Final Fantasy VII

  • FF7,Final Fantasy 7
  • RPG


Final Fantasy VII was Square's first Final Fantasy title on the PlayStation. The new CD-ROM technology let them make a massive game full of cutscenes, which veteran Final Fantasy TASer Lil_Gecko improves on their previous movie by 30 minutes. Extensive planning and tricks were used; be sure to read the author's notes for more information.
Final Fantasy VII was Square's first Final Fantasy title on the PlayStation. The new CD-ROM technology let them make a massive game full of cutscenes, which veteran Final Fantasy TASer Lil_Gecko cuts down to a short (for this genre) 6 and a half hours without using Cait Sith's Limit 'slots' an ability which allows enemies and bosses to be instantly killed. Extensive planning and tricks were used; be sure to read the author's notes for more information.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Unknown Final Fantasy VII PSX