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Last Updated by Memory on 7/1/2023 4:54 PM
%%TAB Some guidelines about rating movies%%

* __Do not rate a movie before watching it in full__. Be informed about everything a movie has to offer before rating it.
* __Try to be reasonable__. Do not rate a movie with 10 just because you liked it or with 0 just because you did not.
* Do not allow secondary factors unrelated to the movie itself to affect your rating. For example, try not to over-rate a movie just because you like the author.
* Because of the obvious bias, you should not rate your own movies.
See [VotingGuidelines|the voting guidelines] for additional notes on rating movies.

Remember that ultimately, ratings are subjective; while they should be expected to be reasonable, everyone has their own standards. Rate in a way that feels right for you - don't overthink on your personal standards.

%%TAB The rating system%%

One can set a rating by either typing a number directly into the left field or by adjusting the slider. Hitting "Save" will save the rating.

Rating is optional. Checking the box "Unrated" and then saving will remove your rating for that movie.