAL game to run in NTSC mode
** The movie starts from a saved state or SRAM
** Other kind of bad hardware settings
* Unauthorized:
** Unauthorized submission
** Plagiarized run
* Troll: Being a troll submission or something comparable listed as rejection reason
* Joke:
** Submitted as a joke
** Submitted on April Fools day (and not serious)
* Other: Other reasons
* N/A: No summary entered