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Even though it has the same main layout as the original game (with tweaks here and there), with it having the same mechanics as RSE — and no glitchable pokémon, to boot — I can't see it being rejected. Question is, if you did this run, would you go straight through it and ignore everything else (the route of the original game) or try to beat the Elite Four a second time? If it's the latter, then you have to catch sixty pokémon before the Oak gives you the updated Pokédex and you do the second Sevii Islands sidequest.
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AKA wrote:
The only remake worth doing is AlttP as the text scrolls faster, not sure about anything else though.
River City Ransom EX. More moves, more hilarity, (potentially) more difficult, and an overpowered CPU helper that beats the frick out of things without remorse.
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Two more suggestions: Ninja-kun: Ashura no Sho - I toyed around with this game for a bit (as seen in the "Let's see you play something thread") and it might be interesting. Might. Mouryousenki Madara - A Konami RPG, apparently. I have no idea how to play this game at all... I just played around with it for all of two battles (in which I nearly got my arse handed to me on a silver platter), and thought it had potential. Doesn't play like anything I've come across yet, though that might be because of my lack of RPG playing. It's got a translation, for anyone that's actually willing to try their hand at it, TAS or otherwise.
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Triple Trouble isn't SMS; it's Game Gear only. Too bad, because I would have liked to see a run of Tails' Adventure.
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Kitsune: There's two roms; one with an intro of a guy pushing some words around on a black screen and saying how Pokémon Sapphire got dumped two days before it was launched, and one without that needless intro. This movie was made on the latter. IIRC, when I tried running the movie on the former, I got desync on the naming process as well.
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lipucd wrote:
( then again I don't just want to do the same attack over...and over..and over =p )
Rats, I knew I wanted to edit in something. Entertainment factor in a game like this is valued over pure speed, so the more you show off, the better. Still, it's your call, and if you can pull it off and still be entertaining.
For the golem boss its just timed...and to tell the truth...the less time he's in gold..the better XD
Hrm, I could've sworn that it was possible to actually defeat that thing before the timer hit zero. If I keep this up, I'm gonna take back up playing AGH myself so that I can continue supporting you. <_<;
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spineshark wrote:
con: no english version...translations aren't allowed, which really hurts in this case because... spells are gibberish; yeah I'm not sure I could ever get over this, even with all the faqs in the world nobody would actually know what was going on >_>
I thought that Bisqwit only disallowed translations because there was an off-chance that there could be a newer revision some time in the future. Rather unlikely if there hasn't been an update for years, but eh.
Post subject: Re: Mother 3!
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Guybrush wrote:
Why the hell create a new topic to discuss about the same freaking thing?! Even if the old topic is one year old it's not bad in any way.
Some forums are funny when it comes to necrobumping, no matter what the reason; some forums, like this one, are cool with it. Same with people, and sometimes the etiquette from one message board carries over to the other. Slightly off-topic (game-wise anyway), but explains the point.
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Pocky and Rocky. Both the original and its sequel.
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Bisqwit wrote:
That is a valid point. It just is so.
Haha, fair enough. I would delve further, but I don't really care too much about it, and I don't feel like dragging this off-topic and ending up having this split into another topic. ;p
DJ FozzBozz wrote:
The thing is, the english cartridge exists, but it was unplayable because of one little bug. So someone unrelated to Nintendo or had to modify one bit of the code or something like that to make the game playable on an american console. At least that's what I read.
I haven't played through the entire game, but I've seen some pics of the final battle against <zomg spoilers!>, and if there are images that far into the game, then I can't see what possible bug would make the game unplayable, unless you went into a specific area in the game and messed around a bit. At least, I would think so.
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Bisqwit wrote:
2. It may be updated some day ― we shouldn't showcase old versions when a new version is available. It's an inconvenience for the author of the hack and it's inconvenience for the audience.
See, this slightly confuses me, because older versions of official games aren't allowed, but not hacks. I'm sure there's some explanation behind this; I just can't be bothered with sorting out why.
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
As for #1, it hasn't worked like that in my experience, even though it may automatically seem at first thought that it does.
This is true, but there's still a few cases I've seen where it indeed does work the way that I typed out. It's like the other members of the forum are sitting back going "Oh, that guy, *wrist flick*" and I'm sitting back thinking "...did I just miss something?" But you're right, I suppose it's not commonplace enough to warrant mentioning. However, from my experience, the three corollaries from #1 are pretty common. This board aside, I don't think I've been to one forum where there hasn't been someone that has a massive cultish group following. Shameful really, but I digress. At any rate, nice to see that I inspired a new law. Horray!
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The write-up for this run is "trades speed for entertainment". I see the speed, but less so the entertainment. While some parts were especially amusing, watching the bosses getting jumped and beaten senseless with random objects while standing in place time and again is not. Aside from an exception or two, there wasn't much of anything that really showed what the protagonists could do. Although slower and running on an obsoleted emulator, I think the old run did a better job of showcasing the game. That said, this TAS gets a no vote from me.
Post subject: And now, my sad, pathetic attempt at humor. <__<
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I find these laws amusing. Now watch me ruin this as I attempt to add in my own suggestions. (Feel free to reword as necessary.) 1) The more well-liked a user is, the more likely they will be able to post questionable, objectionable, or even bannable content without incident. —> First corollary: If said user has a following of any sort, they will receive support for whatever actions they may take, regardless of if is against the rules, or how derogatory the user might be. —> Second corollary: If the well-liked user is arguing with another, less-liked user, onlookers will most often take the side of the former. This applies even if said user's presented arguments are illogical and nonsensical. —> Third corollary: If said user is arguing with someone and has a following, then odds are that the other user arguing will be on the receiving end of countless flames and insults detailing the nature of their apparent stupidity and/or questioning of their sexual orientation. 2) The longer an admin is inactive on a forum, the greater chance that a moderator will attempt to usurp power and become the new (unofficial) administrator of the forum. —> First corollary: If said moderator does manage to rise to power, then any and all attempts to oppose or question their actions will either result in a swift warning or banning. Have fun with that. Or not.
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lipucd wrote:
If you up for aiding me on this I'll acualy work on this! XD
Wow, I actually have an influence on someone. How about that. 1) In your fight against the ogre, would consistently sidestepping his punch and then coming back in at the first possible frame and <oh that's just not right o_o;> save more time overall, or not? (Nice variety of attacks, btw.) 2) You might wanna be closer to the golem while reflecting its attacks; that way they hit it quicker. Nice progress. I laughed at the end of the bridge fight. (Come to think of it, that might have been there in the other WIP, but I failed to pay attention to it. Ah well.)
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How's the run coming along, kirbymuncher?
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Name her Kutan.
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N. Harmonik wrote:
And another thing; you could manipulate the results in order to get the best cards.
I've played the game on emulator, and I've savestated before the beginning of some fights — mostly during the sim matches in Emerl's story. From what I can tell, the cards you seem to be predetermined. It might change depending on how long it takes you to go into the battle, but I'm not too certain on that.
Post subject: Ninja Kun - Ashura no Shou
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Out of nowhere I strike Filling evil hearts with fright Punishment goes where it is due... Oh, I'm coming for you! If your mind is not right Silent death awaits you in the night Justice Ninja will cut you down! Decided to get Ninja-kun - Ashura no Shou on a whim, and for the heck of it decided to make a quick run of one of my first times playing. It's amusing, but kinda challenging. it just me, or does the protagonist look kinda like the Ninja from DDP/SMB2?
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I'm probably the only one that still cares about this movie, but whatever. Made any significant progress on this run, or is the caterpie still pwning you into oblivion?
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Dromiceius wrote:
Yeah, it occurred to me after I posted the suggestion. I think I might take a stab at the final round- nearly lose at first while setting up a massive combo, and then brutally savage the opponent.
Honestly, the most ideal Panel game for TASing sounds like Crazy Hard mode of Pokémon Puzzle League's VS/Challenge mode. From what my friend tells me, it's more evil as the Intense difficulty from Pokémon Puzzle League (constant ×8 and ×9 chains), only without the benefit of the computer having a health bar.
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Deep Loner wrote:
At the world one mini-fortress, when you first tried flying for the whistle -- that was hilarious!
Yeah, I liked that too, even though it shouldn't have happened. Sonic 1 run. I swear I don't usually suck that bad. Honest.
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Panel de Pon, played on Hard difficulty. I do relatively decent until the final boss appears, and then it goes to hell from there. I'd say nearly half the movie comes from trying to beat her.
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And now, watch as I completely suck in Super Mario Bros. 3! I need to get used to playing on the keyboard again. P.S.: One of those deaths was completely intentional. Try to figure out which one. ;p Also, I have nothing else to do for the weekend, so I may be at this all day. Just a fair warning, unless you like cracking up to fairly idiotic mistakes made by someone that is no longer used to playing on keyboard.
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Well, I completely ruined the plot of the game for myself. It's cool though, because I probably wouldn't have gotten to it for another few months or so. Very well played run. The fights were rather impressive — moreso because you can't just opt to dodge every attack and counter with random Kill All attack — and the puzzles were interesting to watch being solved. Yes vote from me.
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