User File #13944646366576588

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#13944646366576588 - Sword of Mana - Watch

Sword of Mana.wch
Game: Sword of Mana ( GBA, see all files )
Uploaded 4/11/2014 11:35 PM by UraKn0x (see all 5)

00000	02002E02	b	s	0	HP
00001	02002E06	b	s	0	MP(1)
00002	02002E08	b	s	0	MP(2)
00003	020202D4	b	s	0	Enemy1 HP
00004	02002F40	b	s	0	Enemies
00005	02001683	b	s	0	X-Speed
00006	02001685	b	s	0	Y-Speed
00007	02020D20	b	u	0	Lucre
00008	02025A10	b	s	0	Pow
00009	02025A12	b	s	0	Def
0000A	02025A14	b	s	0	Int
0000B	02025A16	b	s	0	Mnd
0000C	02025A18	b	s	0	Agi
0000D	02001920	w	u	0	OldWoman-X
0000E	02001922	w	u	0	OldWoman-Y
0000F	020017C0	w	u	0	NPC1-Y
00010	020017C2	w	u	0	NPC1-X