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Actually, I did start it, but didn't get very far do to only having a keyboard and that a game like this requires a lot of keypresses at once. If you want to work on in it, by all means.
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First of all, try to use the most up to date emulator. We are up to 9J now which this movie desync's in. This movie has had lower turn out as others have been lazy like me and not bothered to find the right emulator. For those interested, I found finally found 9f on page 14 of the emulator thread. For some reason vectorman TASes entertain the crap out of me despite the fact that I have never seen or played the games prior to watching the submission. I looked for possible optimizations and couldn't find any. This run is of good quality as far as I can tell (though I don't know the game as well as some). But it gets a yes vote from me.
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Unlike the zelda 2 movie, there is some gameplay in here too. But I will let that slide this time :p Easy yes vote.
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I love crazy glitches & seeing games broken. Easy yes vote.
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The timing is different with 2-players, a jump was necessary to the the R updgrade for player 1.
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here is my new wip. After much testing, I have concluded that 2 players with spread guns is suboptimal due to lag & the fact that each players bullets interfere with each others. My best choice is 1 player with the regular gun and 1 with the spread. This meant redoing lv 1 unfortunately. Hero of the day found a way to start the game 3 frames earlier which I incorporated. 2nd, I got a rapid fire for each player this time. Finally I beat the first level boss 4 frames earlier with the new weapon strategy. Also, as evidenced in the wip, I figured out how to get the single line of bullets with the spread gun. As of the destruction of the first room in lv 2, I am 15 frames ahead of genisto's run. enjoy.
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fetofs wrote:
By the way, just in case, you could add what the * stand for...
Fixed, and I also added a brief explanation of the pause glitch.
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samurai goroh wrote:
I think I wrote the strat on one of my old notebooks, I could just seach for it, I'll let you know when I find it ASAP, Adelikat.
Yes please :D Fortunately that screen shot shows all the types of punches thrown in the fight. It looks like you did the same number of each type of punch that Phil did. (of course it could be different combinations of left or right punches, gut or faces punches). Pehaps I am just missing something.
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Rick wrote:
Voting no. If these times can be matched anyway by a normal player, why even bother? It's good, but not good enough. Sorry.
I wouldn't say a normal player. I am talking about top notch "speed runners". And this does not mean that the fights can be improved but rather a human can recreate the best possible fight.
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atro city wrote:
This is why the debate never ends. No matter how much evidence you collect to support your ideas, someone can just say "God did it".
As a result, I am inclined to not believe Fabian's original prediction.
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DeFender1031 wrote:
moozooh wrote:
Nach wrote:
Isn't removing a bit of nail easier?
Actually not, cause hairs are so frail that they come out by themselves! But don't tell Sikhs about it. ;))
to make a NOTICABLE change?
unfortunately mine has come out to the point making a very noticeable change :p
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Blublu wrote:
I figure the human race will have to change itself in some fundamental way to be even capable of freeing itself from religion.
Yes, all my comments were an attempt to make this point. (Except for the negative connotations of freeing mankind from religion)
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moozooh wrote:
adelikat wrote:
Question for those who think religions will die out. Are there any major religions that have ever died out in the past? and why did they?
They did. It was either because their hosts died or because they were overtaken by another religion (usually monotheistic as DeFender pointed out). However, as most of the stuff happened very long ago, it may not seem as "major" by today's ranks.
Good, you made the point I was aluding to. No religion has completely died out without the society itself dying out. Though I didn't consider the conquest by another religion. Though that is still within my point that religions do not evolve away but rather in fast revolvutionary, disasterous way. One of the premises of the initial prediction is that the said society will still exist. But no religion has ever died out with the society still intact. Yes thing have changes drastically in terms of technology but not enough to completely invalidate this observation. Should religions in general die out it will be in a more dramatic way as Bob A predicts.
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Question for those who think religions will die out. Are there any major religions that have ever died out in the past? and why did they? Answers to those question would certainly help make better predicitons in the future.
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Why are we here? I doubt that will be explained anytime soon. And for most, that is a pretty significant question. More so, we want the answer to that to be important. This makes organized religions even more appealing.
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Bob A wrote:
It's true that religions evolve, but they only evolve to come closer in line with secular culture. The more this happens, the more religion loses importance, and the easier it is for people to deconvert. Evangelical christians, for example, sometimes wonder what the point of christianity is if significant chunks of it are thrown out, and I'm inclined to agree.
Interesting but I must disagree. For christianity at least, the belief that Jesus is the messiah and died for everyones since would be the main point. As long as that is the basis of a religion, it will be a form of christianity. The rest is far less relevant. This point in itself will prevent it from being watered down to the point of being indistinguishable from secular culture.
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Fabian, the fact that religions evolve increases their "chance of survival". I think it is reasonable to think that will also increase their chance of survival in the future. My point is that this makes your prediction "weaker" in that it is much harder to reliably make such a prediction. also, Science will never obsolete religion but on the contrary it encourages it. Science relies on asking the unexplainable then attempting to explain it. As a result there will always be something left unexplained (unless you believe that perfect knowledge it obtainable). Religion in some form will always be there to deal with the unexplained.
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I fail to see how 1), 2), and 3) are opinions. Especially 3). To try to say that religions haven't evolved over time only shows ingornance of said religions.
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I think Fabian's prediction is completely off base. 1) One positive aspect of humanity (no one ever seems to talk about positive elements of society especially on a global scale) is the tendency to ask question that can not be answered. No matter how much man can answer there will still be some things that can not. For this man will look to faith, or some sort of belief system to satisfy (at least temporarily) that which can not be answered. 2) Whether there is a higher power or not, you can not argue that man has a need for something higher than himself (herself). Religion quenches this thirst for many. 3) The prediction fails to take into account that the above mentioned organized religions are themselves evolving and changing allowing them to stay at least somewhat relevant in the current society. While this doesn't guarantee there indefinite survival, it does at least push that time scale to far longer than 75 years. In all likelihood, there will be some form of these religions in the distant future; they just may look different than they do today. 4) The premise behind the statement is that disappearance of these religions will make the world better. Those who believe this believe that they will disappear. Those who believe religion makes the world a better place disagree with the prediction. Those who are neutral probably care nothing of this discussion. As a result, this question like any other one where religion is concerned will comes down to religious and non-religious people arguing who is right.
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Kyrsimys wrote:
IMO the game isn't completed before both quests have been played. The game requires you to play through it twice. It's a part of the game. This site is about playing games from beginning to end, not from beginning to halfway. In my opinion the movie must end in the REAL credits/ending/whatever and nowhere else.
Well, if that is what it takes to complete the game so be it. Watching the "2nd quest" isn't near boring enough to warrant a rejection. I'll accept this run.
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Nice job. The run looks fairly optimized and well planned. In addition, this game does seem pretty good for TASing. Yes vote.
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Favorite moments: 1) woodman & bubbleman fights, glitching right up to the enemy :D 2) the mecha dragon fight. When you took damage while it was chasing you, I thought it was just for style. 3) the boss refights. I accidentally blinked and missed half of them though. Seriously though, those have to be the fastest refights in the megman series (aside from just skipping past them in mm1 ;p) Anyway, an easy yes vote and a pleasure to watch.
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1) faxanadu and adventures of tom sawyer have been tased for quite some time. 2) bad topic name (NES game request, TAS request, etc would be better. 3) at top of te page, "Please do not fill the forums with movie requests" 4) there are threads that already exist for both a nes wishlist and a snes wishlist
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.15 didn't exist when this movie was made. I'm almost certain it was .12 (.12 was used until about january of this year)
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