Conquest of the Crystal Palace

  • Conquest,Crystal Palace
  • Platformer


Conquest of the Crystal Palace is the story of a boy and his dog who overthrow an evil rock (or is it a brain?). It offers some cool mechanics like being able to use the dog as a platform and have it attack enemies for you.
In this run arkiandruski improves the predecessor movie by 00:24.86 seconds. A large part of the improvement comes from a faster 2nd stage boss fight, but there are minor movement optimizations throughout.

The movie file, as well as all the encodes, have the author's commentary in the form of soft subtitles.

Watch this run being played back on a real console.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Unknown Conquest of the Crystal Palace NES