
  • Id: 2815
  • Platforms: Arcade
  • Abbreviation: arcade-quartet
  • Display Name: Quartet
  • Shooter


Quartet is a side-scrolling run-and-gun game that was initially developed by Sega as an arcade game and later ported to systems such as the Sega Master System and the ZX Spectrum. In the arcade version, up to four players can choose a character of their choice to clear various space bases that are filled with aliens and other moving hazards and get to the exit.
Watch Darkman425 as he chooses the character Mary and clears all 32 unique levels in record time, bunnyhopping frequently throughout.

Warning: This game contains flickering lights that may prove discomforting to photosensitive viewers.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Unknown Quartet U Merged Arcade
Good quartet2a.zip W 2a Arcade SHA1: 9C6FCA277FFCF82D92C289AF025B4EDD48A99042