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Last Updated by Unknown on 1/1/2022 6:13 PM
A jump is nearly twice as fast as walking, if it carries you two tiles ahead. Turning takes several frames to complete, so although jumps are faster than walking, if you need to turn twice to get one extra jump, you are overall slower.

Jumping has other oddities, of the sort that, after the game determines you are moving two tiles ahead, nothing stops you from landing two tiles ahead, other than an interrupting animation (warp tile between you and destination, specifically those that triggers the warp animation). Useful for bypassing monsters in difficult terrain, or jumping on the training poles in Ruins Area 5.

It is also possible to jump inside of a closed door in Ruins Area 7, due to the warp tiles there not triggering a warp animation. No other strange behavior observed -- Walls still block you, and you can simply walk to an open tile.

!!Standing over a gap
Fall into a pit. Attempt to jump out as you do. If you die from the pit, a Ring of Life will be consumed, but you will be floating over the pit. This trick requires you to die, and thus consume a Ring of Life.

It is useful for opening a door (such as those on Fortress 4F) or other actions that require you to be outside of a pit. The number of places discovered where this is useful is few.

!!EXP allocation
Every monster has a specific level. Hitting with a physical attack adds to Arm Strength EXP per hit, hitting with a magical attack adds to Knowledge per hit, and defeating the monster adds to level. The difference of the monster's level and the affected stat is the amount of EXP awarded; If this would be zero or negative, you instead get one EXP.

Rather than give the EXP immediately, this EXP is allocated one point per one or two frames, depending on current action. This means that, when against an enemy with high EXP value for the stat, it is possible to have many levels worth of EXP that hasn't yet improved the stat. As the stat is still low, continuing to gain EXP for it will award you the faster rate of a low stat.

!!Message box
While text is still being drawn in the box, Varik can't act. The text box can be instantly finished if you press a direction with the control pad. Left or right buttons are recommended to speed up text.

!!Memory Addresses
||7E014C|2u|Frame Count|
||7E01D7|2u|Frame Count (alt)|
||7E021F|2x|Main RNG|
||7E0221|2x|Scratch RNG address|
||7E057F|1u|Varik's Y tile pos|
||7E0580|1u|Varik's X tile pos|
||7E0589|1u|Varik's HP|
||7E058A|1u|Varik's HP max|
||7E058B|1u|Varik's MP|
||7E058C|1u|Varik's MP max|
||7E058D|1u|Varik's Luck|
||7E058E|1u|Varik's Luck max|
||7E058F|1u|Varik's Arm Strength|
||7E0590|1u|Varik's Arm Strength EXP|
||7E0591|1u|Varik's Knowledge|
||7E0592|1u|Varik's Knowledge EXP|
||7E0593|1u|Varik's Magic Endurance|
||7E0594|1u|Varik's Magic Endurance EXP|
||7E0595|1u|Varik's Level|
||7E0596|1u|Varik's Level EXP|
||7E1D89|2u|Arm Strength EXP to allocate|
||7E1D8B|2u|Knowledge EXP to allocate|
||7E1D8D|2u|Magic Endurance EXP to allocate|
||7E1D8F|2u|Level EXP to allocate|
||7E1D97|2u|MP recovery timer|
||7E1D99|2u|Luck timer|
||7E1D9B|2s|Luck adjustment|
||7E1E05|4u|Step counter|
||7E42EC|1x|Something about animation. Useful to watch when moving|
||7E43C2|4u|Gold on hand|
||7EDE36|1u|Invisibility timer|

Many objects, notably monsters, begin at address __7E03C7__. Each object is 94 bytes in size. Varik's barrier spell takes the first slot, Varik's projectiles take the next three slots, then Varik himself takes the slot after that. Monsters take up the following 31 slots. There is room for monster projectiles, but this hasn't been measured at this time.

||7E03C7| ||Object size: 94 . Count: ?|
||Offset 0x20|2u|Pixel position, relative to camera's left edge|
||Offset 0x24|2u|Pixel position, relative to camera's top edge|
||Offset 0x26|2u|Tile distance from left map edge, relative to cam facing|
||Offset 0x2A|2u|Tile distance from forward map edge, relative to cam facing|
||Offset 0x40|1u|Y tile position, absolute|
||Offset 0x41|1u|X tile position, absolute|
||Offset 0x4A|1u|HP|
||Offset 0x4B|1u|HP max|
||Offset 0x4C|1u|MP|
||Offset 0x4D|1u|MP max|
||Offset 0x4E|1u|Luck|
||Offset 0x4F|1u|Luck max|
||Offset 0x50|1u|Arm Strength|
||Offset 0x51|1u|Arm Strength EXP|
||Offset 0x52|1u|Knowledge|
||Offset 0x53|1u|Knowledge EXP|
||Offset 0x54|1u|Magic Endurance|
||Offset 0x55|1u|Magic Endurance EXP|
||Offset 0x56|1u|Level|
||Offset 0x57|1u|Level EXP|
||Offset 0x5A|1u|Defense|