Zero Tolerance

  • Shooter


Zero Tolerance is a first-person shooter developed by Technopop and released on the Sega Genesis in 1994. The game features expansive 3D levels and large background graphics, impressive feats on the Genesis' hardware, and a video game plot involving hostile aliens that have invaded a space station and have to be eliminated.
See Dimon12321 complete this shooter in record time while doing relatively little shooting. The character Tony Ramos was picked for the run because he runs faster and takes less damage than the other characters.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good Zero Tolerance (USA, Europe) (Rev A).md UE Rev A Genesis SHA1: D6D9733A619BA6BE0DD76591D8DEC621E4FDC17E
MD5: 54427136BEEE5A270232445BBFD0341F