Submission #1955: p0rtal_0f_rain's NES Total Recall in 07:04.45

Nintendo Entertainment System
FCEU 0.98.12
Submitted by p0rtal_0f_rain on 4/28/2008 4:47 AM
Submission Comments
And this is an improvement of 28 seconds from my previous submission.
On the streets, I picked the right time to take bullets just to speed me up a little bit and save time. To make up for it, I needed to manipulate luck into having the blue cops drop Soylent Sodas (energy canisters) so I'll have something to give away if I needed to take another bullet later down the road. (1,3,5,6)
I maintained my own infamous song-to-gunfire dance in Richter's apartment. And then when that woman appeared, that was when Aerosmith gave silent word that "Janie's Got A Gun!" Then to speed things up precisely after I picked up her gun, I made sure that every bullet managed to strike her, even in the air. I never missed a lot of shots like the last time. (1,2,3,5,6)
The security hall at the Subway was where I cornered at least 2 security guards while bullets from ceiling orbs were coming at me in all directions. I do not know if I took damage here, but I really knocked out the security guards slightly quicker. And to close this deal, Quaid walks in the air again. (1,3,4,5,6)
And downstairs to the boarding area of the Subway. I only focused on the gray soldiers while avoiding all the red ones and the rabie dogs that were trying to attack me. I did pick up nearly all EN-canisters as I made way toward the front. I took no damage here. After I jumped on board, a red soldier was still at the top. As the subway train started moving, it looked like it was moonwalking. For that, I think that is indeed another glitch I noticed. (1,4,5,6)
I bought 6.5 energy into the concrete area. I used the ball-and-chains to take damage just to save time. That is probably the only best improvement on this stage. Everything else looked about the same. (1,3,5,6)
And now, Quaid reaches Mars.
The blue hallway was a little bit of precise improvement, at least in the first room. It was crazy to shoot a laser gun on the right and then another one on the left all in one jump. But it's pretty quick. Then I defeated the UFO's in each room even quicker. I still avoided the red robots; but if I did mess with them, I would probably push them back so they're least likely to throw a grenade at me. (1,3,5,6)
I did slightly better zooming through the streets of Mars and never crashed into anything, period! Taking damage here doesn't help a bit. (1,5,6)
As soon as I stepped foot into Mars' (what I call) "Trailer Park", I did more precise firing and whatever bullets I shot would go through some of the Martian Cats I took out. It would make the viewers think that I was missing shots that way, but believe me, that's not true. Everything else was fine. (1,3,5,6)
And then the caves where a few guys and skeleton zombies would go after me. I was slightly quicker here as a matter of fact, and I only took out those that were a bigger threat to me. And then going into the Digger Dan boss, I managed to fire the laser even quicker to where Dan's head came off the drill before it backed up. That means improvement with a capital "I"! (1,3,5,6)
The final stage of Mars was about the same as my first submission. But this time, I had enough energy to get a boost from the electric pulses just to save a little more time. From there on, Richter fell again and I rise victorious! (1,3,5,6)
Here are my goals for this run:
(1) Aim for faster time
(2) Show entertainment
(3) Take damage to save time
(4) Abuse programming error(s) in this game
(5) Manipulate luck
(6) Do not die (no death)
Last Edited by p0rtal_0f_rain on 4/29/2008 3:16 AM
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