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Nach wrote:
Maximus wrote:
Now that ZSNES 1.50 has been released, do you think it's worth adding ZMV support?
I'd be interested to see if you can do it.
I love a challenge ;) I haven't taken a look at the code yet for zsnes, but it seems that the ZMV format is the most robust movie format yet. Assuming the new snes9x doesn't contain a whole slew of sexy features, more and more movies might start being done as ZMVs and if I can provide a more intuitive interface for chapter management, I think it'll make the editor more useful. I've got to play around with ZSNES more though as I can't seem to get recording to work without causing the application to crash :( EDIT: Turns out if you have a save dir defined but it doesn't exist, trying to record will cause an unhandled exception. PM'd Nach.
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Now that ZSNES 1.50 has been released, do you think it's worth adding ZMV support? Also, should less prevalent formats be supported? (ie. VirtuaNES, Nestopia, FinalBurn ..etc). Other than just tightening the existing routines and adding the stuff Randil keeps reminding me I've forgotten (=P), any ideas what direction this application could take to make it more useful?
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Great job. Definite yes vote from me.
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Interesting approach. I used to use paging initially since i was also manually adding rows to my control (listview vs. gridview). Once I went to virtual lists though, I could populate the entire movie's dataset in one shot very very quickly. Gotta tell you though, I never thought of actually using the System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard to copy/paste ... nice :P
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If you're willing to share the source, I'd love to see what you've come up with.
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I looked into using a DataGridView, but I was having some issues getting it to work in VirtualMode. Since I'm ultimately looking to move away from direct editing, a ListView should do ... for now :P What are you planning to write your editor in?
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Steal away, the source is available, just remember to mention who's yo daddy in the creds (j/k :P) The input editor is slowly being overhauled. The current method was kinda hacked together and was never meant to be in the application for more than a couple releases, but I got lazy and didn't get around to updating it. I'm thinking of going with forcing input selection from a separate form available from a context ment (ie. right click->edit), and this would also let me add control event editing. Currently, entering non-existent input or redundant input won't cause any errors (input of "<<>>UIQE<<>>" will only register as "<>") but is confusing since it will register in the list. Also, you can't group update a single controller column. Good luck on your project though. If you need any help, feel free to ask. Also check out Zefiris' editor. He recently overhauled the project and it's looking pretty cool.
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Thank you. Sorry, didn't read up on the issue before posting.
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This may or may not be a feature request (since I'm not sure if the issue is actually just a settings problem on my end). Fix Gens so that it doesn't re-initialize the entire screen when the application is started or closed (it currently "blacks" out the screen whenever I start/terminate the app). If it's only doing this for me ... sorry, posted in the wrong place :P
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Sorry everyone, version 0-8 had some issues. I've released an updated version on the project site

- UI::Fixed timing display for FCM files (was showing as PAL if no timing info existed)
- UI::Fixed copy-buffer save/load filter (contained a closing parentheses)
- UI::Fixed pasting from a loaded copy buffer (bad, bad, bad logic error)
- UI::Reintroduced the frame counter to the statusbar (updates on edit)
- GMV::Loaded movie now display's XYZMode values (doesn't save these yet though)
- SMV::Fixed saving (wasn't handling null input gracefully)
- M64::Header parsing implemented (not 100% ... controller selection still wonky)
- ETC::Rewrote format validation routine
EDIT: This build has some elements that aren't in production yet (Input Pattern Searching, Auto-Fire Update Mode, Input Comparison, M64 Support) so don't be too disappointed if something doesn't work (if something that should work doesn't though, please let me know =P)
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I guess "technically" it's a death trap cause if you don't escape, you die :P
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Are you referring to the framecount in the treeview? (if so, this won't update until the movie is reloaded since it refers to the original and isn't effected by edits) Could you try saving the movie you just edited and re-open it. If the frame count doesn't change, then I made a mistake :P EDIT: Now that I'm off work, I can confirm that saving does update the frame count. The treeview node for Frame Count doesn't update while editing though. I used to display an updated frame count in the status bar, but that was removed for this version. JXQ brings up a good point in that it's a necessary piece of information that needs to be available while a movie is being edited. As a result, this information will be available again (somewhere visible) in the next release. EDIT2: I think I broke SMV saving :( I'll release an update shortly to address this.
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Looks much better than the first attempt.
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After the Rat King, I die (as it were) and you see nightshade strapped to a conveyor belt, heading towards his doom. This is what happens when you die in this game; you get a chance to redeem yourself (though if you mess up, it's game over). Btw, did anyone find that the audio desynchs in the avi?
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Former player
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Location: Toronto, Ontario Is this what you're looking for?
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In the level where you're basically just shooting guys through a window, is there a goal or pattern or something? The run looks pretty good, but you should try to avoid anything that's going to slow down your character's movement (ie. fighting, since kicks/punches are slow).
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Looks pretty optimized to me, though, as JXQ stated, some of the hits did seem to cause you to stop moving (which could likely be optimized). All in all though, a pretty impressive run.
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Hey buddy, glad you're enjoying it :)
1. What is "signature" under Header? it has the same value for all movies I've opened so far. 2. What does the "version" tag under header mean? It says "2" on all movies I've checked with so far... But version of what?
Signature/Version are used to verify that the loaded movie is valid. They "should" always be the same for a given format (GMV's can be version 9 or A). This was always there, I just didn't display it for lack of space. One of the reasons I changes the interface to a treeview was so I could display even more information about a given movie. Internal check values aren't really necessary, and if they prove to be confusing, they can be removed.
3. It seems to be a small bug when editing FCM's recorded with any FCEU-version other than 0.98.12. It says that the movie is recorded "from save", even though it is from reset, and it also says that the timing is PAL, when it's actually NTSC. You should check that out.
It's been addressed. It turns out I was defaulting the timing to PAL, and that wasn't being changed (so if it's NTSC or timing info isn't present, it still reads as PAL).
3. An idea, under under "frame count" in the Header section, it would be nice to see that time in minutes and seconds, just like it's displayed when you're about to replay a movie in FCEU.
Can do :) It may not always be 100% accurate though (FPS isn't always known).
4. For starters, if you want to edit input for several frames, you begin with marking the frames you want to edit by dragging a box around them. As it is right now you can only create the "box" to mark the frames with by starting the box next to the frame number.
This is a limitation of the ListView control that holds the frame information. I may be changing the control to something else eventually, but for now, if you're selecting a group of frames, you can click the first frame, hold shift and click the last frame.
5. Let's say that you want to edit input for several frames at a time. You begin with dragging a box around the frames you want to edit. Then, you go to the "Controller 1" field to type in the input. My small complaint is that once you have clicked on the "Controller 1" field after marking your frames, the blue color on the frames you chose disappears, so you don't see the frames you just chose. It would be nice if the blue filling for the chosen frames is still there, even after you clicked on "Controller 1". 6. This is pretty much the same thing as comment number 5. If you select more than one frame, the "Frame" box under "Controller 4" still only displays the first selected frame... could you make it so it displays all the frames that are marked?
The current method of editing was kinda hacked together. I'm not really impressed with it and it is going to change. I'm hoping to eventually make frames "directly" editable (ie. if you select a block of frames, just start typing ... no need to click a textbox, type in the change and then press update).
7. What is this "Find input" and "Goto frame"? (shouldn't that be "Go to frame, anyway?) I couldn't get it to work when I tried it... I had a movie with some frames with the input "A". I typed A in the field and clicked on Goto frame, but nothing happened...
Goto frame is for jumping to a specific frame number. Find input "was" going to be a way to search for a given input pattern, but it wasn't working and I wanted to get a release out ;) Hope that all makes sense. One thing that i'm hoping to have done for (whenever) v1-0 is released is some form of supporting documentation. I haven't decided on whether I should go the CHM route or just PDF/TXT. Also, if someone wants to give me a hand writing it, that would be much appreciated.
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zefiris wrote:
Not faster, but still a good idea :)
Faster from a usability standpoint (prolly a lot slower as far as performance is concerned) :P
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Zefiris, since you're using a horizontal layout for frame input, are you considering maybe doing something with icons? Replacing the dots with icons representing what that track contains might make it easier (and faster) to use. Also, maybe a label somewhere that tells you the exact frame you've clicked on might help. Just a thought.
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Well, it's been a while in the works, but a new release is finally finished. The main feature addition is support for VisualBoyAdvance (VBM) movie files. The second main change is an overhaul to the interface. Gone are the tabs in favour of a more simplified, streamlined treeview. This makes it easier to add more information logically. Buffered frames can now also be saved/loaded from file. Just for the fun of it, I've also added FMV saving :) EDIT. I'm no longer hosting the files on my (crappy) sympatico account, so if you want the application or the source, see the sourceforge project at Enjoy

- UI::Changed application title to TAS Movie Editor (no longer TAS Movie Splicer)   
- UI::Tabbed interface removed. Replaced by a treeview.
- UI::Fixed a bug where the app would crash if trying to access a locked file
- UI::Removed frame count and file name from status bar (frame count no longer used in buffer length calculations)
- UI::Buffer saving to file implemented
- UI::Buffer loading from file implemented
- VBM::Header parsing implemented
- VBM::Controller data parsing implemented
- VBM::Splicing implemented
- VBM::Saving implemented
- FMV::Saving implemented
- FMV::Splicing implemented
- FMV::Fixed a bug where the bytesPerFrame kept increasing when an FMV was closed (crashed after about 3 loads)
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Pretty sexy. I like what you've done with the interface (it almost looks exactly like what FODA was talking about ... minus editing live emulator data :P). I rebranded my editor as the "TAS Movie Editor" in the next release, even though that was your main form caption in the last release you had. Now, since you're going with TAS Editor, I'm assuming it's cool if I use the old name (if not, I can pick something else). I'm going to keep working on mine (since programming's fun), but if you ever wanna do something collaboratively, just lemme know :)
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Eventually the metadata fields will be editable (Author/Description .. depending on format). Not really sure why you'd need to change anything else (other than sync settings maybe) but i don't see it being a problem down the road.
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Nice improvement. Voting yes.
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BoltR wrote:
No, for reasons specified like 5 posts back.
Sorry. It was like 1 in the morning ... thanks though.
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