Wall Street Kid

  • Id: 2751
  • Platforms: NES
  • Abbreviation: walsrtkid
  • Display Name: Wall Street Kid
  • Discussions:
  • Strategy
  • Board


Only in the '80s can an IT business company make a stock market simulation game for a Nintendo console, and that game is Wall Street Kid. You are an upcoming stockbroker in the 1980s, the era of the Japanese asset price bubble, Reaganomics, and gross consumerism, and your goal is to prove your worth as a member of the Benedict family by taking $500,000 in seed money and putting that into the stock market so you can have more money to buy opulent luxuries such as a big house, a yacht, and eventually a castle that can be worth up to $10 million. Successfully prove your worth and you win the disproportionately fattest inheritance ever of $600 billion in 1990 dollars (or $1.35 trillion in 2022 dollars). Don't and you're disowned by the family.
In this run, ShesChardcore takes advantage of the small RNG, which is very generous for a stock market simulation, and optimizes the text generation and the menu actions in order to become obscenely rich, while also ripping off the bank in the process by skipping out on loan payments at the end.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good Wall Street Kid (USA).nes U NES SHA1: 6EB4A7664FE482EAFFC16EE1F768A1C9B51C2A6A
MD5: 3D63EF15111D84B1FA6206B7B62D8B80