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How's it progressing? Gotten stuck?
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I'd go with the previus speaker. Sure, the SMB "no run" movie was sweet but that's been done now. If a movie should be concept you need to come up with something new IMO.
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To be honest with you, I don't like this game. At all. Okey, one quest is fine but two? Nah... But I'm here to judge gameplay, not my presonal opinion. For those who fought with this game as kids, I'm sure this run i eyecandy. I can't detect any mega-flaws (no minor neither) so I'll give this a yes-vote, acctually.
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Just wondering, does this trick affect your caracter aswell? (Probably, it doesn't but I have to dubblecheck)
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I was really starting to think that the RBO run never would see daylight, but now there seem to be a better chanse of sunrise. Great job!
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PhenixDown on Topic! I've been wondering about this. Is there no PSX emu out there with OpenSource? If not, would it bee possible to create a Plug-In (most PSX emus support Plug-Ins) that gives you the possabilaty too record and play TASes. I just have to try a SOTN run...
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I haven't followed the progress of this run (curse me!) but I just had one thought: Isn't there a glitch that allows you too escape KokiriForest without sword/shield/whatever. Wouldn't that save time or am I out walking?
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Yeah... working on TIM 3 at the moment but I don't like it as much as Toons. Toons is much funnier, and more bizzare. Btw, toons doesn't have windows problems either.
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Post subject: The incredible toon machine
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Have someone ever tried this old puzzlegame? (Re)Found it a short while ago and have just finished of all the puzzles so now I'm working on my home-toons. Was just wondering, have someone else out there done any good machines they are willing to share? I love solving theese and I'm looking for new chalanges. Thanks / Mazzic
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Hooray, so you didn't vanish forever, Mister Cutman Avatar!
(Know I'm not suposed to talk OT here bur I just have to respond) No, I haven't vanished. It's just that I have such a bad memory that I forget which pages to visit on the net and for quite a while now, I've forgotten this place existed. (No offence). Hope I can remember it's existence a little longer this time ;) Nice to know that you don't get forgotten by others though :)
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So... someone picked up this game and made one hell of a run out off it. I've very glad to see the outcome of this. It's a bit depressing to know that I wasn't able to complete my runs but now, when I watch the result of JXQ's work, I'm satisfied. My compliments to you, JXQ. You given Little Samson the honor it deserves. PS. Do I have to mention I'm giving you an YES vote? DS.
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I acctually love this game and I have played it far too much, i tell you. On the Practise I've reached lv. 152 once ;) (Yes, i know the counter only goes up to 99 but there is a sertain sound for every levelup and I counted them. I know, I have no life.)
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I liked the run. I can agree on the comment about doing something interesting in the wait secuense. Haven't played the game myself but it looked cool, however, I don't think this is the kind of game that is suited for TASs. This one's okey but no more of theese. Vote: Yes.
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No, therse is another warp like this that can be executed on the Waterdragon boss (I think). This one lets you pass the Icelevel but on the other hand you have to complete a number of levels before you get to that boss. I don't know if there is any other warps like this though....
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I'm ST for a LARP saga in Falun and that's a full-time jobb. I go to school but only 50% so that doesn't kill me. I have a girlfriend and that takes up time, I tell ya.
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Truncated wrote:
- In the dragon fight, he sometimes loses height, does that mean that he isn't hurt constantly?
I've been wondering about this thing too. The moment he looses height there acctually is a bell (or whatever Samson fires) inside his hitbox. Therefor I can answer Yes he is hurt constantly and I have no idea why he loses height.
Truncated wrote:
- With the green wizard, did you try blasting him with the dragon as while you're walking there? I suppose two switches + slower walking speed might well be slower, but I thought I'd check.
Crap... haven't checked that one out. Have to do that. Edit: Checked that out. You do not save time using Kira on the way.
Truncated wrote:
- 21300 somewhere, can you grab the ceiling with the mouse instead of switching to dragon?
This is done due to the same reason as to why I keep jumping all the time in the ice level: Running acceleration on icy ground is very slow. The switch saves time 'cuse then I don't need to accelerate the mouses running (plus, he won't have to stand in one spot and run for a short while without moving forward.)
Truncated wrote:
- The ice level, you often choose not to Switch to Samson for the vertical climbing, how come?
You're right there. Some places needs to be re-done I think. (How did I miss that?)
Truncated wrote:
- Weird wait before exiting at 23912. Is it always like that?
No, it was just I who accted careless.
Truncated wrote:
- Doesn't switching to and from the dragon lose some time? Why not just stay as stone man? (Edit for clarification: during the ice boss fight)
The boss moves forvard till it reaches the right end of your hitbox. By flying as the dragon above him I can shorten his horisontal movement by quite much. I've tested this a couple of times and I came to the sollution that this was my best option.
Kapow wrote:
One thing, did you notice you're skipping 5 stages by finishing the first boss with the mouse? It took me a while to realize that.
This isn't just becaouse I use the mouse. It has to do with how fast and on what frame the boss is killed. (I stumbeled over this "warp" by accident).
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OKey, let's get back to work then. I've made some serius progress and here you can get the FCM (Zipped). Please comment.
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Wow... didn't think there was so many stories behind the different Nicks. Well, here's mine: Started using the name Mazzic in 4th grade (9 years ago) due too the reason "When you use Internet, you have too have a cool Nick, duh". Mazzic comes from a book (which name I can't remember) but he is a smuggler. (Wait, think it was somekind of StarWars book...) Anyway, I stole the name right of! I also use the lastname Kiegel. Where that comes from, well I don't know. Think I stole that from a German pen-pall board I visited once, in the very begining of my Internet usage. (Though, I'm quite sure it was spelled Kihege or Kieghel or something like that but I changed it later due to lazyness). That's my story.
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Not that I ad anything too the discussion here but what I'd like to see is someone beating the Forest Fortress via the secondary exit (where you cross that huge lavapit) whitout a cape. I'm sure it is possible since I've almost made it on a console.
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Merry Christmas to every citisen of Videoland!
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I'll finish it but I've had a hole in my productionfase due to personal issues. I'll carry on working with it soon, I promisse. ;)
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I like those methods you people suggested. I'm realy going to use some of those in the future. Thanks for using some of your time for this topic. I know it haven't made the world richer but you sure helped me. ;)
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Let me explain my reasons for this reques. I am aware that it is extremly easy to decrypt one of those text but that is using a compuret. Changing letter by letter in a text that you have printed out and then hand to someone else hwo knows what to do makes the text you've written much more secure. You see, I have an interest in LARP where all kinds och text cirkel around. Using one of theese basic encryptions is verry effektive if a person gets his hands on this text without any possabilaty to get to a computer. Breaking one just using pen and papper takes a while and usually you can't afford that while. Get it? Edit: And one thing. Programing ain't my thing. I don't get anything from those codes, nor would I be able to program something like that myself.
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Post subject: Program search: Cryptology
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Hi. My question awoke one day as I was writing a text on my computer and thought about the possabilaty to somehow run my text through a program that changes every letter to another letter of my choise. I've googled for some program to do this but I can't seem to find one that fitts my needs. I've had in mind someway of inputting what every letter should be changed to myself so that only I can un-crypt the text or someone I've choosen to tell how to sett the letters. Now is my question, does anyone know of a program that can do this?
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I would like to vote yes on this movie, due to the fact that it is faster. But just because of Phil's atitude I'd like to vote no, 'cuse sometimes your coments can be a bit harsh, IMO. In the end, I WON'T VOTE. Nope. I like sleepz run better (since I HATE wobbling) but I feel I can't vote no on personal feelings.
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