Posts for Kingfisher

Post subject: Re: #4770: pirohiko's NES Final Fantasy II in 07:32.37
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TASVideoAgent wrote:
it is fast that a game is reset than it closes a menu. It is faster to touch a power supply,
How soon until someone designs an emulator that can properly handle manipulating the power cord?
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This is a good run! My biggest complaint is that the hero is named Action Man, and not, in fact, Robot Atak.
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Any TAS that disregards commonsense physics is a good watch, and this one is no different. Very enjoyable!
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Hoandjzj wrote:
Therefore the in-game timer is slower than 10 second, but the realtime is faster than 7 minutes
It's silly how things like that work out!
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I spent over a week playing through MI. I spent more time escaping the exploding fortress than this playthrough spends on the whole game... This is a fantastic playthrough!
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NitroGenesis wrote:
Great screenshot imo.
It's not just great, it's really good.
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Holy cow, it's the thing from Super Talking Time Bros.!
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ZXA is one of my favorite games. I'm glad to see another run of it. Some of the collectables are a pain to get. Seeing it done quickly should be educational.
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I can't stop laughing at how Yoko moves. It's like she's sitting still, and the rest of the game revolves about her.
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This is ridiculous. I'm absolutely voting "yes."
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This run reminds me greatly of the playaround that have been done for some fighting games. A definite yes vote!
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Bernka wrote:
Oh great! The day finally come! I wiill improve the Grolla run and submit it later for sure!
I'm looking forward to it!
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My only complaint is that you sped through the Aquarium Park too fast, limiting the time I could spend chilling to the tunes. The angles you pull with the laser wisp power are crazy.
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Not only is this a very enjoyable run, it's also alerted me to another Mega Man clone! As such I am doubly appreciative.
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I noticed that the BGM mutes when fighting Ice Girl in the youku link. Is there a reason for this?
Kuwaga wrote:
Mh, I don't think you can legally distribute this game. Please remove the download link?
This is true. Anyone interested in owning this game can purchase it at The TAS speaks for itself as to how enjoyable the game is.
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The Dizzy music really wouldn't be that bad if only the melody wasn't played on the chalkboard. I'm guessing it sounded better before it was ported?
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TASeditor wrote:
"Takes no damage" and "Takes damage to save time" in the same TAS?
Since when has logic been a barrier in TASs? Following the combo-counter, you'd think this was a play-through of Dodonpachi.
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DarkMoon wrote:
Kingfisher wrote:
*I'm not arguing that it isn't ugly as sin, but it uses gimmicks and concepts from SMW in innovative ways. It requires the player to think and react in a very different manner.
If by "react" you mean "be able to have superhuman reactions," then you're absolutely right about that.
I don't only mean that. Consider the beginning of the very level, where the play has to avoid the goal. There is not a single level in SMW where touching a goal is not desirable, but here it's lethal. It's an entirely new use of the object. Proceeding is not obvious. The player has to jump to the left, land on a bullet bill, and bounce back to the right on a ledge beneath the goal, and walk underneath it. The original SMW requires nothing similar. The next obstacle requires the player to spin-jump off a pokey as it falls into a pit, after actually realizing that they need to do this. It isn't obvious; you can finish the original game without ever spin jumping off an enemy. You never have to purposely jump in a pit, either. Kaizo is an unrefined hack. It is nearly an unplayable difficult hack. None-the-less, I think that its new and creatively counter-intuitive use of otherwise familiar gimmicks is too notable to ignore, and the influence this hack had on future hacks and games is evidence to that. I believe TAS should accept this Kazio TAS, if it should accepts TASs of any hack.
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I think the Kaizo Mario hack should be accepted. It is cleverly designed* and is well known and notorious among hacks. It has influenced not only other SMW hacks, but the creation of other games entirely. *I'm not arguing that it isn't ugly as sin, but it uses gimmicks and concepts from SMW in innovative ways. It requires the player to think and react in a very different manner.
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I think you should state what BLJ stands for in the description. While most Mario 64 enthusiasts know it means, anyone else who reads the video description will be confused.
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Ilari wrote:
Nope, it would not be identical (the direction and magnitude of effect would be difficult to estimate), because the starting conditions for each mission would not be the same: * First mission starts with 12 missiles * Other missions don't have missiles, but have carry-over credits from previous episode. * Alien generators can't be hit with missiles E.g. If episode 1 and 2 would be swapped, the final time would likely be at least 10 seconds slower (because grenades, which are key to quickly destroying alien generators would not be quickly available).
I hadn't considered that; I concede the issue. However, my comment about it being mistaken as a seasonal TAS still stands. :)
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Samus goes to planet Zebes to destroy the Mother Brain, putzes around for a while, and then leaves without destroying the Mother Brain. Mission Completed Successfully!
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NitroGenesis wrote:
Kitsune wrote:
I'll wait for an Encode before I give my judgement.
Hoandjzj provided one, and it's in the submission text:
Oh, preview here:
Since it said "preview" you could mistake it to mean that it wasn't the full TAS. I agree with Hoandjzj's decision to skip unnecessary boss fights. The bosses in the hack love invulnerability frames, and differ from the original fights mostly in the environment they're fought. Fighting them would kill the momentum, and the fights wouldn't be much different or more exciting than in a vanilla Super Metroid run. This run could be better optimized only in the manner that a razor can be sharpened.
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This is fantastic, Ilari. Some kids grew up with the Nintendo; some kids grew up with the Genesis; I grew up with the 486. It's a thrill to see old Apogee games be TASed. Alien Carnage was a particular favorite, since it was a game I had the complete copy of, not just the shareware version. I'd also like to add one benefit to the Photon weapon that I remember: it can interact with objects through walls.
franpa wrote:
1) It seems to use Turbo mode (I at least don't remember the game being that insanely fast) 2) It's not Halloween Harry with the more logical episode progression.
I disagree. Turbo mode is an actual in game option, so I can't imagine why it's use would not be permitted, and the sum length of the game time would be identical with any episode progression. Also, if this was played with the original Halloween Harry title, it might be mistaken as a seasonal TAS.
Post subject: What happened to my Private Message?
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Four days ago, I received this email:
Hello Kingfisher, You have received a new private message to your account on "TASVideos" and you have requested that you be notified on this event. You can view your new message by clicking on the following link: [link to private messages omitted] Remember that you can always choose not to be notified of new messages by changing the appropriate setting in your profile.
I actually had this message twice in a row, making me think that I received two PMs. However, when I then click the link it tells me that I have no messages in my inbox at all. What happened?