Root Race

  • Strategy
  • Board


Root Race is one of the games that came with the disk of Issue 54 of Compute!'s Gazette, released in December 1987. In this game, each player has a set amount of trees, manipulating the root system in order to reach water. Whoever was more efficient with their system wins.
nymx opts to get the largest root system, completely crushing the CPU-controlled system in the process.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Unknown Compute!'s Gazette 87-12 (1987)(Compute!).d64 U C64 SHA1: 5b327832fb3b39436aa4a374b6612412f39b31e9
MD5: 475f37f1261b7a35628bab8bd0a7cb89