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mr_roberts_z wrote:
Do you think .m64 will be supported in the program soon?
I'm hoping so :) Randil: I thought I added an option that allows you to append input (so it doesn't overwrite the frames that already exists, but adds the input you want to it.
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Xipo wrote:
It is very easy to edit the rerecord count.But as Randil said just now,how much rerecord count is correct? I think the answer is that we should not edit the rerecord count.Do you think so? Then there is a new bug in this tool. I hava a NES movie which can be replayed in FCEU,but the TAS Movie Editor can't open it. I don't know why.May I upload it?
Sure. If you throw it on microstorage and send me a link, I'd be happy to take a look. Overall, I'm not impressed with the way I initially wrote the format handlers and part of the reason is how FCMs are handled (sub-optimally), which is why I'm leaning towards a complete rewrite (I did it the lazy way, and as a result, it makes the app less versatile).
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I started writing a user guide for this application a while ago, and it was included in the past couple of releases, but not in v0-12 for some reason. You can download it here if you need it. Seeing as it's christmas and I haven't really been very active lately (priorities changed, got engaged, new job, new apartment ... etc) maybe it's time to start this project up again. There have been almost 1000 downloads since the last update in May, so I guess this tool has been moderately successful :D If there's any interest in a new version, maybe we can start planning over the xmas holidays and start development in the new year. I'm considering a complete re-write, since that tends to spark the ol' creative juices more than just updating the existing codebase so if anyone wants to join up and do a group project, we could make a good editor the greatest editor of all time :) MERRY CHRISTMAS and have a happy new year!!!
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Merry Christmas from Canada! We pretty much do what the Swedes do (presents, gingerbread, tree decorating) minus the carnations in oranges thing. Seasons Greetings and hopefully Santa brings you everything you asked for (if he didn't, let me know and I'll give him shit ... he lives around here somewhere :P)
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you need 3 things to play the fcm file: fceu, which is the emulator, the associated ROM file, which is the game you're going to emulate, and the movie file (the fcm). Once you've got all the pieces in place, load the ROM in FCEU, then select File -> Replay Move and select the movie file. That should do it :) (if all else fails, if it's a published movie, grab the AVI)
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Yes vote here :)
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You could always try out Wallace . It's a bit odd to build (make sure you have libgstreamer-plugins-base-dev installed or it won't build). There seems to be an issue with jack under Ubuntu 7.10, and I haven't used it successfully (yet), but it looks promising. Wallace is FCEU 0.98.12 with a GTK frontend, and it looks to have movie support.
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Thoroughly enjoyed this run, so obviously, it gets a yes :)
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Meh vote because it was interesting, but if there's a new category created for "pure entertainment" videos (concept demo just doesn't fit the bill :P), I'd upgrade the meh to a yes. A new category for videos might spice up the submissions overall; making players optimize for entertainment as opposed to frame-perfection may entice some new users to start TASing.
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upthorn wrote:
DaShiznawz wrote:
I've tried multiple times on different days and mupen is never open.
Are you using maximus' tas editor, or zefiris'? Maximus' doesn't support mupen yet. Zefiris' might.
I'm pretty sure that zefiris' does support m64 files atm.
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All I can say is WOW :) DWD was one of my favourite runs on this site and your improvement is far beyond what I thought was possible for this game. Two huge thumbs up Randil. You just keep setting the bar higher :D Edit: Three thumbs up to Ans. Sorry for not giving you props in the original post :P
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This is almost 40 minutes faster than GuanoBowl's movie? I really hope this syncs for me cause I'm curious as hell what's been improved (haven't followed the forums if there have been updates there). Good job regardless PdotDot. Will vote once I've watched this :)
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Good work man. Didn't think I was going to like this, but here I am voting yes :)
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Saturn wrote:
I wouldn't bet on that. Knowledge is a very important factor here. Although I will sound bad again, I now passed every situation in such a run, and I know all the fastest possible strategies in each room. Sure there might be strats you use which I won't, but then there will most likely be slower. Too bad I can't show you my any% WIP so that you can see yourself what fast strategies are, and learn a ton of new ones as well, but it's just not finished, and a unfinished run won't be submitted, obviously.
Why can't you just post a WIP so everyone can see what strategies you're using? It's not a submission if you don't submit it, and everybody can benefit from it. It's not spoiling anything, because not everybody watches WIPs; but those who do and are interested in the game at hand would greatly appreciate it.
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Dang. Didn't realize that the existing run could be beaten by THAT much. Great work guys, hats off to both of you. Two thumbs really up on this one.
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I wonder if Bush's HMO considered Lyme disease a pre-existing condition and denied his claim .... :P
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JarrardKO wrote:
When is mupen going to be supported? I finished my cbfd tas but I can't save the input file because of the absence of support. :(
Hopefully soon. My girlfriend's working nights this weekend, so I'm hoping to have some time to work on this this weekend, but in the meantime, I think Zefiris' TASEdit can save M64 files (see the downloads section).
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Guess I'll throw in another unnecessary yes vote into the mix. Great work zggzdydp!
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If it's cool, it's all good :) Just thought I'd throw that out there because it did in fact beat the famtasia run's time, if nothing else. I look forward to your run Chamale.
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Chamale wrote:
Including RCR. I'm not very far, but some test runs have improved the last boss fight by over 30 seconds compared to the published run.
I'm wondering if the RCR run is improvable. Vatchern's run was faster, but got grued because it wasn't as "entertaining". Stating that the objective is to beat the time isn't always enough, but if you can make a significant improvement (I think Vatchern got 2 minutes or something like that), it may prove to be acceptable.
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You've got the storybook adventures down to an art my friend. What's next ... Princess Tomato? Good work Randil. Yes vote.
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Yes vote here, but you might want to edit your submission text to reflect the actual game being submitted ;)
About TASing this game: There are essentialy 3 parts of TASing a storybook game like Deja Vu:
Same appears in the Shadowgate run. Good work on both buddy, and keep em coming :)
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Deign wrote:
Got a new one for you Maximus, trying to hex a movie with resets recorded doesn't work. During playback the resets dont happen
This'll likely be implemented along with 1.51 support ... whenever that happens :)
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laughing_gas wrote:
Don't know if this has been mentioned, but when I open a .fcm with no input, just blank frames, in tas movie editor 0.12 the editor freezes up the whole computer, requiring a ctrl-alt-del to fix.
Nope, this hasn't been mentioned ... but I will look into this as well. Thanks laughing_gas.
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Randil, you just keep on cranking out one quality run after the next. I can't wait to see what you've done with Shadowgate and the Uninvited :) GOOD WORK ... SOLID YES VOTE!!!
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