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The latest version of SNES9x isn't supported as of yet. I haven't really had a lot of time lately, but hopefully soon I can get back to work on this project.
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Randil, you've been giving me good suggestions since I started writing this program, so I'm always glad to hear from you .... sadly, it's usually about bugs. Oh well. The crashes will be addressed in the next build. I thought I had written a check into the movie loader to see if it was in use or not, but I guess more testing is in order. The FCEU bug is pretty major, so i'll have to review the entire process. I kind of hacked together the way it writes out files, and i've actually been meaning to overhaul the process, so this may be my chance. Any feature requests are always welcome *hint*hint* :P (as long as they're not about M64 or SMV 1.51 support ... those are coming ... I promise)
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Good enough for a yes vote from me. If it wasn't so short, it might get a bit boring, but you managed to keep the action moving pretty quickly so no complaints.
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Deign wrote:
Just posting to let you know, I've been having issues with the editor ignoreing already input "R"s when i try to edit a VBM file. I open a VBM file and all already placed R's do not show, then when I save the file, they aren't still in the file.
This was resolved in the last release (v0-12). If this is the version you're currently using, then please send me the VBM file you're working on (if you're willing to of course) so I can run some tests.
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MUGG, you downloaded the source package instead of the compiled application. Source is if you want to edit the program yourself and rebuild it. If you go back to sourceforge (the link is in my signature) and download tas-movie-editor-v0-12.7z (not tas-movie-editor-v0-12-src.7z), and follow Deign's instructions, you should be fine.
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nitsuja wrote:
Hex editing is sufficient. Also, this movie editor tool is advertised as supporting Mupen64 movie editing.
I haven't finished implementing M64 support because, frankly, there's been very little demand for it. The main reason I think is that since there are so many different input values to display, it just looks jumbled. I was looking for a better way of handling input in the application, but didn't end up finding anything I liked. I guess I can finish what I started though and just implement a write routine for M64 files ... seeing as it's basically ready to go anyways.
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Man, people ain't kidding when they say this is a lot like Prince of Persia. Nice work though on an excellent improvement. Definite yes vote :)
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Soulrivers wrote:
I like the idea of having all movie files sorted after game. However as that could confuse people, not finding what they are looking for, tags could additionally be implemented. Like I type "super mario 64 <insert>". Or never mind. Why not just use descriptions? :p
I plan on using the TAS Movie Editor file processing libraries to extract metadata from uploads, so I can store certain specifics about all uploads that will stay uniform (assuming the file stores that info). Other than that though, I was just going to have a general description field. There's a lot you can find out about the ROM the movie was made with without needing user input, and this'll keep everything consistent.
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Soulrivers wrote:
Perhaps tags to be used for search?
Please elaborate on what you would like to see as far as "tags" are concerned. I was going to have certain rigid categories at one point, but I figure the less you have to enter when uploading, the better.
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moozooh wrote:
You can get it from The Firemen submission. It was the one I altered. If you try saving it with TAS Movie Editor, it will somehow desync in the last 500-600 frames.
Before I try this, does the SMV record reset events? If so, it would definitely desync, because I don't track those (if it doesn't though, then my app is busted :P)
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MUGG wrote:
Maximus, thank you =) But you don't need to translate^^ I'm here now: And what to do next? After I installed it it said I should install some more programs to make this work...
Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. You shouldn't have to install anything after updating the framework. Now that you've installed 2.0, try running the application (everything should work fine).
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Phil wrote:
:s Btw, I discovered a major bug. When editing an FCM file, that edited file says the movie lasts X frames but when I play it, after that X fames, the movie doesn't stop and it continues on infinitely.
Strange. I haven't heard this one before either ... but if it's there, that's a MAJOR bug. I know people have been using this for FCM editing for a while now and haven't reported this though, so I'm wondering if it's possible it's isolated to a specific movie. Have you tried multiple FCMs or just one?
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MUGG wrote:
- I'm German. Please be considerate to my language comprehension - I've got now the tas editor and a zip programm to be able to open the editor. But a window popped up and said "it couldn't be initialised". What shoul I do? I'm making a TAS of Mario Land 2 and I'm coming to a point (35.000 frames) where rerecording gets uncomfortable and annoying. Thanks in advance.
You have to install the Microsoft .NET 2.0 framework for this application to work. (Sie müssen installieren den Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework für diese zu arbeiten.)
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Phil wrote:
ok... we can't see it...
Ah. It's under the editing console (F2)
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Yrr wrote:
Phil wrote:
Also, I would like a feature that you write desired frame and it goes there instead of scrolling down to search for it.
I actually wonder why this hasn't been made yet. Btw, post #111 :/
That's actually been there for a while now. Just enter the desired frame under the Input Locator and click Goto Frame
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Cardboard wrote:
It did :( Both the... not-by-moozooh altered one, and the altered-by-moozooh one.
Hrm. Ok, that sucks :P Could you PM me the SMV (if you're willing to that is) and I'll look into it in more detail.
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Atma wrote:
ZeXr0 wrote:
I like the comment, it's like youtube comment. but I agree that it's too tiny. Also, I guess you could make privilege, like I decide to upload this movie, but it is private, and I give 3-4 users access to this movie. Also, you could make it public so that everyone have access to it. You would get the privacy of Microstorage and the power of the v2.
This is something I dont really agree with, nor quite understand the point of. If you dont want certain people to see it, why would you upload it to non-private space in the first place? Its rather wasteful to upload something to in a sense, public space, when you want no one to know of it. For this you're better off using your own hosting or something like geocities even, as you have a higher degree of control over it.
This is why I originally proposed this as a complimentary system to microstorage ... not a replacement. Private file sharing can still continue with DeHackEd's system, whereas mine would be for public storage.
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Truncated wrote:
I suggest removing commenting by users (1), removing logging in (2), and adding a filename and a free text comment by the uploader. (3, maybe these are already intended?)
What if instead of user comments, I added a way to store links back to TASVideos discussions. These links could be added anonymously, and that way, when you're browsing uploads, you could still sort of see more information about the movie. Logging in was just an idea. I had a feeling this isn't something people would want, but you don't know unless you ask ;). I thought I could give people the option of creating an account, and if they did, they could comment on videos if they wanted to. Free text comments are handled by the "Description" field. Do you think there should be two fields? A short description (that would appear in the search) and a long description ... or just remove the long description and keep a short one?
ventuz wrote:
nice concept, except "comment" column are too tiny.
All columns are dynamically resizable, but this is just a concept layout so nothing's written in stone yet ;)
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Cardboard wrote:
I edited the Author Info on a .smv-file (Only opened the file and did a save-as) , and removed some text, but as I tried to play the movie, it desynced, even though the input remained the same. Any ideas what went wrong? The same desync happened when I added text to the Author Info. This is probably due to TAS Movie Editor, because moozooh managed to fix it later, [19:11] <Cardboard> So which topic should the whine happen in? [19:11] <moozooh> tas movie editor. because i managed to edit the field without affecting anything using hiew and virtualdub.
hrm, not sure what's up here, but i'll make sure I look into this. Could you do me a favour though? Could you just open and save the movie (save, not save as) and see if it desyncs also?
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Here's a quick mockup of what I'm thinking (admins: if the image is too big, i'll resize it) Originally, I thought this should be an anonymous system like the original microstorage, but if it's user based, more useful information can be gathered. Just wondering if people like the idea (or not) of having to log in to use this application. If not ... no biggie :) I'm going to incorporate the movie processing libraries from the TAS Movie Editor so I can extract and store header information for movies. This will make sorting/searching more useful, since you don't have to worry about some people entering "Zelda" or "LOZ" vs. "The Legend of Zelda".
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I second Truncated's comment ... no idea what was going on ... but I liked it :) Good job man, yes vote from me.
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P.JBoy wrote:
nitsuja wrote:
Yes, but to do that would mean putting most of Snes9x 1.43 WIP inside Snes9x 1.51+whatever
You done it before. Besides, the code is already there, how hard can it be
Why not just use 1.43WIP for movies that need it, and 1.51 for those that don't?
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AKA wrote:
Maximus wrote:
AKA wrote:
the major improvement to Mircrostorage would be to allow savestates, as well as zip files which will allow both movie and savestate to be loaded at once.
Do you mean additional savestates, as opposed to the embedded state for movies that start from a savestate?
I meant addtional savestates, so people can upload them for others to test, watch a snapshot or to save them watching the movie from the begining.
Makes sense :P If this is something that happens more often (savestates to mark positions in the movie), it's a shame more people don't use ZSNES, as it already has chapter markers.
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AKA wrote:
the major improvement to Mircrostorage would be to allow savestates, as well as zip files which will allow both movie and savestate to be loaded at once.
Do you mean additional savestates, as opposed to the embedded state for movies that start from a savestate?
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Phil wrote:
By "more user-friendly", I think it should be editable in the left table where there is "Header", "Metadata", "ROM information", etc. Right now, we can only select and it does nothing else. We can't even copy-paste.
The treeview that show's the movie information likely won't be editable ... for now, but I see what you mean. I'm always on the lookout for new ideas, so I may eventually re-visit how that information is displayed and make it more interactive. If you do however find another fcm that causes those errors, please send it to me so I can fix whatever was causing the crash :)
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