Posts for dwangoAC

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For the most part I'm focusing on my family for the time being and I don't want to dedicate a lot of time to do tests myself but I *do* have a remote development environment for console verification I can set back up. I gave a presentation on how it works at NBLUG that's worth skipping through: Link to video It's admittedly a bit odd working remotely but I have all the pieces to allow Alyosha or anyone else who wants it to control console power, send input, physically see what buttons are being pressed, and see the console output. I'm also very fortunate to have a local collector who has almost 700 NES games, although I can't meet up with him all that often so we'd want to batch them up. For a first-pass it may make sense to get a flash cart which will admittedly be using fake mappers but will otherwise exercise the console properly and will allow testing any game loaded on it without physical interaction. This is just something I'm throwing out there. I have the spare console and I'm not currently working on NES projects so I can set this up if it sounds intriguing. Thoughts?
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
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ThunderAxe31 wrote:
Still, I'm wondering if it would be considered an even better solution my idea to censure only the most shocking parts in encodes, of M-rated games which represents borderline cases. The viewers could still watch the uncensored run by playing it on emulator, which is often too much hard for the youngest childrens, not to mention the inability to skip forward in the movie and the emulation techincal difficulties which are often found in modern consoles, which are basically the ones that feature the most controversial games.
You're suggesting adding video editing work to the publishers that is of little benefit and is much more time consuming than simply adding a static image or text overlay to the beginning and being done with it. Now, I'm oddly in favor of cutsceneless encodes on occasion (OoT was much more enjoyable that way) but I don't like the idea of adding work that will likely only cause irritation to most everyone involved. I don't want to come across as a jerk, and I'd agree that if time and resources were not of concern it could be a possible solution but I think there are better options.
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
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Pokota wrote:
My two cents on the issue is to have a simple age check for encode links for games rated M - this is what Valve does, and is in practice the same as what outlets such as GameStop or Funcoland or $videoGameRetailer_Local do by asking to see ID before selling M-rated games.
ThunderAxe31 wrote:
dwangoAC wrote:
under certain case-by-case situations it may make sense to add labeling to the encoding and disclaimer screen shown in encodes.
I'm pretty sure that no disclaimer would persuade anyone to stop watching a video. On the contrary, kids may get even more interested in watching just because they think that "breaking rules is cool".
Let's be honest for a moment and acknowledge that nanny filters and age checks are nothing more than a technical solution to a social problem. To rephrase that, if you have some kind of blacklist that prevents people in a library from accessing pornographic material on public terminals you will likely find that people will figure out ways around it, either by sidestepping the filter or *gasp* checking out a physical book that contains the same type of content. The point is that it's a social issue; people who want to get past a warning are always going to do so, just as ThunderAxe31 stated. Having said all that, as a parent I find it very helpful when the React channel on YouTube adds a disclaimer at the beginning of content that may not be appropriate. Some "Try not to laugh or smile" videos are absolutely a blast to watch with our kids while others warn that they contain adult content allowing us to skip them and move on to something else. The point is that the disclaimer allows us to make an informed decision about whether we want to keep watching or not. It will never, ever stop someone who is dedicated from watching it from watching it, the same way any proposed age check would probably be even less effective than a simple disclaimer for this site. Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this; I'm sure people who don't have a child in their life probably have a completely different perspective but I hope I've made a convincing argument that a disclaimer will not hurt them and only stands to benefit others like my wife and I.
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
Post subject: No AO games, labeling needed for questionable content
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Most people who have known me for a while know that I am highly against pornography or anything that supports or encourages the exploitation of women or contributes to human trafficking but I can also confess that I really enjoyed playing GTA:Vice City when it came out (and hated that one mission where you had to watch a striptease act, but I digress). I'm very glad that we have a policy against AO games and I am in support of labeling potentially offensive runs. While I may have played GTA before our kids were born I wouldn't play it in front of my kids now (in the same way that I'm putting off playing Assassin's Creed II with asassyknitter until after the kids are in bed at night, but I digress again). I'm not in favor of censoring M rated games but under certain case-by-case situations it may make sense to add labeling to the encoding and disclaimer screen shown in encodes. Just my two cents.
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
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Warp wrote:
micro500 wrote:
Then to make matters worse people were swapped out after that practice resulting in us being even more unprepared.
But then at the last minute it was decided we would use different hardware.
It baffles me seeing that kind of thing happening with all kinds of projects over and over, and I have never understood why people do that.
In this case, circumstances forced our hand. We burned through months of time trying desperately to get something, anything at all working for DKC or DKC2 before we shifted gears to LttP. We theorized that the TASLink board would be fast enough to do video but weren't able to test it as early as we would have liked, and we discovered that while it would work we knew that the Papilio Pro powering the TASLink design would have a much smaller buffer than the PSoC5 based board design originally proposed by true and ultimately designed by total (this device still lacks a proper name, more on that below). I also pushed to do stereo audio (which in hindsight may not have been worth the effort) which meant we needed 3 devices but we only had two TASLink boards ready to test at any one place prior to the event. We made the decision to switch hardware in November or thereabouts which given our total timeline is justifiably "last minute". We definitely ran into some quirks with the new hardware when we brought everything together at the event. There were issues with the boards not resetting properly, issues with consoles not turning on if an unpowered or uninitialized board was connected to a console, major problems with MicroUSB connectors popping off, and several other minor annoyances. In other words, all of the things we hoped to avoid plagued us again at this event and made it not fun at all, especially for micro500. I was utterly incapable of helping with many of the issues and made poor time management decisions with the things I could have helped with which only exacerbated the problem. Ultimately, this AGDQ was just as frustrating as the past GDQ's on the hardware front and all of that pain could have been avoided if we had picked an easier goal that allowed us to stick with the tried-and-true TASLink board. So where do we go from here on that front? I can't fault micro500 at all for wanting to step away from developing hardware. The legacy of his work will live on as he built absolutely amazing NES and SNES cables that are durable enough for event travel as well as really high quality visualization displays built into actual controllers. The TASLink board is not a bad design but suffers from using an older and somewhat expensive FPGA with some buffer size limitations and diminishing support from the manufacturer. The Cypress PSoC design is cheaper in all regards - the boards are not constructed as well and require a bit more soldering but are a compelling option (you can buy 8 of them for the cost of one Papilio so if you don't reinforce it and it breaks you can just grab another one for $10). Regardless of the direction we go in, I'd like to make the hardware open-source with all code checked in to a publicly accessible git repo. I have no plans to lead an effort to start or continue development of any particular board but I do know I want this to be a community project rather than having everything falling on one person's shoulders. This is perhaps not the thread to discuss this further so I'll leave it at that as I've digressed enough already but thank you to everyone who had a hand in developing hardware over the years. The TASBot blocks at GDQ events literally could not have happened without it.
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
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I greatly appreciate the candid and honest feedback in the last few posts. It was obvious to me the day I got back from AGDQ 2017 how badly I handled certain things and I was quite emotionally distraught at the time. It's hard sitting here to find the right words, but I'll do my best - I want the TASVideos community to know that I am sorry for my past actions and the pain and discomfort I caused and I take responsibility for the outcome. I've already taken some initial steps to correct what I can. I've made a commitment to better myself as a husband, father, and leader through ongoing weekly counseling. I've opted to change how some things have been structured, such as moving all development in the open here and to #TASBot on Freenode IRC (I was uncomfortable for most of the last year trying to hide what we were working on, dodging questions and generally being evasive and I won't go back to that). Finally, I'm committed to fixing the content, commentary, and attribution problems that are largely on my shoulders but that will take some work and practice; I'm hoping that Californithon will be a lower-stress way to accomplish that goal without a massive time commitment. I am in the same boat as micro500 - the last 18 months have been one tiring event after another and speaking on behalf of everyone who was involved we are frankly exhausted. I will not organize another large GDQ event in the next year, although on the other hand I do not want to step out entirely and lose the skills I've learned so far. I may skip AGDQ 2018 entirely but attend SGDQ 2017 due to it being cheaper and smaller in scope (probably just showing precise speedrun techniques between runs). I also plan to stream on Twitch for a limited amount of time per week to practice commentary and improve other skills I am still weak in. There's a long journey ahead of me on the road of reconciliation and self-improvement I'm taking and I'm sure I'll make more mistakes along the way but it's a journey worth taking. I'm still somewhat unsure what to say, so I'll just say thank you again for the opportunity to be part of these projects in the past and here's to whatever lies next.
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
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micro500 wrote:
This money was meant for AGDQ so I'd prefer to give it to PCF at AGDQ2018, but I'd rather not hold onto the money for that long if not necessary. I can also donate it to MSF at SGDQ2017. What do you guys think I should do with it?
This was definitely intended for expenses related to GDQ events and the original source of the funds would say exactly the same thing if they chose to speak up. I know you had a *lot* of expenses for everything from the new NES Classic hardware and wiring to the PSoC adapter boards and associated shipping. I feel even after this amount I am still in your debt for all of the time and effort you've put in over the years, but I digress. You should definitely keep at least enough to cover your direct parts costs and consider keeping more to cover your other GDQ related expenses but if you wanted to pay any portion of the donation forward I'd encourage you to pick a charity and time of your choosing, with no obligation to tie it to a particular event. Thanks again for all you've done.
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
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Warp wrote:
If I'm being completely honest, I don't understand why so much drama over this.
Honestly, it's less about drama and more about "I (dwangoAC) was very, very emotionally impacted and remorseful and probably used language that reflected the extremes of my emotions". For the site, my biggest disappointment in myself was the aspect that I was given an unfair percentage of the credit for work that was done by a large team of talented members. For my family, my biggest disappointment in myself was the aspect that I gave them an unfair percentage of my time and attention over the last three years. I do appreciate the feedback in this thread - it helped me solidify in my head what I was already thinking, that I didn't want to yet again take a trip away from my family if there wasn't a really good reason for it. On that note, I had a conversation with my wife and kids tonight (read: we had one of those "Family meetings"). I talked to the kids about the opportunity to bring TASBot to an event again and my daughter kept saying "I wanna go, I wanna go!" and asked if she could hold TASBot. My son went at it with a different angle with "I want to go, but can we eat dinner out at a restaurant?" (heh, always an opportunist). My wife wanted to research the charity (Direct Relief) but was satisfied after she took a look. Our schedule doesn't have any conflicts for that weekend, so we opted to say yes. Family meeting adjourned, kids sent to bed and all that. I submitted an empty block of 40 minutes. I had a chat with the organizers about ways to properly highlight traditional TAS content, how to explain what a TAS is, and how to properly credit the authors of each run and the creators of each device and codebase we demonstrate. I don't want to squander the opportunity to create a video explaining TAS elements properly that can be shown later; while I know the viewing audience will be smaller than GDQ by several orders of magnitude I hope to be able to use a video recording of the event for future explanation. I'll transition the thread into content selection, and as I noted in the AGDQ 2017 feedback I will be doing work for this and all future events entirely in the open (although specific game discussion will probably happen more in #tasbot in IRC / than here). I'm restricting content to only things we already know work to keep the pre-event workload to a minimum. Thanks again to those who provided their feedback!
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
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TASeditor wrote:
Most importantly you need to get a break... You could try to make a TAS of a somewhat hard NES platformer for that, unfamiliar challenges usually increase skill and abstraction by a lot.
Heh - I definitely need a break from the insanity that is GDQ prep but making a challenging TAS will most definitely take me far more hours than a single afternoon. :) I do appreciate your point of view, by the way. I have a history of being very experimental and I'm definitely willing to take on something "outside my comfort zone" on the TAS front at some point in the future but I don't feel called to do that right now. Both asassyknitter and I had a night to think it over and we're going to take one more night to think it over some more but Californicon looks like it will be an equal time commitment to what Bay Area ACM was (a 1.5 to 2 hour drive per direction plus however amount of time I spend there). Because it is a weekend my family may end up coming with depending on circumstances, mostly determined by timing on the schedule and being able to make it back home in time for bedtime for the kids. More tomorrow.
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
Post subject: TAS content at Californicon discussion
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As I confessed in my apology for how I mishandled certain aspects of AGDQ 2017, I did an abysmal job of properly supporting the rest of the members on the TASBot team in certain areas that led to dissatisfaction and ultimately led to some discontinuing further work on GDQ events. I made serious mistakes in areas including attribution, commentary, and general time management that resulted in hurt feelings that I was honestly oblivious to at the time. When I finally understood the depth of the problem I was immediately emotionally impacted and remorseful (I even started going to counseling for the first time in my life last week). I would like to again take an opportunity to apologize to those who felt slighted either through lack of attribution or due to my time management failures at the event itself, and I would like to start taking steps to move forward. For my part, I do not plan to lead a major GDQ event any time soon - specifically, I do not intend to organize a major effort for AGDQ 2018, although I may provide analysis in-between runs at SGDQ 2017. In addition to needing time to re-assess how I would lead these types of efforts in the future, one of my primary reasons for this is I need to take some time to re-focus on my wife and kids. They did not get the priority I should have given them over the last three years and I'm re-learning how to put their needs first. Having said all of that, I have at least one major commitment that was per-arranged prior to AGDQ 2017 - namely, I had committed to being a keynote speaker at Thotcon in May 2017 delivering much the same presentation that I gave at GeekPwn. That talk will not involve a major development cycle so I am willing to keep that commitment as it will not be anything near the burden that past GDQ events have been on my family. Another opportunity recently came up that is in the same class of required work - namely, I've been asked if I would consider being part of the March 17-19 Californithon charity speedrun marathon benefiting Direct Relief. The event is less than two hours from where I live and thus would constitute a day trip that I could likely handle without negatively impacting my family. I have not yet committed to being a part of Californithon but I would likely show [3243] N64 Mario Kart 64 by Weatherton in 20:33.32 with pre-rehearsed commentary and full attribution (minimizing my name and ensuring the authors are given full credit). I would possibly also show something we were unable to show at AGDQ 2017 but had otherwise prepared, again with full attribution; it would involve the same payload but with different content and thus would stray into demoscene territory somewhat. I would like to seek counsel here. How do you (yes, you, reader of this post) feel I should proceed? Should I not go to Californithon at all to allow all of us including myself more time to process and recover? Should I take the opportunity to fix the "you only show demoscene content" complaints by showing just Weatherton's run (or a similar "traditional TAS"), thus sticking to our roots but not taking an opportunity to highlight the work of other members of the site? Should I show Weatherton's run and also the previously unseen run via the AGDQ 2017 payload method to cover the most broad range of content I have readily available and provide more time for proper attribution including a full credit roll? I am at an admittedly fragile place - I really, really want to take this fantastic opportunity that has presented itself to attempt to right the wrongs of attribution I erred in but I don't want to cause further damage. I have until the end of the day on the 31st (i.e. about 24 hours) to make a decision on whether to attend at all and I have a week or two more to decide what to show if I commit to going. I greatly appreciate any feedback you have on a "going forward" perspective (if you have feedback on AGDQ 2017 itself, please use that feedback thread instead). Thank you in advance for the support! Update: After discussing with my family we've decided to all go together.
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
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feos wrote:
Dwango, there can't be damage, if the mistakes are honest, and the downsides of novel and supremely technical work can't be considered damage either! Damage starts when one thinks he's doing everything perfectly and ignores the feedback, which is nowhere close to your attitude.
Just because I'm apologetic now does not mean I did not cause pain and discomfort for others earlier in a form that has resulted in persisting "damage". By far my biggest concern for this community is the wounds I caused by not being more diligent in handling attribution, something I have always been sensitive to but really messed up this time. The subtext here is the fact that I got too wrapped up in reactively responding to every small request people had for things that involved dragging TASBot around the event, delegating various technical aspects and polishing things to the rest of the team. I now see how big of a mistake this was as it resulted in bitter feelings that I was completely oblivious to. Having said all of that, the largest damage was to my family - not paying enough attention to my team members at the event is one thing, but not paying enough attention to my wife and children over the past several months is another entirely. This is what I must change, and why I must step away for a good long while. I have to take the time to realign my way of thinking and re-focus on the things that are really important.
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
Post subject: Transparency report of sorts, taking a break
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Post-event update: I gave the promised $1k during the marathon from GeekPwn sources, an additional $337 from here, and I used the remaining $433 to cover other GDQ related expenses in a manner of speaking (ask me privately if you would like a better explanation). I covered the remaining expenses out of my own pocket. I will reply back when my employer matches the $500 max they can match from our donation. This is a terse transparency report this time but I was nowhere near covering our expenses and it isn't worth getting worked up about it when a lot of other people paid their own way to attend. I may have had a lot of other expenses over the past year as I mentioned in the first post but I brought that on myself. I have opted to take a break from TASBot activities for the time being, but I do want to say thank you to those who have supported me financially.
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
Post subject: For those who were hurt, please accept this sincere apology
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mkdasher wrote:
Masterjun wrote:
I'm the one who suggested keeping my Pong and Snake run a secret, even from the TASVideos community. I personally still want to keep that element of surprise.
Yes exactly, you suggested keeping your run a secret. The authors of both SM64 and Portal runs didn't even know about it. I know the main purpose was streaming a video on this case but I don't think it'd be harmful to inform the authors about it (PMs do exist) to avoid misleading commentaries. (Specifically talking about SM64, we even suggested to send Tyler to AGDQ at the end of page 3 of this thread, but we were completely ignored, guy who discovered most of the new tricks and his name wasn't mention even once during the whole run).
This is something I need to directly and honestly apologize for, without excuse. I did get permission from Jukspa to show Portal but things went horribly wrong with SM64. I planned to surprise the SM64 authors and before the run I spoke with the GDQ organizers about showing the names of the authors after the run transitioned from LoZ to SM64 (I had sent them the link from the SM64 publication well in advance). The console text was also supposed to change to "SuperN64" as soon as the SM64 run started, but unfortunately none of this ended up happening. Shortly before the run I was in the process of making sure the tech crew had the correct information when the person I was working with was called away and I did not get an opportunity to talk to a staff member about it again before the block started. My failures did not stop there as I did an overall poor job of attribution pretty much everywhere both for runners and members of the TASBot team, including in the spoken commentary. This lack of proper attribution along with other poor time management choices I made caused massive damage to those who were slighted as well as collateral damage to others around me. After every GDQ I always end up feeling bad about something, but I cannot state strongly enough how awful I feel at this moment for the mistakes I made before and during AGDQ 2017. There was one last casualty that has been the most painful - my own family, who was left empty while I was constantly gone working on one thing or another over the past months. It turns out that for all my business of trying to move things in various directions and get things done that I've hurt nearly everyone near to me in one way or another, and this has struck me with a severe blow. The site deserves better, my fellow team members, friends and family deserve better, and I can only hope that through self-reflection, a bit of counseling, and the passage of time that I can mend the damage I've done. I do not take my failure and the effort it will take me to repair the damage lightly, and while it may mean that there is a gap for a bit during my absence while I take this journey I feel it is the right thing for me to focus on these issues rather than allowing the problems to fester. It's abundantly clear through the harsh criticism here that at least this community wanted and wants something different than what we did (no matter how successful it was in the eyes of the public). If I again organize something I want to approach it an entirely different way that may upset a different subset of people including Masterjun - namely, I plan to fully discuss everything openly, even payloads, both here in threads like this and in #tasbot / to ensure everyone with an interest has an opportunity to contribute. I do not yet know when I will next attempt to lead an effort to represent the site at a GDQ or other event, and in the meantime I welcome others who wish to step up to the plate to do so with my blessing. I have always described myself as merely the keeper of TASBot, not his lifelong owner, and if there is someone else more capable than me who wants to take that on please let me know. Finally, please know that just because the severe reaction from the regulars on this site stings, it does not mean that I hold a grudge against anyone. I do ask that people please consider their tone in feedback by being a bit more constructive for next time, but I want everyone to have the opportunity to speak their mind and offer suggestions on how to continue to improve. Thanks again for those who supported these massive undertakings over the last few years, and here's to an eventual bright future with or without me.
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
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Posts: 1007 has full details. Please let me know what you think.
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
Post subject: Still recovering, haven't watched the block, but responding.
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I was definitely hoping for a *bit* more positive feedback to soften the negative feedback (hey, I'm American, we're known for handling criticism in a roundabout way) but I do appreciate the responses. I'd like to remind everyone that we lost many, many months to DKC and DKC2 failing and we also had to deal with some political issues that prevented us from doing at least one of the things we wanted to do. The NES Classic was also absolutely horrible and we were lucky we found anything at all that actually worked. At the end of the day however, those distractions were overcome and it was absolutely my call alone to hold off on the explanation of how we had accomplished what we did until later in the block. I made this choice based on the viewing needs of the general Twitch audience watching; after a few trial runs prior to the event it became clear to me that a much higher percentage of people than I originally expected were either initially fooled or *wanted* to be fooled, and we did not want to spoil the suspension of disbelief too early. Obviously people in this community are far more likely to be skeptical (it's one of the aspects that makes this community what it is), so I knew that I would be getting some flack from this, just not *quite* this much flack. I personally feel like this was one of the most polished blocks we've ever done despite my continued inability to properly convey what the process of creating a TAS is like in understandable terms, but I digress - I'm very proud of what the team has accomplished no matter how salty the feedback here is. For those who enjoyed the block, I'm glad to hear it. For those who did not, know that this is the logical conclusion of this type of content. To rephrase, AGDQ 21015 was showing we could stream text. AGDQ 2016 and SGDQ 2016 both showed logical steps forward, both by increasing the datarate when delivering the Super Mario All-stars Mario Maker payload as well as when showing off four simultaneous Mario runs. At GeekPwn we showed streaming audio, and here at AGDQ 2017 we took everything to the logical conclusion by doing full video. There's not really anywhere else we're going to be able to take this, so don't expect anything like it again. We'll need to move to different content in future events no matter what, and for those that would like to see this go in a different direction please feel free to hop in #tasbot on Freenode IRC (or and help chart the course. Thanks again for the feedback and support!
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
Post subject: Preparing for insanity
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Spikestuff wrote:
$40k? Jesus... Mate, I was expecting $25k Best of luck those with the money.
It was met! We're on in the next 45 minutes and while we had a last minute scare or two we think what we have to show is going to be really amazing. Thanks again to everyone who supported our efforts - catch you guys on the flipside!
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
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hegyak wrote:
+2 for Revenge of the Gradius TAS The Prince of Ocean says it must be done.
Your wish is my command:
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
Post subject: At AGDQ, fighting hardware problems but working the solution
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We (micro500, p4plus2, mediamagnet, serisium, Tompa and I) are all at AGDQ and we did a rehearsal yesterday. Unfortunately, one of the new PSoC devkit boards had the MicroUSB port snap off the board before the rehearsal so we only had two working at the time. The sound techs were troubleshooting some wiring issues so we opted to defer our rehearsal to midnight and work some more. We managed to get another board flashed with the correct firmware to replace the failed one but over the course of the evening leading up to midnight we started seeing strange, strange behavior with the consoles such as consoles not powering on when connected to the board. Eventually, the MicroUSB connector snapped off a second board and we discovered that it was likely shorting out the 5v to ground and causing problems. As we were packing up for the second rehearsal attempt we discovered that a third MicroUSB connector had popped off leaving us with only one currently working board. We have a good idea of what the problem is (the DevKit boards don't have solder around the outer legs of the connector leaving only the 5 legs for data and power as the only connection point) and how to prevent it from happening again (add solder before they snap off). We have two extra boards but no other spares so we don't have margin left. I believe serisium is going to attempt the solder work today. We have great news - the one thing that did go well during rehearsal was a complete NES Classic resync of Gradius (adelikat's run resynced by link_7777, replete with a spirited attack against the volcano that caused the AGDQ 2014 desyncs) . We are exploring the option of making it a donation incentive, but that will only happen if the schedule is not too far behind and we can demonstrate that we will not be running over. That will require extensive commentary rehearsal which will likely take place on Thursday and Friday. I'll try to keep updating here. I've neglected the top post, I'll update it now.. One other last piece of good news - we've fully confirmed the $1k award from GeekPwn, we've received $770 out of the $2k we have in expenses, and we'll be donating 10% of whatever we receive. That brings the donation I'll be making on behalf of the site and the TASBot team up to $1,077 with an additional $500 pledged as a matching donation to the Prevent Cancer Foundation from my employer after the event making the current final donation $1,577. I'm very happy about this but could still use some help with the remainder of our expenses; if our expenses are fully covered (meaning I give $200, i.e. 10% of $2k) it'll bring the final total to $1.8k! If we're fully funded I may even be able to sell some Bitcoin to push that donation even higher. Thanks again to everyone for the support, and it's not too late to help out - details are in my signature and on this post with the list of current donors. Thanks again for the support, everyone!
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
Post subject: TASBot block donation is now $1,077, getting closer to $1.2k
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Quick update - I have received the $1k from GeekPwn as expected, and I've now received $770 toward the $2k in AGDQ 2017 expenses we have of which I've promised to pass on 10%. This means that the total donation we will be giving on behalf of the site and the TASBot taem is now $1,07!. Thanks for everyone that helped out already, and please help us raise that all the way up to $1.2k if you feel led to do so. I'm also happy to report that I have fully confirmed at least $500 will be matched by my employer after the event for a total donation to the Prevent Cancer Foundation of $1,577. This is by far the most we've ever been able to contribute during the event and I'm looking forward to the 14th. Thanks again for the fantastic support, everyone!
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
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I spoke with GeoffLedak in IRC (Freenode #tasbot) and pointed out GhostSonic's initial Arduino design for Genesis. I don't have a MegaDrive myself and can't help a lot more from here but hopefully this is a good first step. Also GeoffLedak, welcome to TASVideos!
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
Post subject: Re: oh no spoilers
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Masterjun wrote:
dwangoAC wrote:
Fortunately, SMW is a very quick hop into complete control and it has the advantage of SMW which means we can easily show SMW. At one point, we'll allow Twitch Chat to SMW which could get kind of crazy.
Heh - I deserved that. :) No, the [redacted] is in no way, shape or form SMW. 3 years in a row was pushing it, 4 would produce some pretty creative Twitch "commentary" on the trend. :)
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
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I had not seen this hack before, so this TAS was my first exposure to it. While some parts were pretty standard fare for SMW these days there were some insanely fun sections, especially vertical areas. I'm definitely voting yes on this one. Good job!
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
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I wasn't sure how I was going to vote at first because the game seemed somewhat confusing but by the end I started really appreciating some of the movement and routeplanning. By the lava level I was convinced. Voting yes, well done!
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
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I enjoyed this run's movement optimization but I struggled with the scrolling. I don't often vote Meh but I've opted to do so here as I think it falls just short of the bar in the entertainment category to be in consideration for Moons. Well done on the optimization though!
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from
Post subject: Dusk of the home stretch before deadline, 3 days remain...
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Back in the AGDQ 2016 postmortem phase I set a deadline for AGDQ 2017 of December 31st. I'm now staring down that deadline and I admit that it's going to be a bit hard to hit it even with the huge team that's now helping including micro500, total, Ilari, p4plus2, arkun, MediaMagnet, Tompa, Ange, fuzyll, Ownasaurus, endrift, Mothrayas, and even several GDQ tech team members at this point. Everyone is working on different things, some of it undercover but a lot of it is stuff I can at least hint at. Here is the current plan, with a few redactions: The NES Classic is a bit of a mess as it filters out things like pressing left on one frame and then right on the next frame so it's really difficult to get anything super accurate or complex. In general, the NES Classic is *not* very good at all, and it's the kind of thing TASBot would look down on for not being perfect. So, uh, we're going to kill two birds with one stone - Since the NES Classic has 30 games on it and a subset of those games are available in all territories, we'll pick that subset of games or a smaller subset and do a death tour, playing the game long enough to do a fastest death and hear the death music then move on to the next game by pressing the Home button to get back to the game selection menu. Going this route might sound a bit strange, but it means that if there is a desync, it will "re-synchronize" at the edge of each game. It'll give us an opportunity to quickly cycle through several games with times ranging from 5 seconds to 20 seconds, although more for some really hard to die in games in which case we may have to skip them. The whole thing will take between 7 to 10 minutes. The alternative is to pick some other arbitrary short goal or use a simple game like Galaga to do a complete TAS with very conservative button presses of which would not be very interesting. I personally think the fastest death tour seems more interesting but we'll have to see how it plays out and I'm open to suggestions. Following that, we'll show SMB3 total control and the GeekPwn payload but with AGDQ graphics and different NSF music - the amazing level 1-1 takeover is too good to pass up and most people haven't seen it. We'll transition away from that console and start playing [redacted] which is when things will really get interesting. Fortunately, [redacted] is a very quick hop into complete control and it has the advantage of [redacted] which means we can easily show [redacted]. At one point, we'll allow Twitch Chat to [redacted] which could get kind of crazy. It's going to look like utter randomness because it's Twitch chat but it should still be fun. From there we'll move to LoZ:LttP which is just long enough for some decent commentary, as in, there's some actual gameplay involved (about 3 minutes), and during that time there's all kinds of crazy things going on thanks to work from Tompa. At the end, we'll trigger a glitch at the Sanctuary which will give us total control, and we'll use it to trigger the mirror effect used to change between light and dark worlds. Instead of transitioning to the dark world, we'll instead transition to [redacted] and show [redacted] which will definitely be the highlight. I'd love to say more, but giving away the payloads would be a horrible spoiler. If you want to know more and you want to volunteer, contact me - the best way to reach me is on #tasbot in Freenode IRC, accessible easily at as needed. There's still plenty of work left to do, especially if you can help out with some Linux toolchain needs involving data transformation. With the current team we'll be able to flesh out a rough pass by the December 31st deadline but we'll be polishing until my hard, hard deadline of Friday, January 13th at 9:00 PM EST, the night before we present. In other news, I've been informed by GeekPwn that bank delays and new polices by the Chinese government have held up the award payment. I'll give the $1k I committed to even if the award is not paid on time, but I could *really* use help with the $2k it will cost us to get to AGDQ 2017 as we still have $1,880 to go to cover those expenses. (Note that I've personally covered all expenses for the many previous events this year and I won't be asking for help with those costs.) As a silver lining, I have a commitment from my employer (Ciena) to match up to $500 of the AGDQ 2017 donation, so the effective donation I'll be making on behalf of TASVideos and the team supporting these projects will be at least $1,500 going to the Prevent Cancer Foundation. At any rate, if you can help with a donation either via Bitcoin at 1CknXDyb5jTG1Nw1hs437r6fnz7npBSEfA or through this PayPal donation link I will gladly give you any game here as a token of my appreciation. More updates in a few days, possibly even including an update to the very neglected first post in this thread. Thanks as always for the support, this is a great community to represent!
I was laid off in May 2023 and could use support via Patreon or onetime donations as I work on TASBot Re: and TASBot HD. I'm dwangoAC, part of the senior staff of TASVideos as the Senior Ambassador and BDFL of the TASBot community; I post TAS content on based on livestreams from