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Actually, Baxter is working on the warped version currently. In the levels that he has done, he has improved them by 30 seconds over sami's submission.
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Another meh here. I found the game fairly dull to watch. The jumping made it more interesting. I wish it were possible to do it more. Like rpgs, it is problematic because all the text blows by too fast to be read. Therefore a person who hasn't played the game before (like me) has no idea what is going on. Further more, most of the game was a lot of walking to the right with little or no action. It looks well planned, taking as much damage as possible, managaing mana, etc, so that keeps me from voting no. Did you test thoroughly the "floating" spell? There is on ledge that you float down on near the end. Shortly after, you drop straight down. That ledge looked taller. If it was, wouldn't it be faster to "float" on that one instead? I don't have any other suggestions for improvement. I think if this were proven frame perfect I still would probably vote meh though.
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I am officially working on Whomp Em now
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it allows me to get don2 to get back up with less energy after the 2nd knockdown.
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excellent! keep up the good work. I want to see this run finished :)
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voted yes, good job Tailz :) The edge boosting trick really helped the quality of the movie.
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unfortunately I must unbold guerilla war. I attempted this game but the rom keeps crashing in FCEU for some reason. The situation is too frustrating therefore I am abandoning the project.
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Somehow Arc's zelda 2 run escaped this list. Corrected.
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wow, good job
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FODA wrote:
It just sounded like you were complaining at luke like when you say "you should make your version clean". It's not very nice, he's doing a good job.
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wow I will watch this before I vote, but I don't see how I will vote no.
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another "duh" vote :)
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Truncated wrote:
adelikat: Quoting is for whimps. ;)
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Truncated: I wish you had quoted nico before commenting on his list ;) (I had to repeatedly go back to page 3 to read what you were referring too)
You're not the only one who is ticked off by Phil's attitude sometimes.
Yes, the longer you post here, the more likely you get upset by Phil at somepoint, but you make it sound like Phil did something wrong here. All he did was post what he felt about the movie. Should he have not commented? So what, if others said the same thing, It is still helpful to know that many people felt this way. He was not insulting:
Phil wrote:
Yes it is a 3d game. Yes it is popular. But seriously it's repetitive and the ending isn't there(?) or is very bad. There's nothing that impresses me. I am voting no.
Where is his attitude here? It is straightfoward but with no intent to insult the author. In fact he was being generous, by posting his opinion rather than just rejected the movie right away. Neco: 5 months is nothing compared to other runs that are in sore need of judging. The problem is people NOT commenting on "dead" threads. More people should look at old runs and give feeback, so they are stuck in submission limbo. (Though it would be nice if 5 months were an long time...)
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JXQQ wrote:
but I think a better run could be done. I'm going to vote meh.
Me too
I'm not really sure how
Unforuntately, me too Arc: that must have took time to make a play by play for both movies. I am not sure how it proves entertainment value. problematic moments in Arc's run that I attempt to fix: 1) It bugged me about arcs run to see him running along side the cpu to force him to score. I avoided this by running the ball to the 1 myself, fumbling and having to cpu recover. [EDIT] 2) Things should be in logical order. Therefore people shouldn't go skipping numbers arbituarily [FIXED so that Truncated's primitive linear mind can handle it ;p] 3) Calling the cpu's plays! Why do this? it would be more impressive to call a different play and stop them anyway. 4) Unecessary plays by the cpu. In one drive it is clear you want the ball back so you sack them several times? This shows less control over the situation, not to mention making the movie much longer (the animation between plays costs a minimum of 6 seconds. If you wanted the ball back then force a fumble. If you want the cpu to score, then have them score on the first attempt. I take conrol of the situation more and minimize the amount of plays it take to accomplish goals. 5) on a extra point kick, arc pointlessly picks a man deep in the inzone. This costs a little time and looks sloppy. Either keep the default player or pick the olb and go for the block. 6) The coin toss is long and can be skipped. I skip this animation while simulateneously getting the right coin flip & the max kick off power from the cpu. 7)
Donamer wrote:
I like the other movie a lot more because it's a real game of football with a lot of crazy stuff, not running backward instead of a touchdown...
This is a valid argument that part of me agrees with. The other part of me enjoys when I game gets altered to the point of being something else (my favorite TASes do this). In this case, the concept of a football game gets turned upside down. I run an entire quarter away in a single play! further more the ball went up and down the field that when I played it back, I lost track of which direction the runner should have been going in the first place. These kinds of thing made me enjoy the run. Making it more like a football game appeals to me less. Mainly becuase this is a cheap looking NES game. How entertaining is it to WATCH a real tecmo superbowl game? 8) at the end of the 2nd quarter, arc does a play from the 1 with about 20 sec left. He slowly runs all the way to the inzone. The timer said 0 for about 1 minute of that play, thus wasting a lot of time. That would be okay if it were something novel there, but instead it was you dodging a bunch of taklers, which is something that happens throughout the movie. Why add time just to put more of that in? I would have rather seen you get tackled or run out of bounds. In my movie I make sure to end plays as soon as the timer reaches 0. In some cases this took a lot of planning and timing (like getting the 110 yd interception. It took a lot of work to get the ball into the opponents hands at the precise time) 9) 5 minutes faster isn't something to ingore. If I were going for pure speed my run would be about another minute shorter! That would make it roughly have the length of Arc's run. While the run aims for entertainment, keep in mind that time is a form of entertainment too. Can the added "entertainment" of Arc's run justify doubling the length of the potential movie. Does that make it too long and thus lowering entertainment value? I am not saying that a run that aims for pure speed would be more entertainment. Rather I am saying that the added movie length needs to be considered when making decisions in the run. At first I wanted to do a 3-0 game but considered that a little dull, so I put in the minimum amount of scoreing: get ahead (7-0), cpu mounts a comeback (7-7), last second game winning field goal.
JXQQ wrote:
it started getting old by the 3rd quarter to me
I feel the same way about arc's run too. NOTE: I have two versions of the run. One where I make the field goal (by it bouncing off the upright) making it 10-7. Another where it unexpectedly misses. I liked the thought of it missing but it would result in overtime which means the game is not over, so I went with the 10-7 run. What do you guys think. Would people complain if the field goal missed? It would be just for fun, but one could argue that the movie isn't over. What do you guys think?
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are you still working on this Tailz?
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well, I am officially abondoning this project. When I started, I expected the orange car glitch to be exploited more. On further testing I see that it will only be useful on a handful of tracks (8,15,16,24 are the only ones that would have any significant time savings). Therefore, most of the run will be me running around tracks, huggin corners as close as possible and the playaround aspect will be minimized. I find that 24 tracks of this will get boring. Others have expressed interest in a run of this, and I am sorry to disappoint you guys :( If anyone wants to pick up this project, feel free. You can use my posted wip if you like.
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Truncated wrote:
I would like to suggest Wrath of the Black Manta by adelikat, boss numero 2. Also, you spelled Bisqiwt wrong in your sig.
I'm honored :) I agree that is the best moment in the wrath movie. I think my best moments will be in dragon warrior 4 though. How about the boss fight from chapter 1, or the tourmanent in chapter 2? I'd like to also suggest JXQ's smb3 fluteless run. There is a level in world 7 where he uses the wall glitch to skip the entire level :) Also, anything from the glitched zelda 2 run.
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Rising Tempest wrote:
AngerFist wrote:
Nice WIP so far. Will you be taking a different route than the current published run?
Yes, I will be doing palace two before one so I can level up quicker. I havent planned my route on the eastern continent yet, but it'll still be a few days before I get that far.
are you going to use the fairy glitch?
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well, Bisqwit found another way to abuse this list ;) Goonies was "FCMified" and now removed from the list.
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looks good so far Phil
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Kyrsimys wrote:
adelikat wrote:
Had I been around when these things were getting submitted, I would have voted no on arc's & phils 1st movie.
Had you been around back then, you wouldn't have voted anything because back then there was no voting system and Bisqwit alone decided what to publish. I don't think there was even a submission system at that point, the files were sent to Bisqwit by e-mail :)
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well, I watched all 4 runs ((including this rejected one. Honestly I am only slightly less confused now than I was before :s I still believe that a better run can & should be made and it should obsolete all 3 published runs. here are some comments I have on a potential new run: 1) Aiming for high score should never be a #1 goal for a TAS. Therefore some other goal should be the highest priority, though there is good reason to not make it as fast as possible 2) The new one should be on the usa version 3) I like the euro run the best and arc's the least. 4) regardless of priority, the new run should and can be faster. For instance, 2-player would allow the first event to be faster since presumably the 2nd player would be equally fast or slightly slower than the 1st player. This would mean not having to wait for the cpu to finish 5) you always have 3 tries. one try should always should aim for the best possible time/length. one should get the best bonus in as little time as possible and one should be as fast as possible (which will usually mean it is a terrible attempt) 6) the archery is the most boring part of the movie regardless of goals. In the euro version there is missed shots but they look random or at least arbitrary. If there is to be missed shots they should look like they have a purpose. 7) in the javelin throw, a good long throw is soooo long. It is wasting a lot of time to do it any more than necessary. The ones where it falls quickly are good & get a bad distance are much more entertaining :) 8) after watching all these movies I still don't see the "bug" that arc supposedly exploits (that phil's movies supposedly don't) Conclusion: In general, the problem with all 3 movies is that there are many moments that look arbitrary. These moment should not happen in a new movie. Find a specific reason for each distance / time in each event, one that reinforces & CLARIFIES the heirarchy of goals. That is all I have to say at the moment, I am sure I will think of something I forgot later. see: [Edit] Had I been around when these things were getting submitted, I would have voted no on arc's & phils 1st movie. After the 2 were published, I would have voted yes to phil's 3rd movie ONLY if it obsoleted the previous 2. Had I been in charge, I probably would have rejected all 3 , though I might have been persuaded to accept the euro one (but only after a good explanation as to WHY it should be the euro version ?!)
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Diman wrote:
Hope someone doesn't TAS this game before me! : ^ (
Don't worry, that is one of the advantages of posting wips in the forum. People are respectful around here, nobody is going to go behind your back and complete the run before you. Just take your time and make sure it is perfect. Don't rush through it just get it done at the expense of quality. If you don't think you have the stamina then pace yourself. Take a break from it. Most runs on this site take months to complete. Most importantly, ENJOY what you are doing :) and good luck :) Here is a preview![/quote]
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top 5 in no particular order: megaman 1 - Bisqwit & AngerFist dragon warrior 1 - Acmlm dragon warrior 4 - me mike tyson's punchout - me, humble aren't I ;) rockman 2 - Bisqwit & Shinyruu <- in anticipation of the finished product. other notables: double dragon 2, 2-player - Phil metroid any% - Zoizite metroid 1-item - Zoizite Runs I believe to be frame perfect, or damn close to it (not necessarily my favorites) smb1 - Pom smb2 us - Donamer mike tyson's punchout - me metroid any% - Zoizite
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