Posts for Mlandry

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True, that makes sense. Well thanks for trying to help anyways
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* Connect retry #2 (6668) - * Unable to connect to server (Software caused connection abort) - * Connect cancelled - * Connecting to (6669) - * Unable to connect to server (Software caused connection abort) - * Connect retry #1 (6669) - * Unable to connect to server (Software caused connection abort) wether i use 6668 or 6669 they both use , wondering if that means anything... well anyways not working so oh well
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Well my router is messed up and blocks all the popular ports (6667...) so I can't connect to IRC ( hell I can't even play counter-strike anymore =( ) so I'm wondering if there's any other ports for freenode to connect to since auto-connecting only tries 2 servers, both 6667
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Well since it seems like the popular thing to do today, I DEMAND THAT SOMEONE TAS'ES THIS! ... ok so it's just a ever hopeful bump but i wanted to flame a certain someone in the locked threads at the same time =(
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"I might restart the entire run due to this, but it's a risk I'm willing to take for the essence of speed. Thank you, Acmlm." You should start by finishing one run and doing another with changes you think would be faster it will probably take you 2 test runs before you know what's the absolute fastest way to beat the game, unless you plan on restarting a lot
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/3/2004
Posts: 325 i think someone should do a time-attack of this game =D plus the video is pretty funny
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good luck with this run, i loved the first game (even though i could never beat it ) so i'll probably love this i don't know anything about it though so i can't really help you but it shouldn't be a game with much planning anyways
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are you using the correct patched rom? the link is in one of the posts with the WIP ( the first one of goroh or tilus's WIP )
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well world 1 looked really good to me so no bad comments there ( except maybe the start after the wind shrine when you get goblin punch, you wait a long time in front of the shrine, then run away from that other fight.. probably to manipulate the goblin fight afterwards? only thing that really bothered me ) i won't watch world2 tonight cause its 1:15am and im going to sleep soon (plus i just watched the speedrun posted today and i had my dose of FF for a while =p ) but i expect it will be good also
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ventuz : i meant the file saturn posted
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mind posting the password on the zip file for the patch? thanks
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Bisqwit, i agree with both, simply because there are differences in the runs and both are really good i was kind of hoping that when both runs get done, they would make a final version together to simplify the "who gets published?", but if you agree to post both runs i think that solves this problem
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i like TAS cause it helped me remember a formula in chemistry ∆G = ∆H - T∆S (∆ looks like A to me.. ) what does NATE help me remember? so yeah.. there you have it, TAS wins
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woooo! go frenom! i see you post twice and one is in PS3 and the other in PS4, you just made my day
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I kinda have to agree with DonamerDragon, i've just seen too many supermetroid runs before. This was a good movie and had some things i hadn't seen in the other movies before but in the end it's still SM. I'm not gonna vote because it doesn't really matter what i vote but it would be Meh
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Goodluck with this run Catastrophe, i really hope that we can fix this desynch (i didn't try watching it yet but pretty much everyone has gotten it ) Is Ifrit far from where you are now ? i don't really remember this game well so hopefully if we can't fix the desynch it won't take too long to remake that part, just don't get discouraged because of it
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its an improvement and it obsoletes a famtasia movie, i cant believe you people are voting no it can be improved? so what? if we were to take off every single movie that could be significantly (over 5 seconds) improved on this site there wouldn't be many left
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voted yes cause its faster than the published run
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Kitsune where are you from? i remember some people said its blocked by their isp in some countries..
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well i liked this movie, except maybe for the underwate level that was like 5 minutes of gem collecting.. i didn't really notice the missed shots the others are talking about so it can't be too bad and gem collecting didn't waste much time ( except the in the mentionned level ) my only complaint is the aerial level, i wish you would of stayed under the airplane the entire time.. then again that's just a matter of opinion anyways : voting yes
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clicking that link brings me to a japanese geocities page that i assume is because of an error i want to watch this cause im wondering how you could of gotten 96 seconds of improvement in your run since it was already very good could you please host it here : ?
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Wooh new wip! just when i was wondering what if i should study or not! =D keep up the good work, gonna watch it now
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did you compare your time to Jyzero's WIP? its somewhere in this thread anyways well goodluck, since its your first TAS + your not using instant kills, this definitly wont be the fastest possiblebut i will be watching this anyways since i love this game anyways you can host your wips on DeHacked's storages ( ) which i believe anyone is free to use but you might want to ask him first
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Check the 100% run thread cause i think GraveWorm had JXQ's escape beaten
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i agree but the problem with race games are that there isn't much difference in a TAS and a speedrun usually so the best we can do is beat the world records by a few frames/seconds as opposed to finding cool glitches/ having really impressive play only possible in TAS with that said i would definitly love to see this since there isn't a speedrun of this as far as i know and i like this game
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