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ShinyDoofy wrote:
LagDotCom wrote:
I had a desync while watching this normally, sometime in the second trip into Rainbow Land. What I saw before then was pretty crazy, and had me laughing quite a lot. I'll hold off on voting for now.
Here you go Feel free to ignore the logo, I had a brain fart of some kind.
Thank you, this desynched for me twice (first time was the 1st time in the water level and 2nd time was the 3rd time you went to the water level). Anyways, from what I've seen up to date, this is very well played. This game still gives me the creeps for some reason... when I was a kid I was terrified of this game :P
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
Indeed, the submission system is a little wonky due to how uptight people are about it. The odd thing is it's usually not the authors who get offended by the no vote, but the viewers. How many times have you seen people who weren't the author state, "Alright, who voted no on this amazing submission?" Yeah, people may want an explanation for it, but people will still flip out about it. Again, the Zelda submission: When people started expressing discontent with the movie, they ended up being bombarded with, "You just don't get it, do you?" Kinda like Dennis Dyack's reaction to Too Human's negative reviews (except in that case it WAS the author who was offended). That being said, I cast my vote for the proposed voting system. At least people won't get uppity until AFTER the no vote is explained.
I agree that people are too rough on people who vote no. The question asks if YOU were entertained and that changes from person to person. Personally, there are movies I would have voted no that I simply didn't vote to because : a) 100 yes votes vs 1 no vote means the no vote is pretty much ignored, even if explained. b) if you try to explain it, people attack your opinion (sometimes) Other movies, like the most recent OoT movie, I voted yes but I felt it was more of a "meh". I explained it, and even with the yes vote I got some comments about me not liking it... Personally, the best system would be the ability to leave comments that ONLY the author and judges could see, IE by a PM system. No one would be attacked for their vote this way, even if the majority didn't agree with them. Judges could see everyone's opinions, and the author would know what to improve in the future.
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Der Langrisser has some awesome music.
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I'm voting yes but I was tempted to vote meh. Explanation : I don't think this category is important. Either fastest possible (skipping temples) or 100% are the categories that appeal more to me. Also : The young link part was painful to watch; camera angles made it hard to follow what was going on for large parts and you had a very large part where you had low health thus the beeping sound. This is one of those parts where I think sacrificing a few seconds to get a heart (and lose it again to die later) would of been a good choice, as it's annoying for the viewer. In a long run like this, I don't think anyone would mind. Adult Link part was better, a few nice tricks I didn't expect to say the least. I'm voting yes because I know I am a bit biased, because this game had a few runs prior to this and I think it's boring to watch the same game several times even with some improvements (I'm looking at you Super Metroid runners).
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Warp wrote:
Let me express two points about this whole dilemma: 1: Assume that currently there was no LoZ:OoT movie published. Would this submission be acceptable, knowing the suboptimalities it has (acknowledged by the author himself)? I guess the answer is no: The suboptimalities don't conform to the current basic standards of the site. So my question is: If this is the case, why would the fact that there exists a past publication affect this decision in any way? Should a suboptimal run be replaced with another suboptimal run, which doesn't still meet the minimum quality standards of TASing? Should past history of TASing of a game affect its future history? 2: Think about these two hypothetical cases: a) Someone submits a frame-precise movie, where every single frame has been optimized. However, someone else points out that there exists a glitch which would save time. The author of the movie didn't know about this glitch at the time he made the movie. b) Someone submits a movie which has glaring suboptimalities in it, and he readily admits that he didn't bother to perfect the run, and knowingly skipped abusing some time-saving glitches, not because he didn't know about them, but because of laziness. Now, ponder about these questions: 1) Which one of those cases is more "forgivable"? 2) In the first case, would the movie still be published? If your answer to the second question was "no" (as I believe would be the case), then why should the b) case be published? Is the b) case somehow more worthy to be published?
Personally I think if a movie is considerably faster than a published version and that it is well played it should be accepted. I have been on this site since the start of Arc's site and I can't detect when certain movements waste a few frame, and I doubt most viewers can either. I also feel that if you vote no on this movie, you should vote no on the optimized run if it ever gets released because there will undoubtly be small timer savers here and there discovered later (see super metroid or mario games). There will never be an absolutely perfect run of this game I feel, so there's no point in voting no if this run is better than the current one, UNLESS you weren't entertained because you don't like the game or don't like sequence breaking. We know this run isn't perfect, but it is still better than the published version.
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Thanks... that was stupid heh =/ I can't remember the last time I had to right click and save something since firefox brings the window up by itself... I don't think I had to do it once in the past ~2 years heh. BoMF : Could be I guess but I've never heard of it before and I download a lot of random files. Maybe just in different areas I guess people use different sites.
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Zowayix wrote:
@Mlandry: the file works fine for me.
Yes and I know that (since you already mentionned it), but it doesn't work for me. Just gives me a page with a bunch of random characters (aka an error page). Can't you just host it somewhere that works for everyone, or most people anyways (rapidshare, sendspace, etc)? I always have trouble with sites like these except the most popular ones...
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Good luck with this one guys. Awesome game, used to play it all the time as a kid. That short WIP was enough to make me interested in a TAS.
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Considering I can beat solitaire faster than this and the record is something like 11 seconds, should I bother watching this?
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Good luck DeHackEd I don't think anyone is still working on it and if someone is it's probably on hold. As far as route goes, the run on SDA can at the very least give you a good idea on how to start off. Obviously it will need to be adjusted for TAS capabilites but you should talk to Seiken about that since he made a run and worked on this game on TAS (at least for a while). I don't think there will be a large route change in TAS from the SDA Run in this game but I could be completely mistaken. Just doesn't seem like the type of game that can be completely sequence broken.
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I have to say this argument is ridiculous. Of course he is going to copy/recreate the fastest routes and movements known... that's the entire point of a TAS. Not doing so = no vote.
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Hey, since you're working on this emulator I thought I would bring this to your attention. (Great work btw) One particular game can't be emulated in Snes9X at a certain point whereas ZSNES can emulate it. I'm not really sure what the reason is but I've never been able to get past this part. Game is Dragon View (U) [!].smc. Here's a movie of the glitch (Snes 1.43 was used) Well, this isn't really important but it might happen in other games as well. The problem IS in the emulator since I beat the game a few times on ZSNES with the same rom... I should mention it does mess up a bit in ZSNES as well but the game doesn't crash... just buggy visuals. I don't really expect you to work on this problem since this is the only game it happens in as far as I know, just curious as to what the issue is and if it's something I can fix myself or if it would require coding/whatever in the emulator (which I don't understand at all).
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Darth, it's a good learning experience so go ahead with it. Even if it's not perfect, I would love to see a finished movie of either of these games and obviously progress is slow with the work they put in optimization their WIPs. New people tend to be faster. And Soul : I know what you meant to say but no use in discouraging someone that's learning... who knows he might be the one to discover a big sequence break =p
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There are some pretty funny Let's Play on YouTube about this game... a few people have played it and now regret it . Seriously, go watch the videos by UltraJMan... he starts off pretty sane but at the end it's hilarious. I think he even starts crying at one point :O. Only problem is he knew a bit about the game before starting so he avoided some of the funniest traps (game-over room for one, evil save point, etc) We should put this in the SpeedRun competition forum, see who can get farthest on Impossible =p.
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Moozooh, to give a different point of view, I much rather watch a 100CD run than a normal one, the small wait for Rush to dig is not much and we get to see cool glitching. Plus, it just feels like it accomplishes a nice goal... I mean there's so many megaman games; seeing someone kill bosses isn't anything new. Seeing someone get 100% like in one of the megaman X or this one is awesome in my opinion. Loved the groundman stage, didn't think you could of gotten all the CDs in that one in one go with the split paths. Yes vote
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I can't believe this is still being discussed. Didn't everyone agree that : "Yes. It wouldn't be a true gain, just a change in the timer-display. " So, to someone like me, a normal TAS fan, we would never even know the difference when watching it. It's nice and all but it's just a number on a timer. If it was actually a time saver it would be a different story; but in this case, just drop it until Saturn submits a movie with it included... I'd much rather see discussion about new tricks which are actually useful, and I'm certain a lot of other people would as well.
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PM Bisqwit about that and try to see if he can help you.
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Pretty good run up to date... some parts could be a bit more optimized it looks like though such as in stage 3 the wall plants, they stop flashing and you're still in the air... overall since I don't know the game I can't say much about improvements except that some parts look like you could hit the enemies faster or that you could probably save time by taking damage (unless damage sends you flying backwards far or stuns you). There is this one part as well in the 1st stage where you are killing enemies that spawn from the wall, the last one takes a few hits and you let her leave and come back to deal the last hit... could it be possible to kill her before letting her go back in the wall? It seemed like you could of had another hit in there if you didn't play it safe and took damage.
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I can't download any of your files btw... could you upload it to DeHacked's site?
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Man, that 100% OoT run is the first 3hours+ run that I actually watched completely... minus the cutscenes... I died a little inside watching it remembering being stuck @ 98 spiders for months before giving up on them =( Really good run though
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These games really aren't suitable for TASes; I think anyone making a run of any game such as this one should make a slow video trying to intrigue the viewer more like watching a movie than trying to go as fast as possible; even if it wouldn't be published it would still be a nice watch... Obviously this is just my opinion because a few of these games have already been published, meaning at least a few people like them =p
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Thanks for replying; I actually meant I bought a new computer (built from a local store with nothing in it heh) I actually managed to fix the problem myself after a few hours... needed a newer version of XP because the old one wasn't compatible with my stuff heh... and yeah I do have a S-ATA HardDisk... everything on my computer works fine now except when I boot up it still says HardDisk not detected... doesn't seem to matter much though as it still goes on, got everything installed on it... will go back to the shop where I bought the parts for my computer to inquire about it though... didn't have any driver CD for it and I don't have a floppy drive (didn't have any of those either though) Will try to find the correct drivers online in the meantime
Post subject: New Computer; Issues with Installation
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Hey; so I got a new CPU Yesterday and I was going to set it up this morning, but I got 2 errors when trying to install Win XP... 1) No Hard Disk is detected! ... Yet when I booted it up with partition magic it sees it and I can even partition it, although I can't set it up as bootable & if I put it in NTSF (or NTFS not sure exactly what it is ) I can't decide if it's C: or D: drive, it automatically puts it has Drive : None 2) pci.sys error when trying to install Win XP... possibly because I need to get myself a newer version of the operating system (downloading a new version right now so I will know in ~2 hours) Any suggestions? Never had such problems with installtion on a new computer before heh...
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It's not really a problem Perfectacle; just choose a more entertaining game for future TASes =p
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