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Twelvepack wrote:
I really dont get why we dont just ban him and get it over with. As funny as his profoundly stupid posts are, he is behaving badly enough to give the community at large a bad name.
You may aswell ban everyone for overreacting so badly about it. Look at me, I'm just ignoring his words, you don't see me trying to derail this thread actually I feel ashamed for having to post this, and excessivly derailing a thread is much more of a reason to ban someone IMO
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Saturn wrote:
than to bruteforce every jump like I had to do in my previous runs.
You will still have to brute force it (to a lesser extent) without RAM watch due to lag frames, keep that in mind
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snes9x crashes when using "SuperEagle", "Super2xSul" or "2xSul" as a display filter while a ROM is open or opening a ROM (this is the cause of the freuquent crashing I was having aswell)
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The game gets your horizontal speed, shifts right by 1 and adds it to 4 and makes that your vertical speed, it then gets your horizontal sub-speed and adds E000 and makes that your vertical sub-speed. With hi-jump, the game gets your horizontal speed, shifts right by 1 and adds it to 6 and makes that your vertical speed, it then gets your horizontal sub-speed and makes that your vertical sub-speed. Since the peak horizontal speed is 7.0000, the highest jump speed you can attain is 9.F000 which is 1 frame before maximum horizontal speed. This is a complete list of vertical speeds from horizontal speeds
xspeed		yspeed w/hi	yspeed w/o hi
0.0000		6.0000		4.E000
0.1000		6.1000		4.F000
0.2000		6.2000		4.0000
0.3000		6.3000		4.1000
0.4000		6.4000		4.2000
0.5000		6.5000		4.3000
0.6000		6.6000		4.4000
0.7000		6.7000		4.5000
0.8000		6.8000		4.6000
0.9000		6.9000		4.7000
0.A000		6.A000		4.8000
0.B000		6.B000		4.9000
0.C000		6.C000		4.A000
0.D000		6.D000		4.B000
0.E000		6.E000		4.C000
0.F000		6.F000		4.D000

1.0000		6.0000		4.E000
1.1000		6.1000		4.F000
1.2000		6.2000		4.0000
1.3000		6.3000		4.1000
1.4000		6.4000		4.2000
1.5000		6.5000		4.3000
1.6000		6.6000		4.4000
1.7000		6.7000		4.5000
1.8000		6.8000		4.6000
1.9000		6.9000		4.7000
1.A000		6.A000		4.8000
1.B000		6.B000		4.9000
1.C000		6.C000		4.A000
1.D000		6.D000		4.B000
1.E000		6.E000		4.C000
1.F000		6.F000		4.D000

2.0000		7.0000		5.E000
2.1000		7.1000		5.F000
2.2000		7.2000		5.0000
2.3000		7.3000		5.1000
2.4000		7.4000		5.2000
2.5000		7.5000		5.3000
2.6000		7.6000		5.4000
2.7000		7.7000		5.5000
2.8000		7.8000		5.6000
2.9000		7.9000		5.7000
2.A000		7.A000		5.8000
2.B000		7.B000		5.9000
2.C000		7.C000		5.A000
2.D000		7.D000		5.B000
2.E000		7.E000		5.C000
2.F000		7.F000		5.D000

3.0000		7.0000		5.E000
3.1000		7.1000		5.F000
3.2000		7.2000		5.0000
3.3000		7.3000		5.1000
3.4000		7.4000		5.2000
3.5000		7.5000		5.3000
3.6000		7.6000		5.4000
3.7000		7.7000		5.5000
3.8000		7.8000		5.6000
3.9000		7.9000		5.7000
3.A000		7.A000		5.8000
3.B000		7.B000		5.9000
3.C000		7.C000		5.A000
3.D000		7.D000		5.B000
3.E000		7.E000		5.C000
3.F000		7.F000		5.D000

4.0000		8.0000		6.E000
4.1000		8.1000		6.F000
4.2000		8.2000		6.0000
4.3000		8.3000		6.1000
4.4000		8.4000		6.2000
4.5000		8.5000		6.3000
4.6000		8.6000		6.4000
4.7000		8.7000		6.5000
4.8000		8.8000		6.6000
4.9000		8.9000		6.7000
4.A000		8.A000		6.8000
4.B000		8.B000		6.9000
4.C000		8.C000		6.A000
4.D000		8.D000		6.B000
4.E000		8.E000		6.C000
4.F000		8.F000		6.D000

5.0000		8.0000		6.E000
5.1000		8.1000		6.F000
5.2000		8.2000		6.0000
5.3000		8.3000		6.1000
5.4000		8.4000		6.2000
5.5000		8.5000		6.3000
5.6000		8.6000		6.4000
5.7000		8.7000		6.5000
5.8000		8.8000		6.6000
5.9000		8.9000		6.7000
5.A000		8.A000		6.8000
5.B000		8.B000		6.9000
5.C000		8.C000		6.A000
5.D000		8.D000		6.B000
5.E000		8.E000		6.C000
5.F000		8.F000		6.D000

6.0000		9.0000		7.E000
6.1000		9.1000		7.F000
6.2000		9.2000		7.0000
6.3000		9.3000		7.1000
6.4000		9.4000		7.2000
6.5000		9.5000		7.3000
6.6000		9.6000		7.4000
6.7000		9.7000		7.5000
6.8000		9.8000		7.6000
6.9000		9.9000		7.7000
6.A000		9.A000		7.8000
6.B000		9.B000		7.9000
6.C000		9.C000		7.A000
6.D000		9.D000		7.B000
6.E000		9.E000		7.C000
6.F000		9.F000		7.D000

7.0000		9.0000		7.E000
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Joined: 3/25/2006
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Location: stuck in Pandora's box HELLPP!!!
Go to Help - Copy settings for S9XWATCH and go into your s9xwcnf0.txt file and paste at the appropriate place
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Google can't search the forum, this is the forum search:
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AKA, you sound like my 9-year-old brother. Seriously
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That doesn't fix it. I get an error "3: 'do' expected near 'memory'". Try running it yourself EDIT: DeHackEd resolved it :)
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What's wrong with this code?
while true do
	for i=0,5
		memory.writeword(0x7E0AFA, i + 285)
		memory.writeword(0x7E0AFC, 0)
		joypad.set(1, down)
		if memory.readword(0x7E0ADA) = 291 then
			snes9x.message(i works)
			else snes9x.message(i fails)
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Yes, but I'm surprised noone else thought of that. Good thing we have people like you here ;-)
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...I honestly thought that that was completly obvious, I have done that in almost EVERY playthrough I've ever done. That is a really, really, really old trick. 8-years old infact. Are you telling me that NONE of you thought of that?
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Saturn wrote:
I'm a bit surprised nobody ever got the idea for it before.
I've thought of that before, I think I'd mentioned that before aswell in the IRC, but noone was making a 100% run at the time so I didn't post it here
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Sweet, thanks
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Emulator Movie Front has seemed to have lost compatibility post-0.98.5. Is this a problem with emumovfront or with FCEU?
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You realise that April Fools day was 4 days away :p
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I would do it if either Mupen's emulation is improved or is announced "not going to happen"
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Location: stuck in Pandora's box HELLPP!!!
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Location: stuck in Pandora's box HELLPP!!!
Works for 0.98.15 and 0.98.16 for me. Super Mario Bros. (JU) (PRG0) [!] checksum: e8630381e653d7732b18fdf055ec4dd. Maybe you're using PRG1?
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Here's mine, just some videos that I decide are worth sharing. Mainly cheat code related
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"Screw the rules, I have green hair" awesome (the original line was "screw the rules, I have money" and he had normal hair) "599 US life points" that never gets old
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Sometimes when an enemy dies, their health value turns into a 1 or an FF
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The E-Tank is not nessesary when using the pause screen glitch, making it 8%. That makes the absolute minimum 7% when skipping ice-beam
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Thought I'd mirror this to the forum: Right, some notes: Do the Kingpin route 1st, the up attacks are more useful (you have to do the Mad Bomber levels afterwards anyway). Press Start to skip all the story text (instead of A which scrolls though it). You can skip the animation that gives spiderman into the black suit by simply being in mid-air. You have to be touching the ground, ceiling or a wall before the game detects you touching an end-of-level-blue-thumb-thing. When you press A in mid-air, you start web swinging. Using this is a good way of stopping all movement, because you can stop the web swinging animation by doing a web attack (pressing R). When holding L and pressing A, you do a dash. When doing a dash, you can go through enemies. With no contact what-so-ever. As does a forwards roll (Down, L and A) Bunny Hops: A bunny hop is when you press B (or L+B) in mid-air and spiderman swipes his arms downwards (L+B does a slide kick). You keep your horizontal speed when hitting a wall while bunny hopping. While bunny hopping, you don't land, but you can jump; which is used a lot to keep your speed at ground level. It also keeps your vertical speed when rising, see frame 2250 of the Court Disorder vbm for how it can be abused. I strongly advise that you variate between bunny hop kicks and bunny hops, otherwise it will just get repetetive and look bad. Damage Values: With each power-up, add half the original value Punch: 10 Ducking Punch: 10 Running Punch: 12 3rd punch in punching combo: 25 Up Attack Punch: 30 Area Attack Punch: 30 Kick: 15 Ducking Kick: 10 Running Kick: 18 3rd kick in kicking combo: 35 Up Attack Kick: 40 Area Attack Kick: 40 Bunny Hop: 15 Bunny Hop Kick: 25 Pulling with web attack: 5 Barging with web attack: 15 Web Swinging: 25 With Black Suit Punch: 40 Ducking Punch: 40 Running Punch: 45 3rd punch in punching combo: 65 Up Attack Punch: 90 Area Attack Punch: 90 Kick: 40 Ducking Kick: 40 Running Kick: 75 Up Attack Kick: 100 Area Attack Kick: 100 Bunny Hop: 45 Bunny Hop Kick: 55 Web Attack: 20 Pulling with web attack: 90 Web Swinging: 55 Dash: 65 Black Suit Guage: The value needed to get black suit is 28. You get 1 for dealing 10-24 damage, 2 for 25-34 damage and 3 for 35+ damage. Speed Values: Maximum speed with a web sling: 1792 Maximum falling speed: 1800 Speed when web swinging: 1000 Speed when web swinging and holding forward: 1250 Speed when web swinging and holding backwards: 500 Dash speed: 1280 Roll speed: 768 Maximum running speed: 691 Maximum air speed: 750 Court Disorder. It is possible that going through the fire at frame 1900-2000 is slower than going through the passway underneath it. Kingpin's Mansion. Totally Amped. Subway rumble. Toxic Shock. At frame 1480, I have to travel left a couple of blocks, otherwise it wouldn't have updated the counter at the top-left, which is needed to complete the level. Bombs Away. The others will take a bit longer to make jfyi EDIT: Added Subway Rumble, Toxic Shock and Bombs Away vbms, added a note on bunny hopping, added bunny hop kick to damage list, added a note about dashes, added roll to speed list, deleted statement about follow that limo
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jaysmad wrote:
Love the screenshot!! :)
Thanks ;-)
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