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Last Updated by Invariel on 7/21/2015 4:26 AM
!!! Introduction
.fcm files made with older versions of FCEU may desync on FCEU.28.

This page describes a brief history of older FCEU rerecording versions and sync differences. All older versions are available in the downloads section.

! FCEU.12
This was the first widely used FCEU rerecording branch. TAS features were implemented by Blip. Nearly all NES TAS movies made in 2004-2005 were made with this version.

Note: If capturing AVI's of these older movies, use the AVI capture fix version of .12

! FCEU.13
Many new features added by Nitsuja. However, some sync differences were introduced. Some movies (such as Dragon Warrior 4) made with .12 no longer synced.

! FCEU.15
More new features/enhancements/bug fixes added by Nitsuja. There maybe some sync differences between .13 and .15. Few movies were made with .13 since the .15 release was so soon after.

! FCEU.16
New TAS tools added by luke including basicbot & memory watch. However, it introduced sync differences compared to .15

This was the primary version used for many movies in 2005 & 2006.

! FCEU.17-FCEU.28
All versions of FCEU (.17-.28) should have the same sync. FCEU.28 is the last version made as the project was abandoned in favor of FCEUX.