Posts for adelikat

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Zurreco wrote:
AngerFist wrote:
This is without a doubt the best TAS ever made. Where is the Hell-yes-vote-without-a-shadow-of-a-doubt feature?!
So you watched a 35 minute movie in 2 minutes? Isn't there a rule against voting without watching the movie?
No there is no such rule, though it is reccomended that you watch at least some of it. In a really good run (or really bad one) I can tell within a few minutes what my vote will be. Bisqwit has also said that watching the entire run is not required. Though, inability to watch the whole thing is a telling sign that the run isn't of highest entertainment value.
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Wow, you have more patience than I. I wish you good luck, and I look forward to your run :)
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oh, I get it now. *groans at awful pun ;p*
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upthorn wrote:
  1. It says the princess is in another castle.
  2. There is no endscreen.
  3. There is, in fact, no visible indication that the game has been completed.
  4. The game resets itself with no indication as to reason.
All of the other movies on this site which beat games in abnormal manners, STILL beat it in a way which triggers the ending screen and/or ending credits to play. This does neither, so it may not qualify as beating the game.
Yes, I agree with all of this. Though I am intrigued that the game thinks you have beaten it. I love unconvential methods of doing things. But still, this isn't enough to persuade me to consider it completed. Perhaps publish it along side of Pom's and put "Phil shows another way of beating the game..." and some explanation and which ram address is triggered.
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Voting no and a run of a official games because hacks look better doesn't make any more sense to me. O_o
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AngerFist wrote:
No on this submission because there are even better hacked ROM's than this. And to write in your submission text that its faster than Pom's movie its just stupid.
Um, voting no because it is a hacked rom? huh?
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MahaTmA wrote:
We can debate moral and ethics when applied to a society, for the very reason that the society is democratic and open to debate. In a ("real", as opposed to electorate) democratic society, the opinion shared by the most, prevails.
The U.S. certainly isn't this type of government. It is a constitutional republic despite everyone calling it so (including media, schools, and the president himslef). The difference is big. Majority doesn't rule, the consitution does. In fact, the "founding fathers" were quite opposed to democracy and did their best to protect this form of government from such things. I don't know about european governments very well, but all the ones I know of are also constitutional republics.
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Certainly well optimized, and it would be a good addition to the site as a concept/demo that shows the (J) minus worlds. I don't see why you consider this a completion of the game though. You didn't save the princess. EDIT: My yes vote is specifically for it to be published along side the current smb run and not replace it. Otherwise, I vote no.
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Yeah, I said that wrong. I was thinking that one too, except that you don't end up on the other side, you end up outside another hole next to the final building.
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Post subject: Ardy Lightfoot
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I made a test run of this game. The final time is 22min 21 sec but is just a test run so it is pretty unoptimized. I am just looking to get an idea about the length of the game, route, etc. So is there any interest in seeing an optimized version?
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
In the second the sewer of the 1st level, you can go down then come right back up and be on the other side of it so you bypass that whole part.
Can you elaborate on this? Do you mean the 2nd sewer walker enters in his run? that one has bebop and would bypass an entire boss fight?! Is this what you mean? I've experimented and could not get it to work.
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Phil wrote:
Cons: -Movie could be made faster if information is true
This information is not true (and mentioned in my submission text). Since then it has been confirmed by both me and hanzou by monitoring the ram addresses.
-Could aim for highest score without compromising entertainment by killing all enemies at last frame when they are no more needed for the show
Level 3 is by far the hardest to gain %100 kills and I did that. What is there to gain for keeping these goals through the "easier" levels? I suspect that had I done this people would have complained that it got old. Too much of a good thing inevitiably loses its value. [EDIT]: Also, in lv6 I pick some places to destroy all of the "spiderweb-like" stuff WITHOUT harming an enemy. This is harder to do and I think it is more interesting then just mindless repetitive killing.
and by obtaining hidden bonuses such as the "10,000 Bonus Points"
Fair enough, it would be no less entertaining to do that and it would add a nice little "cookie" to the run. I did try to uncover hidden bonuses points & 1ups when I could. I do believe this is a very minor issue and that high score should not be anywhere in my goals.
-Too much wobbling.
It is not "wobbling" but rather intricate patterns. These patterns grow in complexity and create visually pleasing effects. You say they have no point but THAT is the point. It isn't about the game gradius anymore but rather I pull to focus onto what I am doing. Neglecting enemies & lack of concern for score only help push the run in that direction.
-At volcanoes in stage 1, it looks less impressive than in Morimoto's movie.
My intend there in this section was to give a nod to morimoto and do something along the lines of what he did only more extreme. Perhaps I failed in that; though I don't undertand why. He weaved in between the rocks and "played with death". I did this too only I stayed closer to the rocks longer.
In fact, stage 1 is a fiasco.
In what way?
this run looks like a test run aimed for testing those bots and tools.
Again, explained in my submission text. But while it is a expermental in its use of new tools, it is by no means a test run. sections of the run were redone several times as I discovered new things. The result is a very well planned run with no arbituary decisions. My use of these new tools was no longer crude as well. My mention of that is that it is the first run of its kind and therefore is a proof of concept for the macro editor much the same way morimoto's run was for slowdowns & rerecords. This shouldn't be a negative aspect of the run resulting in rejection but rather a positive one, or at least a nostalgic one.
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The submission file has been replaced and it completes the game now.
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what version of FCEU are you using? I tried the game some time back and it kept crashing and corrupting my savestates. Anyway, bolded.
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Guybrush wrote:
Hmm, I have this sudden urge to go and eat at Joe's...
Hehe, the master plan is coming together. *Signs 6-figure endorsement deals with Joe's*
Hopper wrote:
100% kills would be more interesting than spinning around the enemies and letting them scroll off of the screen.
I think your opinion would be different if you saw a %100 kills run. Too much flying around a killing everything would get old as much as flying around avoiding everything. The key is that too much of anything is going to get old in a run of this length. I think the success this movie is having is that it continues to keep things fresh by doing different things and not letting any one idea get old. Think of the difference in thinking. A new ship appears in the game. In a %100 kills run you are thinking "well, he will probably fly real close to the ship, play with death a little and kill it". In my run you don't know if I will kill it, circle around it, spell out words & ignore it, or even just smash right into it ;) It is that uncertainty that keep a viewer more engaged in the run.
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due to the frame rule, POM intentionallly delays the completion of levels as much as possible before the frame rule "kicks in" so he can do cooler less-optimized stuff and get the same overall time. It actually maximizes action and minimizes the time the the black screen is on while still achieving the fastest possible time. It is cool as shit as it shows even more pwnage to the game, while minimizing the time that the game is doing "nothing". AKA: You should try to understand a game more, and maybe even try to TAS some of these "ideas" of yours before you go around claiming that everything can be improved.
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I find this glitch very novel, I doubt the programmers would have thought it could happen that way. And wow, the most interesting "uses death" ever! Strong yes vote, despite the no input at the beginning confusing the hell out of me at first :p
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hehe, I picture a funny upper body gyrating motion while JXQ is saying that :)
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Post subject: uncancelling
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This run was cancelled due to a miscaluclation (wrote down the wrong ship y position) at the end. As a result, the ship crashed into the brain. I corrected this AND managed to end input two seconds earlier :) I am uncancelling it, and hopefully Bisqwit will replace the updated file soon.
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I think everything in German sounds like you are acosting someone. This makes Rammstein the most appropriate heavy metal band of all time.
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the #1 cause of people suddenly disappearing ;)
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I started making TASes at about the same time he left. I finished my first mike tyson's punchout run and he posted that he would like to put it on his nintendo records site. Alas, soon after the site went down and he was never seen from again. :(
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yeah, what JXQ said. and as i recall in with smb, phil made on 3 frames quicker. It was cancelled and then pom made a new run with the imporvements. Since then, I know of no improvements to smb.
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I believe these to be absolutely frame-perfect. I don't believe even a 1 frame improvement is possible (notice the word "believe"). Smb1 warped smb3 warped donkey kong circus charlie mike tyson's punchout In addition, I think there are several others that are "near" frame perfect that probably couldn't be improved by more than 10 frames.
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I never have less than 3 projects at any given time :P
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