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Revision (current)
Last Updated by Unknown on 1/1/2022 6:13 PM
!!work in progress
First we will define some variables and provide the memory location the game uses to reference them.

||variable name||memory location||description||
|x speed|7e0408,2s|positive is moving to the right|
|y speed|7e040a,2s|positive is falling|
|x pos|7e0404,2u|the farther to the right the higher
|y pos|7e0406,2u|the lower the higher
|str len|7e0604,1s|the amount of line out, possible to make negative somehow
|str stretch|7e0602,1u|the length of the line stretched
|x hook|7e0500,2u|x location of tip of hook (in pixels)
|y hook|7e0502,2u| |
|x dim(pixels)|7e040c,2u|x dim / 64|
|y dim(pixels)|7e040e,2u| |

Note this is not the actual order things are evaluated in

Every frame:
*x dim = x dim + x speed
*y dim = y dim + y speed
*if hit wall x speed = 0
*if hit floor/ceiling y speed = 0

*y speed = y speed + 18

!!Speed limits
*if any dimensions speed > 384 then that dimensions speed = 384

!!Horizontal Control
*note horizontal control will not exceed a speed of 96
*if on ground and pressing left/right then 
**if moving x speed += 8
** else x speed += 16
*if in air and pressing left/right then speed += 4

!!Vertical Control
*if just jumped y speed = -256
*if just walked off a cliff y speed = 80

*if in air x speed -= 1 (once every 4 frames)
*if on ground x speed -= 8 (unless walking under 96)
*if on ground and crouching x speed -= 16 (instead of 8)

*rope travels at 4 pixels per second
*returns at 8 pixels per second
*max rope length = ~104, at this length it will begin to return
*min rope length = unknown (possible to get negative using sea horse in f36)
*breaks when a certain force or length is reached

!!Rope control
*After holding down (and not left/right) for about 10 frames rope will suck in at 2 per second
*After holding up (and not left/right) for about 10 frames rope will release at 2 per second ''[TODO]: Double check)''
*Cannot pull in rope if force is too strong (unknown exact value / formula)

!!Rope forces
*if str stretch > str len then do nothing
*else a realistic forumla is used, exact formula not known but it is something like this:
*xspeed += sin(angle) * (str stretch - str len) * 2
*yspeed += cos(angle) * (str stretch - str len) * 2
*max acceleration (due to rope) = 60
*''[TODO]: Be more accurate, I forget what the number 72 has to do with this''

*if near ladder / exit door and press up/down then x speed = 56 in that direction
*if get off ladder then x speed = 64
*the fish hook is a solid object and has length, it is what causes you to move away from the wall when bouncing up and down
