
  • Id: 2649
  • Platforms: Flash
  • Abbreviation: cursor10
  • Display Name: Cursor*10
  • Discussions:
  • Puzzle


Cursor*10 is a puzzle game where the player controls a cursor and the goal is to reach the sixteenth floor of a level in a race against time. During the course of the game, events will loop when time runs out and the player is able to cooperate with a past version of themself, as all the previous actions of the cursor can still be seen and influence the current session.
A Sickly Silver Moon reaches the 16th floor in record time.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good cursor10.swf W Flash SHA1: c0fe607204ff00e620e20a628402419d7446d4cc
MD5: 758133b4597ea75f34962b5875e62a0c