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Last Updated by feos on 4/19/2022 1:05 PM

!!! General Contributor Set of Norms


!! Rules

By agreeing to be a contributor on TASVideos, you are agreeing to abide by these principles.

* Follow all guidelines specific to your role. If you are unsure about these guidelines, contact your senior or an administrator.
* All submissions and publications deserve fair treatment. Blocking or reducing exposure or quality of work, due to personal issues, is not acceptable.
* Since you are a contributor, always consider that your comments will likely be seen as reflecting the values of TASVideos.
* Be considerate and respectful. Constructive criticism is important for growth, but it must always be respectful.
* Personal attacks and bullying will not be tolerated. Demeaning or insulting comments or behavior may result in being demoted by an administrator. Repeated offenses may result in suspension or exclusion from the site. Refer to [Site Rules] for more details.
* If you feel like you are a victim of bullying comments or behavior and would like assistance, please contact an administrator and the situation will be investigated.
* This site is an international community. For many of our users, English is not their first language. If you are not sure what someone means, ask!

Access Privileges 

* Your role is an access privilege. You may have your role demoted if you are a repeat abuser of access privileges.
* Treat all users equally. If you are having difficulty with a specific user, ask an admin for help. Recuse yourself if needed.
* Moderate user discussions sparingly. We prefer splitting threads over post removal, unless the site rules are broken. If you are unsure, ask an admin.
* Manage user privileges according to respective role requirements.
* Do your best work. Behave with positive intent and assume others are as well.
* If you make a mistake, fix the error as soon as possible.

Contributors who violate this Conduct may have their role demoted or may be suspended from the site entirely. All efforts will be made to mediate and avoid such a demotion or suspension.


!! Advices

What to do when you have a complaint or are helping a user with a complaint:

* __Do not__ begin a public conversation about a personal issue! Treat others the way you would want to be treated.
* If you have trouble with a user, contributor, or staff member, first attempt to have a conversation with that person.
* If you are still having difficulty, contact the person’s senior if there is one available.
* If you are still unable to resolve the situation, contact a site administrator.

Tips for de-escalating online conversation:

* Sarcasm is often hard to interpret online. Tread carefully.
* If someone has offended you, politely let them know. “That’s not cool.”
* If you have offended someone, apologize. “I'm sorry I offended you with what I said.”
* If someone is offended but you think they misunderstood, first apologize, then try to explain more clearly. “I’m sorry. I realize you are offended. I’m not sure I explained well. Let me try again.”
* Try to remain calm. If you need a moment to calm down, walk away. If the problem is just too important to outwait, ask others to help the discussion.
* Refrain from personal attacks.
* Assume the person has positive intent.
* Take a moment to think. You might be wrong.
* Remember the person you are talking to is a human being!

How to improve as a community member:

* [Staff/SoftSkills|Soft Skills]