Trials of Mana

  • Seiken Densetsu 3,Secret of Mana 2
  • Action
  • RPG


Trials of Mana is a RPG about your typical ragtag group of young adventurers that totally lack any survival instinct; at least that'd explain why they never bother to get any protective gear. Our three chosen champions of goodness are tasked with rescuing the eight elemental spirits from the clutches of evil and using their power to save the world. Though it turns out that nobody is able to count as we find in fact nine spirits...
Long referred to as "Seiken Densetsu 3" by fans, the game was finally given an official title in June 2019.
We recommend reading the author's notes; they contain a lot of very good information.

The provided MP4s and YouTube stream feature subtitles, allowing those of us who don't speak Japanese to figure out what's going on.
Trials of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 3 in Japan) is an RPG about your typical ragtag group of young adventurers. They are tasked with rescuing the eight elemental spirits from the clutches of evil and using their power to save the world.
In this run, keylie and kadmony exploit a problem with the programming of screen transitions to warp to the ending in under 11 minutes. Details are in the authors' comments.
We also have a run that does not use this glitch.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Unknown Trials of Mana SNES