Posts for P.JBoy

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Deign wrote:
That being said, PJ rip me a new one. =)
Huh? Also, I noticed that you made me notice the Luck Manipulation less And I liked that Arachnus fight, except you could of beaten it 1 frame faster In the Memory Viewer go to 030001c4 You'll see that when you shoot the last missile it takes 3 frames to hit Arachnus, when it only needs 2 Other than that I'm pretty sure that was Frame Perfect (minus in-game timer) and that was the best Core-X fight ever EDIT: Active Member w00t
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Nice, also
  • Takes damage to save time
I dont see that very often in a Mario game Good submition text too ;) Voted
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Version 19.2 is here also I'm surprised you haven't found Version 19 here
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moozooh wrote:
P.JBoy wrote:
In the room when you get the 2nd Missile Tank, you jumped to late and got blocked by the wall
so I wouldn't say if that was worse.
Neither would I. Also I can get the missiles tank 7 frames faster than him
moozooh wrote:
he managed to be 9 frames faster than Dragonfangs at the first missile pack
Does that include turning on stereo
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Deign wrote:
I've begun working on my very own. I would like to post my WIP to get some advice. Don't hold back. If you see any blatant mistakes, or things requiring tweaking, let me know. I will try to keep posting updates regularly too.
ok, in cronological order; You lost 4 frames in the 3rd room, 2 frames for not doing the 1st Wall Jump and 2 from not doing the 2nd Wall Jump
  • In the Qurantine Bay you should have span after the 2nd shot, not do a 3rd shot
  • In the 1st room after the 1st Navagation Room, you lost 2 frames from doing the Wall Jumps
  • When you forced though the 1st crumble blocks, you jumped (and lost 1 frame), but you didnt afterwards. That confused me
  • You lost a bit of time when you jump in situations like this, which, again, confused me, because you do it, I think, every other time
  • In the room when you get the 2nd Missile Tank, you jumped to late and got blocked by the wall
  • You should keep your luck manupultion less noticeable, like during the 2 Missile Tank Messages
  • You should really do some time waiting things before and during Arachnus, I found the Arachnus fight quite dull because you didn't do that
  • Your last hit on Arachnus should have been as close a possible
  • You didn't get the ability at the 1st frame possible, improve your core-x fight so you can
  • Also try leaving you WIP's after adam
Deign wrote:
To TDK, now that I think of it, I can't think of who the 3rd person would be...
You, tdk and Megafrost
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I will as soon as I've found the pixal per frame for >< frames stuff, like how many frames it takes to Speed Boost and Space Jumping, and find all the Memory Addresses and explain what they are and also the us edition has different memory addresses to the Japanese version
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There's no page 9 either
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Now how come I didnt think of that (the boss door thing) and I've really got to test out how fast/much you gain speed per frame although if you stand at the very right of the room, can you launch 2 beams and a missile and save time
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Thanks, maybe you should watch a few recommended movies, and focus on entertainment instead of skill 'cause you know these movies are sick
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Try full screen, or if you dont like full screen, Window - Strech with Video Card I've never had "sync samples with sound cpu" checked anyway ps. No I dont have dual core
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That was surprisingly quick and easy Ridley's health is located at 030007c4 and maybe other's Cool Ridley has 45 energy tanks worth of energy, and diffusion missiles do 45 damage, and a good charge beam will do 366 damage.Minimum. So if I worked this out right (I'm tired) I should defeat Ridley in under 12 seconds and 18 frames
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Speed Single Segment Surely Just a few notes though: You can alternate A+Down to go through crumble blocks quicker (just make sure you don't jump off the crumble blocks), and go down quicker in water And you should be able to kill Arachnus in 127 frames and I've really got to find Ridley's health on the memory viewer
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He saved in save rooms so we could see his segment times and yeah the luck ruined it btw how's ya run coming tdk
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i like to relate you to donkey kong, also just to point out i'm faster, as a gloat
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Yep, if the cool-down time was lower by 1 frame I could of done it ;-( So the room needs to be ~another half room (So I could have enough time to shoot the 2nd missile when going up, or have falling momentum when going down) I'm really proud of my box fights (even if I think I could improve them by 3 frames each), and actually killing Nightmare so fast it made lag The only thing I should of done is get another missile tank, 'cause it would save me by about 259 (3 seconds) minus the time I lose getting it
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So i'm just gonna update whenever now BOX's corex sucks and I managed to match megafrost's escape time with 96:67, (which is faster that d.k's and d.f's)
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and forget win-zip and use 7-zip most importantly because it's free, and does that type of thing
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Location: stuck in Pandora's box HELLPP!!! Now you can see what I meant by not waiting Anyways this is up to X-BOX's Core-x. I thought after doing the fight, I better publish this to the web, jic, so i'll post it here
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evilchen wrote:
i can't wait :D!
Well seeing as you cant wait Unfortunatly the normal route is faster
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This is gonna take awile since i have to test which route is faster land or sea
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ok so, I wont be able to do anymore until Wednesday because I'm going to see my nephew, I hope you can hold on though :p
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about 45 minutes
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Location: stuck in Pandora's box HELLPP!!! Done the nightmare segment with 32 minutes ingame time
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