The Arm Wrestling Classic

  • Id: 3506
  • Platforms: NES
  • Abbreviation: tawcnes
  • Display Name: The Arm Wrestling Classic
  • Sport
  • Homebrew


The Arm Wrestling Classic is a homebrew game for the NES that revolves around arm wrestling. You are Barry Biceps, an up and coming rookie who aspires to rise up the ranks and become the arm wrestling champion. Challenge people in places such as backyards, school gyms, unused '80s parking garages, and a proper arena, and boost your strength in between matches by doing push-ups and pumping iron.
LoganTheTASer in this run becomes the world arm snapper champion, improving the prior publication by 105 frames.
You can get the game here.

Watch this run being played back on a real console.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good The Arm Wrestling Classic.nes U NES SHA1: 76B4D443516B7597A386CC43C566A5604EDDF55A
MD5: A3C80D495BA5EDEB1FF8D8B9AC182020