User File #637784519610263162

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#637784519610263162 - Rockman 2 RAM Addresses

Game: Mega Man 2 ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 1/22/2022 12:39 PM by Shinryuu (see all 11)
Shows the following addresses:
  • Frame Counter / Frame Rule
  • Underwater HP Rule
  • Energy values for Item 1, 2 and 3
  • Energy values for other weapons
  • Heatman's Invincibility Timer
  • Number of E-Tanks and Lives

00000	0000	S	S	0	Rules
00001	001C	b	h	0	Frame Counter
00002	00FC	b	h	0	Underwater rule
00003	0000	S	S	0	Items
00004	00A4	b	h	0	Item 1
00005	00A5	b	h	0	Item 2
00006	00A6	b	h	0	Item 3
00007	0000	S	S	0	Weapons
00008	00A1	b	h	0	Time Stopper
00009	009C	b	h	0	Atomic Fire
0000A	009D	b	h	0	Air Shooter
0000B	00A3	b	h	0	Crash Bomb
0000C	00A0	b	h	0	Quick Boomerang
0000D	00A2	b	h	0	Metal Blade
0000E	009F	b	h	0	Bubble Lead
0000F	009E	b	h	0	Leaf Shied
00010	0000	S	S	0	Bosses
00011	00B2	b	h	0	Heatman Timer
00012	0000	S	S	0	Damage
00013	004B	b	h	0	Invincibility Timer
00014	0000	S	S	0	Energy
00015	00A7	b	h	0	Energy Tanks
00016	00A8	b	h	0	Number of Lives